Some people love this "pandemic" because their lives are boring


Active member
A humorous article from my #1 favorite columnist.
That WAS indeed humorous. I enjoyed reading that one. Thanks.

In the same vein I just today wrote this below to an especially
nasty ugly-talking liberal who was strongly in favor of bowing down
to Dr. Foochie and to the Gov-ment regarding Covie.

JAG Writes:

On the tombstone of Masked Casper Milk-Toast Cream Puff was written these

Thoroughly brainwashed by the Health Nazis and the Medical-Scare-Mongers
and by Dr. Foochie and Dr. Foochie's gaggle of "experts" { X- squirts }
he didth go merrily, and totally befuddled, down the road of slave-obedience
puffed-up and strutting all the way to the gulag and he was proud to be enslaved
because deep in his heart he loved Big Brother and worshiped him in awe and
he was proud to be Big Brother's obedient slave-servant obeying in all things
as he was commanded to obey, unto croaking time, death day.

