Son of Ham

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Jefferson said:
When a father is a drunkard it affects how the children are raised, their personalities, their opportunities, their inheritance, etc. And that affects their children as well. It has nothing to do with God coming down out of heaven to adversely manipulate the events in the lives of the drunkard's grandchildren.


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In other words Fen, kids born into a broken house will also most likely be broken. And they will also most likely pick up his bad habits, and may even have some of his inclinations to sin, not being taught by a righteous father to resist sin, they follow the same path as their father, and so God punishes them because they choose to follow the same path as their father. To think God would arbitrarily punish a kid for his fathers sin, is not only incorrect, its downright wrong. And it completely goes against what Ezek 18 says, and God's righteous and just nature. God wants the son of a wicked man to repent, so that he may inherit eternal life, because God is righteous.


I don't know, I think it may be very significant that God keeps delaying the death and punishment of the guilty, and "passing over" them to the sons in the next generation.

It may be a consistent biblical "type" and "shadow" of each of us, and our redemption. Did not God "pass over" each one of us, and place our punishment on His innocent Son. Aren't we glad that He "seems" to break His word, by having the chastening for our well being, fall not upon us "fathers", but upon the Son who is our freind.

The reason His word is not broken is because the Son offered Himself willingly for us. Also the reason we were not redeeemed by our punishment falling on our earthly sons, is because they are just as guilty as we are, in the same sins.

If Canaaan had of been a "saint" perhaps their would have been some type of redemption in his curse. Instead Canaan became the father of many idol worshippers, and pagans in the land of Canaan. For which his descendants were justly removed from the Land, by the Israelites.


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In other words Fen, kids born into a broken house will also most likely be broken. And they will also most likely pick up his bad habits, and may even have some of his inclinations to sin, not being taught by a righteous father to resist sin, they follow the same path as their father, and so God punishes them because they choose to follow the same path as their father. To think God would arbitrarily punish a kid for his fathers sin, is not only incorrect, its downright wrong. And it completely goes against what Ezek 18 says, and God's righteous and just nature. God wants the son of a wicked man to repent, so that he may inherit eternal life, because God is righteous.
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I said something like this in my post I believe, I was wondering what point that I made that jefferson was replying to?

Also could you tell me where in my post do you think I have said God is arbitrarily punishing a son for His father's sins?


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Hall of Fame
Jefferson said:
Son of Ham

Monday July 10th, 2006. This is show #136.

* Diced HAM: Russia killed Islamic terrorist sHAMil Basayev today in retaliation for the more than 330 people, half of them children, murdered at the Beslan School Massacre. Many terrorists and terror groups have HAM, in their names, H-A-M. NYC’s Holland Tunnel terrorist Assem HAMmoud; HAMbali, southeast Asia's Osama; HAMas; 9-11’s MoHAMmed Atta; Al Qaeda's Kahlid Sheikh MoHAMmad; terrorist sympathizer/sniper John Alvin MoHAMmad; MuHAMmad Abu Abbas; and many others; and now, dead schoolhouse terrorist SHAMil Basayev. Europeans descend from Noah's son Japeth; Jews and others (Semites) from Shem; and Orientals and others from Ham (Hamitic). Ham fathered Canaan (the Canaanites) by incest with his mother (Noah's wife), and various Canaanites and Semites intermarried, and through biblical times warred against the Israelites. And today, the short history of the world continues with the ethnic and cultural descendants of various Canaanite tribes confirming their Hamitic origins.
* Uncooked HAM: Our Bob Enyart Live law enforcement analyst is 40-year Denver police veteran Dale Squier. Dale criticized the decision to allow a man to board a Houston flight even though: his luggage contained a Quran and a 9-volt battery taped to a clock; he had a Middle Eastern name and he lied about having a laptop in his bag. The passengers name has been withheld.
Today's Resource: With the recent death of Patsy Ramsey, one of JonBenet's murderers, we invite you to read our report, The Clue that Breaks the Case.

Since when is it written Ham and his mother had descendants? Where does this come from?

I doubt the Ramseys killed their daughter.
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