
New member
Mankind loves the deceit of religion and all it seemingly offers. It holds him in good stead until he leaves time and enters eternity...


New member
And the path of the just is as the brilliant light
that goes and lights more and more
to establish the day.
The way of the wicked is as darkness;
they know not at what they stumble.​


New member
If I were to diligently search my memory
for a single intent, thought, word or deed
that would demand a reward I would find none.
I, therefore, conclude that the joy I have and know
is a gift that I have neither earned nor deserve.​


New member
Only a humbled and mature man
can empathise with a boy
desperately holding back tears.
Only male maturity can understand
where a boy will flee from his fears.
In humble maturity the father
will lay bare his own tears and fears
and in so doing dismiss the implication
that there is shame in tears and fears.​

(Written in response to the destructive dogma of single motherhood.)


New member
I just realised that I do not and will not engage in a dialogue of any kind with someone whose purpose it is to steal my peace. Even though they are often unaware of what they are doing "Father forgive them" I always apply psalm 1:1 to them.

Blithe — the man
who neither walks in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
nor settles in the settlement of the scornful.​

2 But his delight is in the torah of Yah Veh;
and in his torah he meditates day and night;
3 and being as a tree
transplanted by the rivulets of water,
giving his fruit in his time:
his leaf withers not;
and whatever he works, prospers.
4 Not so the wicked;
but are as chaff which the wind disperses.
5 So, neither the wicked rise in the judgment,
nor sinners in the witness of the just.
6 For Yah Veh knows the way of the just;
and the way of the wicked destructs.​


New member
He stood in silence
as the charges were read out
how long he’d stood there he didn’t know
time had taken on a new and unfamiliar value
there were some charges that he couldn’t recall
he wanted to speak out but couldn’t
then the realisation came upon him
he was being charged for his thoughts
he was as guilty of his fantasising
and his thoughts as he was of his actions.


New member
Someone's got to tell them...

Someone's got to tell them...

The rope tightened
as she leaned forward
her breathing was laboured
and then restricted
until it stopped
her heart continued to beat
though faintly
until it stopped.
Is this death
she wondered?
Then came the realisation
that her mind was still active
her thoughts lived on
her fear was acute
relevant and had no sense
of relenting in any way.
Death had not been a release
as she had taken her mind
out of time and into
the eternal realm
into which she was now held.
She soon realised
that her terror had just begun
and would know no end…


New member
I’m not positive, he declared
I’m judgemental
in that, I’ve been granted
the ability to distinguish
between what is true
and what is false.
I have confidence
not in myself
but in the ability.


Well-known member
I just read a comment in a newspaper: "Bless her and good luck to her".

Bless and luck do not belong in the same sentence.
Why not? We're capable of giving our blessing to whomsoever we will and wishing good luck to others is harmless. Time and chance happen to all of us. Blessing is up to the blesser.


New member
Why not? We're capable of giving our blessing to whomsoever we will and wishing good luck to others is harmless. Time and chance happen to all of us. Blessing is up to the blesser.

The fact that you need to ask such a ridiculous question means you couldn't understand nor accept the answer. So I won't waste my time. Do me a favour and put me on ignore.


Well-known member
The fact that you need to ask such a ridiculous question means you couldn't understand nor accept the answer. So I won't waste my time. Do me a favour and put me on ignore.
I don't use the 'ignore' feature. Perhaps you'll become teachable some day. :thumb:


New member
A day is not miserable
A day consists of 24 hours.
A day does not possess
the intellectual of emotional
capacity to be or express misery.
That distinction is allocated
to human beings who are
forever seeking the opportunity
to express the cause of their complaints
and innate misery.


New member
The reason we have so many unconverted preachers is that they had unconverted parents and pastors who encouraged them.


Well-known member
There is nothing that you have to say that I need to hear. There is nothing that I say that you have the ability to hear.
Sorry, but your ignorance isn't as contagious as you would like. Those of us who remain teachable will be shown the ways that God is planning on moving in the future, as He never shows up the same way twice. He loves to keep His Mystery.


New member
This message is hidden because Aimiel is on your ignore list.

"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the irreverent, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornfu". Amen.


New member
How will you feel
when you look deeply
into the eyes of hatred
and see yourself looking back.

When you stare at lust
and depravity with condemnation
how will you feel when the bitterness of soul
shall echo condemnation back at you.

Upon confronting the deceitful
with accusations and judgement
what will your first thoughts reveal
when you find you have been looking in a mirror.

Coming face to face with a nightmare
of lawless, illicit behaviour
and greeting him as the twin of
your evil thoughts and imaginings.

It is impossible for a man to guard
or to cleanse his heart and mind
and so he will carry the burden
of his guilt and condemnation to destruction.


Well-known member
There is nothing that you have to say that I need to hear. There is nothing that I say that you have the ability to hear.

This message is hidden because Aimiel is on your ignore list.

"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the irreverent, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornfu". Amen.
Translation: Do not stand close to me, for I am Holier than thou.


New member
This message is hidden because Aimiel is on your ignore list.

"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the irreverent, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornfu". Amen.​