I did. You don't know what a participle is, nor how the Greek article nominalizes them or adjectives, etc.
Is "Gotta" an "the" English verb, adverb, or a proposon?
I did. You don't know what a participle is, nor how the Greek article nominalizes them or adjectives, etc.
Here come the endless drive-bys from Grossone to add to those of jeannie w.
"paychological phenomena"
Is that a TV show?
Bottom line...
All the heretical Dispensationalists should have stepped up and at least graciously corrected Tambora instead of defending her and further obfuscating. But heretics stick together at the expense of truth.
Here come the endless drive-bys from Grossone to add to those of jeannie w.
Yes, it is a pattern repeated by the MADists, every time they fail a theological discussion or mess up a scriptural exegesis.
After Johnnie threatens and insults, GM spams to distract, and STP starts a yuck fest.
It is really tiresome, ineffective and a terrible waste of bandwidth, but they are proud of their tactics. They think they work, though, and have even given the exercise a name.
They call it a "Smack-Down" and have a (used-to-be) secret membership club they call "SOOTS," or something like that. I am not a member.
Talk about dumbed-down and juvenile!
PPS, not only are your conclusions absurd, it seems as if you've uncovered yet another flaw. That being, your inability to take a "verbal beatdown" with humility and honor.
Yes, it is a pattern repeated by the MADists, every time they fail a theological discussion or mess up a scriptural exegesis.
After Johnnie threatens and insults, GM spams to distract, and STP starts a yuck fest.
It is really tiresome, ineffective and a terrible waste of bandwidth, but they are proud of their tactics. They think they work, though, and have even given the exercise a name.
They call it a "Smack-Down" and have a (used-to-be) secret membership club they call "SOOTS," or something like that. I am not a member.
Talk about dumbed-down and juvenile!
It's Tambora that received the most epic theological beatdown in human history. You're oblivious. You don't even love truth enough to admit your peer failed beyond expression.
I tried to PM you but your mailbox is full and your profile page doesn't allow visitor messages.
Please say that "heretical" cliche, again, as we/other denominations, have never heard it before, until you entered the pavilion. Please???Bottom line...
All the heretical Dispensationalists should have stepped up and at least graciously corrected Tambora instead of defending her and further obfuscating. But heretics stick together at the expense of truth.
Yes, it is a pattern repeated by the MADists, every time they fail a theological discussion or mess up a scriptural exegesis.
After Johnnie threatens and insults, GM spams to distract, and STP starts a yuck fest.
It is really tiresome, ineffective and a terrible waste of bandwidth, but they are proud of their tactics. They think they work, though, and have even given the exercise a name.
They call it a "Smack-Down" and have a (used-to-be) secret membership club they call "SOOTS," or something like that. I am not a member.
Talk about dumbed-down and juvenile!
Infantile, befitting their heresies.