Something for our muslim haters


Hall of Fame
Our legal system says it is.
And we all know that you use our legal system to convenience yourself even when it opposes what God says (ie. your "legal" marriage, even though in the eyes of God you are not married).
Remember that conversation, Doser?
When you said you could still say you were married (even though you admitted God said you weren't) because our legal system said so.

Now you have gone even further into the pit by making up a perverted rule that neither God's appointed judges or our legal system use as a legal form of justice.
You want to make up something beyond justice.

You are a sick minded man.

I remember that discussion. :nono:


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are you better than a rapist?

Luke 18 KJV
(11) The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.
(12) I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.
(13) And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.
(14) I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.


Well-known member
Which can't be accessed without faith.

Romans 5:2
By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.​

Did you flunk Logic? 5:2 doesn't say faith is the ONLY means to access grace, or that grace necessarily needs to be "accessed" and can't simply be granted for no reason at all (or some reason you never thought of), or that that grace is for the purpose of "getting into heaven".


Well-known member
Our legal system says it is.

I'm sure we all know our legal system comes short. How many times have we seen child molesters get off with a year or even less? Men who have raped children are set free by some liberal judge.

But what never comes short are God's laws. One of those is that there are consequences to bad behavior right here in this world. If you pick a fight with a bully, you could get beat up, and you'll deserve it. If you don't turn in your homework, you could get a bad grade, and you'll deserve it. If you back talk your parents, you could get spanked, and you'll deserve it. If you practice immoral behavior, you could get a disease or beat up or killed or raped. What are you going to say, "I did NOTHING to deserve that disease, etc.?


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Hall of Fame
I remember that discussion. :nono:
Me too.
It was pathetic to watch him use the legal system over God to justify himself.

But now he wants to go beyond not only God, but our legal system as well; and make up his own sick perversion of rape for rape = a better justice system that neither God or our legal system condones.
Only sick minds condone rape for rape.


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I'm sure we all know our legal system comes short. How many times have we seen child molesters get off with a year or even less? Men who have raped children are set free by some liberal judge.
According to you, that's what should have happened or else God would not have allowed it.

But what never comes short are God's laws. One of those is that there are consequences to bad behavior right here in this world. If you pick a fight with a bully, you could get beat up, and you'll deserve it. If you don't turn in your homework, you could get a bad grade, and you'll deserve it. If you back talk your parents, you could get spanked, and you'll deserve it. If you practice immoral behavior, you could get a disease or beat up or killed or raped. What are you going to say, "I did NOTHING to deserve that disease, etc.?
Again, God must have meant for it to happen that way or he wouldn't allow it (according to you).
Very Calvinistic.


Well-known member
Why not? Didn't Jesus pray for those who rejected him, "Forgive them"? Isn't Jesus God in the flesh? If you've seen him you've seen the Father, and Jesus wanted forgiveness for not only those who rejected him but those who crucified him. Now THAT'S a boat load of grace.

Did you flunk Logic? 5:2 doesn't say faith is the ONLY means to access grace, or that grace necessarily needs to be "accessed" and can't simply be granted for no reason at all (or some reason you never thought of), or that that grace is for the purpose of "getting into heaven".

You're the one who brought up forgiveness and that forgiveness can only be accessed by faith. Saved by grace through faith.

Romans 3:25
Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;​

Is your "LOGIC" telling you that unbelievers have access to that Grace by some other means? Works, perhaps? :chew:


Well-known member
Doesn't matter that you think it's a more just punishment for his crime.
Neither God or our legal system says that rape for rape is just.
That mentality is the result of a sick twisted mind.

I have to chuckle that you claim I said as many disgusting things as you guys. :chuckle:

It doesn't matter that you think God would never determine that rape is a just punishment for a pedophile's crime or not, because you are in no position to dictate to God on this or anything else. God can and does whatever He likes and He also allows whatever He wants to allow.


New member
I don't think that anyone here is a Muslim hater. We simply consider them to be a threat to our safety.


Well-known member
I'm sure we all know our legal system comes short. How many times have we seen child molesters get off with a year or even less? Men who have raped children are set free by some liberal judge.

According to you, that's what should have happened or else God would not have allowed it.

God did allow it. Shall we guess at why He might have done so? Perhaps he wanted good people to speak up and demand the Judge be replaced (which has happened). And I trust God made sure the pedophile suffered for his actions in some other way.

But what never comes short are God's laws. One of those is that there are consequences to bad behavior right here in this world. If you pick a fight with a bully, you could get beat up, and you'll deserve it. If you don't turn in your homework, you could get a bad grade, and you'll deserve it. If you back talk your parents, you could get spanked, and you'll deserve it. If you practice immoral behavior, you could get a disease or beat up or killed or raped. What are you going to say, "I did NOTHING to deserve that disease, etc.?

Again, God must have meant for it to happen that way or he wouldn't allow it (according to you).
Very Calvinistic.

Yes, and shall we speculate on why that might be? Perhaps God wanted the perp to learn a very valuable lesson that could not be learned as well any other way. That's the purpose behind our reaping what we sow after all. And it's a nice try (throwing in the Calvinist dig) but it fails. Calvinist's don't have exclusive rights to understanding that God does allow things to come about for a purpose. It's actually nothing new to Christianity.


Well-known member
Luke 18 KJV
(11) The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.
(12) I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.
(13) And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.
(14) I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

That guy was trying to fool God. We are talking common sense right here in this life. Are you telling me you don't think you're better than a man who rapes children? You don't think you're a better person than those men who raped you? If you say yes, then I'm not about to believe you. You even said no good and honest men would rape any woman. :chew:


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I have to chuckle that you claim I said as many disgusting things as you guys. :chuckle:

It doesn't matter that you think God would never determine that rape is a just punishment for a pedophile's crime or not, because you are in no position to dictate to God on this or anything else. God can and does whatever He likes and He also allows whatever He wants to allow.
I'm not dictating to God.
He has dictated to us, and there is not one place in scripture that God told his judges to condone rape for rape as justice for the crime of rape.
So why do you?

patrick jane

God did allow it. Shall we guess at why He might have done so? Perhaps he wanted good people to speak up and demand the Judge be replaced (which has happened). And I trust God made sure the pedophile suffered for his actions in some other way.

Yes, and shall we speculate on why that might be? Perhaps God wanted the perp to learn a very valuable lesson that could not be learned as well any other way. That's the purpose behind our reaping what we sow after all. And it's a nice try (throwing in the Calvinist dig) but it fails. Calvinist's don't have exclusive rights to understanding that God does allow things to come about for a purpose. It's actually nothing new to Christianity.



Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
That guy was trying to fool God.
It would be an assumption that the Pharisees ever thought they could fool the Almighty God.

We are talking common sense right here in this life.
That's just it; your common sense goes against what God has said.
God never told His judges that rape for rape was a just punishment.
That is something you and Doser have made up in your own minds.

Are you telling me you don't think you're better than a man who rapes children?
God doesn't think so.
Why should I?
According to God, if you break any portion of the law, you are guilty of the whole law.
I know darn good and well that I have broken a portion of God's law, which makes me just as guilty as every other sinner in the world, for none could keep the whole law.
If it were possible for anyone to be "good enough" to keep the whole law, then a sacrifice was never needed.


I don't think that anyone here is a Muslim hater. We simply consider them to be a threat to our safety.
i hate islam

and i hate mooslims who do the work of their father

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Dying by Bee, Snake Venomous Sting: 1 in 100,000
Dying by scalding by Hot Tap Water: 1 in 5,000,000
Dying by Falling Coconut: 1 in 250,000,000
Dying by a Shark Attack: 1 in 300,000,000
Dying of a Snake Bite: 1 in 3,500,000
Dying from Food Poisoning: 1 in 3,000,000
Dying from Accident at Work: 1 in 43,500
Dying in a Road Accident: 1 in 8,000
Dying in the commercial jet accident: 1 in 7.6 million.

Dying in a terrorist attack while on-board a commercial flight: 1 in 25,000,000 (25 million)

Dying in any kind of terrorist attack worldwide is 1 in 9 300 000 (9.3 million)

You are 14 times more likely to die in your bathtub than dying in a terrorist attack.

You are 11 times more likely to die by slipping during a shower than dying in a terrorist attack.

You are 16 times more likely to be hit by lightning than dying in a terrorist attack.

You are 517 times more likely to be murdered (there is on average one murder every 60 seconds worldwide) than dying in a terrorist attack.

You are 991 times more likely to die by self-injury than dying in a terrorist attack.

You are 500 times more likely to die in a car accident (3,000 people die every day in road accidents worldwide) than dying in a terrorist attack.

You are 450 times more likely to die by falling than dying in a terrorist attack.

You are 118 times more likely to die by accidental drowning than dying in a terrorist attack.

You are 41 times more likely to die in a natural disaster (earthquake, flood etc.) than dying in a terrorist attack.

You are 25 times more likely to die by choking on food than dying in a terrorist attack.

You are 13 times more likely to die by a dog bite than dying in a terrorist attack.

You are 4 times more likely to die by falling off a ladder than dying in a terrorist attack.

You are 1.8 million times more likely to die from heart disease than dying in a terrorist attack.

You are 1860 times more likely to die by electrocution than dying in a terrorist attack.

You are 93 times more likely to die by a bee sting than dying in a terrorist attack.

You are 3 times more likely to die by a snake bite or food poisoning than dying in a terrorist attack.

You have twice the chance of becoming an astronaut than flying in a plane doomed to crash due to a terrorist plot.

You have almost twice the chance of becoming a US president than dying in a terrorist attack.

You are three times more likely to sight a UFO today than dying in a terrorist attack.

You are 14 times more likely to win a gold medal in the Olympics than dying in a terrorist attack.

You are 106 times more chances of dating Kim Kardashian than dying in a terrorist attack.
Last edited:


Well-known member
I'm not dictating to God.
He has dictated to us, and there is not one place in scripture that God told his judges to condone rape for rape as justice for the crime of rape.
So why do you?

There are places in Scripture where God allowed rape for His own a punishment. And I'm not condoning anything, Tam. I am merely recognizing that bad behavior has consequences, and rape isn't excluded as a consequence for bad behavior.

Why are you condoning pedophilia and stripping? What makes you think they won't incur the consequences of God's natural law of sowing and reaping?


Well-known member
It would be an assumption that the Pharisees ever thought they could fool the Almighty God.

Indeed it would.

And it would also be an assumption to think that God would NEVER allow a woman to be raped after stripping naked and enticing men to lust after her.

That's just it; your common sense goes against what God has said.
God never told His judges that rape for rape was a just punishment.
That is something you and Doser have made up in your own minds.

Nonsense. It happens. I didn't have to make it up.

God says those who sow to the flesh reap corruption. What God allows to come upon us has nothing to do with what He directs Himself or directed His judges to do.

Just look at what God allowed Job to suffer. He didn't direct that Job should lose his wife and children and suffer boils, but He allowed it nonetheless.

God doesn't think so.
Why should I?
According to God, if you break any portion of the law, you are guilty of the whole law.
I know darn good and well that I have broken a portion of God's law, which makes me just as guilty as every other sinner in the world, for none could keep the whole law.
If it were possible for anyone to be "good enough" to keep the whole law, then a sacrifice was never needed.

You keep confusing God's moral law with His natural Law. That we reap what we sow in this life has nothing to do with a sacrifice being required.

A sacrifice for my sins is separate and apart from my going to jail for stealing. A sacrifice for my sins is separate and apart from my getting a DUI for drunk driving. And it's separate and apart from any consequences I have to suffer in this life for my bad behavior.


New member
But attributing a person's rape to their bad behavior is making them an accessory to a death penalty offense. They can't deserve rape without deserving the death penalty for it, too.