Star Wars in Nonfiction Section; Bible in Fiction


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Star Wars in Nonfiction Section; Bible in Fiction

This is the show from Wednesday November 20th, 2013


* And then there's O'Reilly, in his own world: Costco classifies the Bible among works of Fiction (see photo, right). Public libraries, including the one in Golden, Colorado (photos below), classify Star Wars as Nonfiction. And then there's Bill O'Reilly, classified in his own world (see 16-second YouTube video below). O'Really O'Reilly wrongly claims that the Bible is not a history book. Rather bizarrely, these reports follow on the research showing that popular library books test positive for cocaine, and that the soft-porn book Fifty Shades of Gray tests positive, ironically, for the herpes virus. The confluence of all this related news demonstrates the long war against God.

* Gives new meaning to the term: Book Report: Warning! Curling up in front of the fireplace with your favorite library book might not get you high, but according to the experts, it will cause your blood and hair to test positive for cocaine! Meanwhile, Bob's book The Plot is guaranteed to be herpes free and cocaine free in both download and audio formats, and even in the print edition! :)

* Public Libraries Confusing Kids By Putting Fiction in Nonfiction Sections: These photos were taken in the children's section of the Golden, Colorado public library, part of the Jefferson County library system.


* Costco's Wholesale Sellout of their Christian Members: Please consider calling Costco to ask them to correct their error regarding their incorrect classification of the Bible. You can reach Costco member services at 800-955-2292.


Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I'd actually agree that the Bible isn't a history book. Oh, it contains history, but it also contains other genres.

Mind you, I get that there's some room for debate over exactly which things were historical or not. Bible-believing Christians could debate, for instance, whether the six-day creation in Genesis 1 is six days of literal history or if its more poetic (I lean towards taking them literally, but its a debate that can be had.) But the Bible isn't ONLY history.

As for Star Wars, how that could ever be classified as "nonfiction" I do not know. LOL!

Brother Vinny

Active member
As for Star Wars, how that could ever be classified as "nonfiction" I do not know. LOL!

Non-fiction material, even when it covers material that itself is fiction, is still classified as non-fiction. Thus a narrative about Jedi would find itself in the fiction section; a technical manual on the construction of a lightsaber or a guide for the upkeep of the Millenium Falcon (Haynes publishes the latter) would be classified as non-fiction.

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
I'd actually agree that the Bible isn't a history book. Oh, it contains history, but it also contains other genres.

adjective \ˈstü-pəd, ˈstyü-\

: not intelligent : having or showing a lack of ability to learn and understand things

: not sensible or logical

: not able to think normally because you are drunk, tired, etc.


New member
Hall of Fame
Does Bob not understand how bookstores and libraries work?

Also, that library books are dirty should surprise no one--consider how filthy your cash is. Ewww.
It's amusing to see the Bible get classified as fiction (which is hardly inaccurate) just to see some uptight fundies get their knickers in a knot.

Of course the real problem with classifying Bibles as fiction is that then people who actually wish to purchase one generally aren't going to be looking for them in the fiction section, they would be looking under religion and spirituality instead.

But Star Wars as nonfiction - someone goofed up there.

Nathon Detroit

Does Bob not understand how bookstores and libraries work?

Also, that library books are dirty should surprise no one--consider how filthy your cash is. Ewww.
Hey Granite... I realize you have a unhealthy hatred for Bob and all but this isn't Bob's story. He's merely reporting on it like every other media outlet in the country did.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Hey Granite... I realize you have a unhealthy hatred for Bob and all but this isn't Bob's story. He's merely reporting on it like every other media outlet in the country did.

Why does Granite hate Pastor Enyart so much? :idunno:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
It would definitely go in non-fiction, but my wife thinks it would go in the 200s section of the Dewey Decimal system (theology) while I'm certain my library would shelve it in the 700s (entertainment).
I'd have to read it to make the distinction of its specific placement.

I don't know. Maybe because granite is a loser? :idunno:
Ding ding! Ding ding ding ding! We have a winner!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Right now Granite is on his way to the library to get a copy of Fifty Shades of Gray so he can sniff the pages.

Now THAT'S funny!