Someone at Wikipedia forgot to memoryhole this


New member
From the article on brownshirt leader Earnst Rohm, specifically, his early career as pretty much second only to Hitler:


Lots of parties got suppressed violently by the Nazis, but among them were the Communists, the Social Democrats. They had to form a coalition in order to govern, which they did with the German National People's Party, a conservative nationalist party. Why choose that party for a coalition?


Well-known member




Well-known member
Lots of parties got suppressed violently by the Nazis, but among them were the Communists, the Social Democrats. They had to form a coalition in order to govern, which they did with the German National People's Party, a conservative nationalist party. Why choose that party for a coalition?

National Socialist German Workers Party.

The Nazis believed people exist to serve the State, not vice versa.

ALL socialists believe that.

Nazis are your kind of people.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Communist Russia...Communist China...Nazi Germany...fascist Italy...Cambodia...Cuba...Vietnam...Venezuela...every one because of socialists. Like yourselves.

Yeh, cos liberals are all for the subjugation of people to the state, like implementing laws for stoning people to death for violations such as being gay, having affairs etc...

Oh, wait...


Well-known member
Yeh, cos liberals are all for the subjugation of people to the state, like implementing laws for stoning people to death for violations such as being gay, having affairs etc...

Oh, wait...

And Leftists such as Hitler have long had an affinity for Islam, and today think it's cool.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And Leftists such as Hitler have long had an affinity for Islam, and today think it's cool.


He wasn't a "leftist". He and the Nazi regime murdered homosexuals, much like those on the far right endorse on here under the guise of 'righteous execution' and other 'sins' deemed worthy of such a penalty under their desired state. Deal with it Musty. How many 'liberals' do ya think would support stoning like some of you lot advocate on here?


Hall of Fame
He wasn't a "leftist". He and the Nazi regime murdered homosexuals, much like those on the far right endorse on here under the guise of 'righteous execution' and other 'sins' deemed worthy of such a penalty under their desired state. Deal with it Musty. How many 'liberals' do ya think would support stoning like some of you lot advocate on here?

Not this liberal ... though I might support a law to criminally imprison adulterers ... and strip away their right to run for political office.


Well-known member

Very little of Hitler’s domestic activity was even remotely right wing. Europe views Left and Right differently but here [in the U.S.], free markets, limited constitutional government, family, church and tradition are the bedrocks of conservatism. The Nazis had a planned economy; eradicated federalism in favor of centralized government; considered church and family as competitors; and disavowed tradition, wishing to restore Germany’s pre-Christian roots.

That last feature is the only arguable practical difference between Nazism and socialism/communism...what is being replaced. But both movements seek to discredit, destroy and replace whatever it is rebelling against. The what is being replaced the only variable. Apart from that, in practice they are identical...both want totalitarian power over everything and everyone, where individuals exist to serve the State, not vice versa.


Well-known member
Working for personal ends instead of the collective was as criminal in Nazi Germany as Soviet Russia. Norman Thomas, quadrennial Socialist Party presidential candidate, saw the correlation clearly, "both the communist and fascist revolutions definitely abolished laissez-faire capitalism in favor of one or another kind and degree of state capitalism. . . In no way was Hitler the tool of big business. He was its lenient master."

Exactly so today with "capitalist" "free market" China.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

That last feature is the only arguable practical difference between Nazism and socialism/communism...what is being replaced. But both movements seek to discredit, destroy and replace whatever it is rebelling against. The what is being replaced the only variable. Apart from that, in practice they are identical...both want totalitarian power over everything and everyone, where individuals exist to serve the State, not vice versa.

So, what are you advocating exactly? I want freedom from any sort of fascist dictatorship including the far right crank variety who would advocate states that murder/"execute" people for being gay and not living up to zealous standards of 'moral living'. Not far removed from that which you bemoan so much, if at all...