I don't see any glaring omission, we were discussing the speaking gifts primarily. And yes, my friend, tongues are part of the covenant, and as such they are for whosoever is part of His body, which is SPIRIT. He is not dumb, He speaks.
Now I hope I'm understanding your point here, because it's a foreign concept to me. What passes for congregations ARE congregations as long as Yeshua is in the individuals, they are part of His body, a SPIRITUAL work, that has nothing to do with fleshly numbers in a single location.
What you have in all towns and cities is what you have the world over: two many-membered bodies, one Adam, one the Seed, the son of HaShem.
Remember we have a sure witness which was not tampered with by men because they didn't know what it revealed, ie. the Tabernacle of Moses. So let's compare the pattern to the spiritual, comparing spiritual things with spiritual things, as Hebrews 9 tells us it is the pattern of the heavenly, or spiritual things. Truly they shall have no excuse.
On the day of atonement a ram was to be taken for sacrifice. It was to be cut up into pieces at the joints (not a bone of His was broken), and then the skin was removed. It was then to be put on the altar, the HEAD which left the body first, also put on the altar first, and then the other pieces of the body positioned so that they did not touch, and the fire came up between the pieces.
What actually is happening when someone is baptized in the Holy Ghost which comes as TONGUES of fire, is a piece of Adam is beginning to be stripped of flesh, and "he" is added to HIS body via the baptism of fire, which is a covering.
That's what baptism IS, a covering. The fire was to be between the joints for this reason, because that which every JOINT is to supply is His love (His Spirit IS love), and no greater love has any man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend, and allow the Spirit to have the preeminence.
So my friend, by saying that the baptism of fire with the accompanying witness sign of the resurrection, ie. tongues, a heavenly language (we are seated in HEAVENLY PLACES with Him via this) is not for all believers, you are saying that not all need to lay their lives on the altar, be stripped of flesh, and be consumed by the fire of His Spirit. Our HaShem is a CONSUMING FIRE, and this is how He consumes the offering, ie. US.
As for women being silent it was for the reasons I said, and spiritually the pattern is that He doesn't want anyone to speak out of their own soulish flesh, but rather BY and THROUGH His Spirit. That being said, unfortunately there are "women" speaking all the time, and they don't all have natural wombs, and someone walking in the authority of HaShem could easily tell them to be silent as well and be scripturally correct by the Spirit and not the letter.
This is the pattern and it cannot be broken and is not subject to the will nor whims of men. We are all supposed to be walking from the outer court experience into the Holy of Holies experience, and you can't get there by bypassing the inner court experience.
As for assembling, it is a necessary step in the inner court in part realm of Pentecost. Tabernacles is another subject, for there you learn that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Peace