Congratulations, Sis!
She's just being her lovable cantankerous self :chuckle:
She is too often fair to be "President."
Well, most often, anyway :chuckle:
Congratulations, Sis!
Joe 2:28100% Cessationist...
I'd like to believe that.
I'm going to be blunt because you're a brother.
We all joke. We all get heated. We all say things we regret.
But there's a pattern with you that has been established for some time. It's not just that you disagree with other MADs on whatever -- that's fine.
It's that right off the bat, you get personal -- snarky, dismissive, condescending. You even preach to others about us as if we're not even in the room.
That's bad enough. But what is (I'll admit) frustrating is when you (a) blow it off as "just joking around" when it DOES NOT LOOK LIKE MERE JOKING, or (b) you get passive-aggressively defensive about it.
That constant stream of elitist (your word!) snark is coming from somewhere. Smells like anger or resentment to me. Know why? Because I have never once seen you say, "You know what? I was out of line there and I apologize for it." If you've ever said that I'd like to see it. You REBUKE publicly. You RIDICULE publicly. You INSINUATE publicly. But you never CONFESS publicly, even when you know you've been caught. "Oh, my bad" or "Sorry that YOU misunderstood me" won't cut it.
That's what bugs me most. I think it bugs a lot of us.
How many MADs have you had this effect on? Several of us. After all, you're the one with a running list of our superstitions.
Sorry, Danoh, but you are into public rebukes so you have this coming: YOU have been the common factor in almost every one of these incidents.
Look. You want to disagree with me on what God may or may not do in the life of the believer today? Fine. Don't care. BUT DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME OR ANYONE ELSE THAT WE'RE BEING SUPERSTITIOUS WHEN YOUR POSITION HAS NO MORE DIRECT, QUOTABLE PAULINE SUPPORT THAN OURS DOES.
GM's call for a truce is correct. An end to hostilities. YOURS. Stop making everything personal. Stop thinking we're too dumb to notice, or that your absurd "Did I do that?" act gives you the slightest plausible deniability. IT DOESN'T, and it's insulting every time you do it. Which is often.
Just stop it already. Please.
Typed in love, believe it or not.
I think I'm the President.
Excellent post. You have real discernment.
Joe 2:28![]()
Always heard the term cessationist defined solely with regard to the apostolic era sign gifts (in which sense I am 100% pro-cessation).
Never heard it defined like the God of the deists: winding up the universe, then taking a hands-off policy and observing from a distance with His arms crossed. That's some breaking news to me.
Considering how often you have often posted those very words to me; that's not saying much :chuckle:
He is VERY hands on - "in you that believe."
I think I see what you did there.
The issue is that eternal weight of Glory that God is working in and through the inward man in this Mystery Age.
Thus, Paul's attitude despite his great trials and tribulations...where was his healing and or physical deliverance?
Eh, it'll all shake out in the end.
I think I see what you did there.
Or, perhaps not. But, either way, the Sun will come up tomorrow. There's always a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. It's always darkest before the dawn. And, there's always light at the end of the tunnel
He's a sly little guy, huh?
Eve NEVER heard the "Grace Gospel." It didn't exist until the Ascended Lord Jesus Christ gave it to Paul. Nang, your ignorance astounds me.