I have often wondered if I might share a little Spurgeon on TOL, mebbe not too much at a go but some gleanings as it were and see if they might not be a blessing to others as they have been for me.
I am grounded theologically by Spurgeon, apart from scripture I have feasted on him since very early days of being saved.
This is meat that savours.
From a sermon preached at the Metropolitan Tabernacle.
Jordan is a very narrow stream, it made a sort of boundary for Canaan, but it hardly sufficed to divide it from the rest of the world especially since a part of the possessions of Israel was on the eastern side of it.
Those who had seen the Red Sea divided and all Israel marching through it's depths must have thought it a small thing for the Jordan to be dried up and for the people of God to pass through it to Canaan.
The greatest barrier between believers and heaven has been safely passed. In the day that we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ we passed through our Red Sea, and the Egyptians [our sins] were drowned. Great was the marvel of God's mercy! To enter fully into our eternal inheritance we only have to cross the narrow stream of death and scarcely that for the kingdom of heaven lies on this side of the river as well as on the other side.
I begin by reminding you of this because we are very apt to imagine that we must endure a kind of purgatory while we are on earth and then, if we are believers, we may break loose into heaven after we have shuffled off this mortal coil. But it is not so.
Heaven must first be in us before we can be in heaven and while we are yet in the wilderness we may spy out the land and we may eat of the clusters of Eshcol.
There is no such gulf between earth and heaven as gloomy folks suppose.
We should not dream of an abyss but of a ladder whose foot is on the ground but whose top is in glory. There would not be one hundredth part so much difference between earth and heaven if we did not live so far below our priviledges.
We live on the ground when we might soar on the wings of eagles, we are all too conscious of this human body. Oh that we were oftener where Paul was when he said !whether in the body or out of the body I cannot tell...God knoweth. If we are not caught up to Paradise yet may our daily life be as the garden of the Lord.
He mishandled the text. His soteriology may be correct if it matches yours toy (I've never read him), but his Israelology is bad.