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Who was the last unbeliever you spoke to in tongues, and did they understand you?
See post 88.
Who was the last unbeliever you spoke to in tongues, and did they understand you?
This thread is about proving that I have a scritural reason to claim this gift today.
BTW, what did Paul mean when he said, "he who speaks in a tongue edifies himself"?
If someone doesnt understand the tongue they are speaking with, how can they be edified by it?
Good luck with that one.
Paul was quoting Isaiah 28 where God spoke through the babylonians and assyrians in a language the Israelites couldnt understand. This was a sign that Jews had forsaken God's word, and so now he was speaking through people in an uninteligble way that they couldnt understand. Paul likens it to the Jews rejecting Christ, and so now God was speaking uninteligably through his church.
You have totally misunderstood this text, because you are so eager to judge what you dont understand. Speaking in tongues wasn' t meant to be spoken to unbelievers in order for them to understand, it was meant as a sign to unbelieving Jews that God was finished speaking to them. He was now speaking through his body the church.
[Tongues in church history]...You can claim none of that. No charismatic today can. We're in a new dispensation.
Is that how you perceive it?
You made the statement.
I was asking for more detail of who these folks are that you see as holding to superstition.
I don't see me asking for details as "butting heads".
:duh:That is YOUR perception.
Just another wordy post with no answer.I qualified what I'd meant as to my butting heads comment - by what I also said in that post.
My point was that, on the one hand; you are insisting I name names.
On the other; I am insisting that the "naming of names" is neither the right focus, nor do I want to make it the focus.
I have traveled this road before...only to be accused each time, of anything but my having attempted to simply share my understanding of some of these issues.
Even the chuckles are viewed from an absolute one sidedness :chuckle:
The definition you hold to.
You are the one suggesting that some MADists hold to superstition.
Which MADists here at TOL do you file in that category?
I placed Danoh on "Ignore" a few days ago...
Of course it is.
Just another wordy post with no answer.
YOU brought up the issue that you believe some MADist hold to superstitions.
Why even bring that up that issue at all if you are not willing to discuss it in detail?
Did you think you could just throw out some generalized statement with no backup, and that no one should question it?
I have questions about the issue YOU brought up.
I asked a question.
You don't answer the question.
And the beauty is, you are not obligated to answer anything anyone asks of you.
Welcome to TOL!
My honest response is that he is not the only one.I placed Danoh on "Ignore" a few days ago. He's kind of an "Attack Dog" when it comes to his fellow Mid-Acts believers.
Well, again to be honest, I would have to ask if it productive or counter-productive to say anything negative about Danoh who shares common beliefs.I don't understand why he feels it necessary to go after people who share a common belief with him? It seems "Counter-productive" to me.
But THEY know who they are!
But THEY know who they are!
One of the dumbest excuses for an argument ever.
Generalizations and guesses are worthless.
I hope I don't go up in flames. (((knocks on wood)))Now you're just being superstitious.
What?I'm all for a brother's iron sharpening his sibling's iron, and vice versa. Always will be. But it helps to know which and whose specific iron someone's trying to sharpen.
...Acts 17:30 KJV is not Paul's gospel. It's sad that you think it is.
I'm all for a brother's iron sharpening his sibling's iron, and vice versa. Always will be. But it helps to know which and whose specific iron someone's trying to sharpen.