Get saved Dan P.
Hi , so tell me How to be saved , GRASSHOPPER ??
dan p
Get saved Dan P.
Hi , so tell me How to be saved , GRASSHOPPER ??
dan p
Men are saved the same way they've always been saved--by grace through faith (Eph 2:8-9). He claims he is saved. Yes, tongues can be abused (1 Cor. 14:22–26)....I did not say that BR was NOT SAVED !! And as a PENTECOSTAL I also wonder how these people were saved and their speaking in Tongues scared me as a kid !
Jesus saves (Isa 63:9; Eph 5:23). Jesus alone saves (Isa 45:21,22; 59:16; Ac 4:12).If [someone] asked you how to be saved , what would you say?
Maybe they're not. :idunno:I can believe that many can not say How they were saved ?
YesMaybe this will help you !!
#1, Were you Baptized
Yes#2 , Did you have to Repent
No#3 , Do you have to speak in Tongues
God must turn your eyes and ears on.#4 , The bible in 1 Cor says that the But the Natural man receiveth the things of the SPIRIT of God , for it is FOOLISHNESS to him and can not know it , because IT IS Spiritually discerned !!
No one seeks after God (Ro 3:11).So the question IS HOW can a person not seeking God be SAVED ??
You're confusing me with BR.That is the question and if you say I am HARASSING stay out of my kitchen !!
God draws men to himself (John 16:7–11).So how can anyone be saved when he is dead is Trespasses and in sin ?
:dizzy: Repentance is necessary for salvation. If you haven't repented, :listen: you're not saved. The greasy gracerRemember that one PLANTS the seed and then one WATERS , but God gives the INCREASE , so it it God that saved and not Baptism, Tongues or Repentance !!
Hi and that means that you ARE Harassing ? WOW !! REALLY ??What; you don't know?
Tell ya what - simply believe Romans 5:8 and that'll put you in the Romans 5:1 category.
I know; I know - not YOUR formula...
Get saved, DP :chuckle:
Come on; you must know I'm just bustin yer chops.
Take a chill pill, bro.
I never refer to anyone on here as bro, unless I believe they are saved.
Men are saved the same way they've always been saved--by grace through faith (Eph 2:8-9). He claims he is saved. Yes, tongues can be abused (1 Cor. 14:22–26).
Jesus saves (Isa 63:9; Eph 5:23). Jesus alone saves (Isa 45:21,22; 59:16; Ac 4:12).oly:
Maybe they're not. :idunno:
God must turn your eyes and ears on.
No one seeks after God (Ro 3:11).
You're confusing me with BR.
God draws men to himself (John 16:7–11).
:dizzy: Repentance is necessary for salvation. If you haven't repented, :listen: you're not saved. The greasy gracerof course won't acknowledge that repentance is necessity (Acts 2:37, 38, 26:20, 1 Cor. 2:13, 2 Cor. 5:17, 7:9, 10, 1 Thess. 1:9, 10).![]()
Hi and that means that you ARE Harassing ? WOW !! REALLY ??
I wonder how I got around 1 Cor 2:14 and than felt save until I realize HOW God saved people EVEN when they do not know how , and just trying to get people to think and realize they are OSAS and that man can not save anyone !!
I now that many consider me a PEDAGOGUE , but I am what I am !!
dan p
Bustin yer chops, bro.
Pullin yer leg...
Not harrasing you...
In contrast to when I AM going against you :chuckle:
Hi and as I have said before I am the DISPENSATIONALIST , DISPENSATIONALIST pure and simple as I deal in Verbs , Voices and moods keeps me safe !!
dan p
So long as you don't start hearing voices - as that can affect both your verbs, and moods :chuckle:
2. Whenever an unbeliever heard Christ preached in his own language by someone that did not speak his language, he knew they spoke by the power of God and what they said was true.
[Even if they spoke a language one could prove they didn't know, if they preached the wrong Gospel or the wrong Christ, you can know they're of Satan.
They shall cast out spirits.
They shall speak in new tongues.
I've done both. Prove me wrong from scripture.
Hi and as I have said before I am the DISPENSATIONALIST , DISPENSATIONALIST pure and simple as I deal in Verbs , Voices and moods keeps me safe !!
And I even question our Board of Elders on how was Paul saved , you should been there and head of the Board could not answer JUST like you can not and not PULLING your leg even that you are saved but to PROUD to ask me HOW ??
I would tell you , as I has learned from the best , not R Jordan !!
Are you gong to report me , WOW !!
dan p
Post audio online of it. You won't because you're a liar.
Burden of proof isn't on us to prove you don't have it. The burden is on you to prove that you DO.
All the gifts were a package deal, authenticating Christ and His disciples/apostles as of God, with some given to also establish the Body of Christ. Tongues, though, were primarily a sign of impending judgment against unrepentant Israel. When Israel was set aside, so were tongues.
When Paul finally received the completed body of secret revelation, all the gifts were withdrawn. Not one remains today; we have the Word of God instead. The "signs and wonders" were all sensory -- of sight. You saw, so you believed. The Word is of faith. You believe and you see. The believer is to walk by faith, not sight.
But forget that. What we can prove, as many have proven before me, is that what you and every other charismatic calls "tongues" is not from God.
1. Biblical tongues were identifiable human languages that the speaker had never learned. That was the miracle.
2. Whenever an unbeliever heard Christ preached in his own language by someone that did not speak his language, he knew they spoke by the power of God and what they said was true.
3. No audio or video exists of ANY charismatic speaking in a human language WHICH can be independently verified as previously unknown to him.
Let's emphasize that:
Anecdotal evidence, mere claims to this, will not suffice. It must be INDEPENDENTLY VERIFIED by those who KNOW the person couldn't possibly speak that language on their own -- just as we see in the N.T.
So to prove "tongues" are for today, you have to provide someone it can be proved never spoke in a foreign language, but who fluently speaks in that language anyway.
And not only must they speak in a previously unknown language -- they must accurately preach Christ according to the revelation of the mystery and the Gospel of the grace of God.
Even if they spoke a language one could prove they didn't know, if they preached the wrong Gospel or the wrong Christ, you can know they're of Satan.
But first find us someone who can prove from independent witnesses they speak in a human language they never knew before.
Burden of proof is on you.
I suggest you post audio or video (hiding your face, of course) of YOU speaking with this gift you think you have. Then we'll narrow down from there which human language it is, and what you are saying.
But you won't. None of you ever do when given this challenge because you know what you have is not any human language but just learned incoherent babbling that is not of God.
New challenge post is up for charismatics. I predict no takers.
You, of course, expect us to take your word for things you supposedly did. Those who believe as you, make all kinds of claims that are never proven to have truly happened. So, pardon me for being skeptical.
He made them the way they are for a purpose.
So far we've had no one able to prove from scripture that I cannot have the gift of tongues today. Deal with that for starters.
So God performed mighty signs and wonders, but made them not believe in him, and then complains to Moses about the fact they didn't believe in him?
Okay, so Jesus spoke to the people in parables lest they understand and be converted.
And the disciples came and said to Him, "Why do You speak to them in parables?"
He answered and said to them, "Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given." (Matthew 13:10-11)