Bob Enyart's Ministry
Bob Enyart's Ministry
In response to this ridiculous attack on the character of Bob Enyart I would like to post a brief testimony about what impact Bob has had on me and my family, and I encourage anyone else who is so inclined to do likewise.
Thanks to Bob Enyart I can read the Bible without my eye's glazing over inside the first page because I actually understand what I'm reading. Before Bob, the Bible seemed hopelessly self contradictory, and confusing.
Now, not only do I understand the Bible, but I understand God (at least, I do more now than before). I get it! I understand that God is a real person, that He really does want to have a genuine personal relationship with me! I understand, why it was necessary for Him to die! I also understand that He was under no obligation to do so but that He chose to because His love for me is real. I understand that because His love is real, so is His disappointment when I sin against Him. Not because I've broken a rule, but because He loves me and doesn't want me hurt myself, or others. This understanding, along with a much deeper understanding of what it means to walk in the Spirit, and allow Christ to live His life through me has enabled me to overcome a decades long addiction to pornography.
If you will notice in the box under my avatar, I list as my interests..."Being a great daddy to my daughters by being a great husband to my wife!" This I also learned from Bob Enyart.
Because of Bob's example, I had the courage to end my relationship with my best friend. He had been cheating on his wife and was in the process of throwing his family away like yesterdays garbage. I took a stand, and as a result, I haven't spoken to him for I don't know how many years and I have been all the better for it.
Because of Bob Enyart, my wife is a stay at home mom. We don’t have a lot of spare cash lying around but my children aren't being raised by minimum wage teenagers at some day care center either.
Thanks to Bob Enyart, my children will never darken the door of a public school. (Not as a student anyway.)
I have learned from Bob that if you want friends, be friendly! I know this sounds kind of obvious, but I was worse off than you know at one time!
In fact, as I review what I have written here, I suppose that the primary thing that has been impressed upon me as a result of Bob Enyart's ministry is that it’s the relationships in our lives that matter. It’s the relationships with friends, children, spouse, and Jesus that we have been made for!
There is much, much more that I could say about the impact Bob and his Ministry has had on my life, all of which is positive and has helped make me a better man, husband, father, and Christian. And I will be eternally grateful to him for having taught me to do right and risk the consequences.
Resting in Him,