Some electors flipped after all


A big lurching bull who has no experience

Some of the greatest monarchs in history were inexperienced before being crowned, why can't that be the case for presidency?

Experience is overrated- the worst Presidents had it. Moreover, Hillary has it and she's a walking disaster :rolleyes:

Misogyny, xenophobia and racism

That's what you all have thrown at literally everyone and everything opposed to you for the past eight straight years. Trump is none of those things, you're all just slandering degenerates who don't care about being seen as professional liars.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
You mean it'll keep happening?

yep, laws will continue to be passed to stop the infiltration of marxist regressive left ideologies & the left will continue to run to the high court when they cannot win at the ballot box's in their respective states.

The only reason the SCOTUS will change is because Republicans did not do their job. Expect if a justice dies, Democrats in the senate will do the same.

That is a two way street, Obama got to nominate two justices with the consent of this congress, they were not going to fill that seat nor were they even entertaining it just before an election, and that is not a novel or unprecedented action either, it has happened before. The people decided when they elected a new president who would pick that replacement, and so it should be, so please feel free to whine all you want, to the victor go the spoils...

It's rather funny you call the left regressive. It's the right that's regressive. :p The left is progressive.

I guess according to your ideology but, from where I and half the nation is standing the left is regressive attempting to regress into another failed attempt at marxism/socialism. Keep it, the people have spoken and we chosen liberty...freedom from an ever expanding intrusive government that feels that it has the right to steal from those that achieve, to give to those who don't even put forth the effort in the name of pseudo equality. That would be regressive, there is nothing progressive about the lefts ideology, after unpacked it is the same ole, same ole failed marxist nonsense.

Secondly, the election was won by a few thousand votes in a handful of states.

Wrong, that would be a majority of states 2 to 1 that was able to capture this election 30 states Trump 20 states Clinton. If the only place you can sell it is in the big cities in 20 states you will keep losing, and if Trump manages to put a jingle back in the pockets of those in the rust belt he will have sealed up those states for 8 years not just 4.

The overall trend is that the electorate is becoming more liberal, not less.

I am counting on you & Nancy Pelosi to keep telling yourselves that, the greater portion of states has had enough of your schtick but, you would never see that employed on a college campus removed from average Americans and their plight, liberalism doesn't do a thing for them but, enslave them to entitlements, over-taxation, and job killing over-regulation...thats not liberty.

Comey saved your bacon this time or perhaps sealed all of our fates.

You keep telling yourself that too, the reality was nobody was buying it anymore, especially from a dirtbag candidate like the felon Hillary, she was destined to lose from the get go.

Republicans haven't won the popular vote in a national election since 2004. They've gerrymandered themselves into safety for the time being, forestalling the inevitable. But if Trump fails badly, you'll likely lose the country for at least a generation.

Popular vote doesn't win presidential elections Alate, and never has so, you need to get over that & sell a message all people can buy ,not the marxist just aint getting it done for ya. :D


Well-known member


Well-known member
Answer to conscience? How does that work? If lying by not doing the duty you were bound to do when you were selected to represent the voters, and going rogue on your own bias' is some how conscionable? Absolutely sickening the lack of duty, obligation, discipline, or conscience people have anymore.

Calm thyself, brother. I was using irony to illustrate the jackassed hypocrisy of leftists -- they said an elector can and should follow conscience and refuse to honor any oath IF it meant denying Trump their vote. It apparently never occurred to them that twice the number of electors would be faithless toward Clinton. So if following conscience by refusing to elect Trump is okay, then doing the same with regard to Clinton must also be okay.

But no leftist thinks that.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Only one of the Clintons ran for office...and she beat your guy except by those imaginary lines that allow for an EC unpopular vote total. So we have one dead political career and one zombie about to take office. :eek:

That said, the electoral college should be done away with in future elections.
The right can't allow it. The thing that popular vote told you was that even as unpopular within her party as Hillary was, she could beat the Republican nominee among the people. The EC is the only way for them to hold onto power while they try to build a connection to the young and minorities, assuming they try. If not, you'll just have to wait a while and they'll sort themselves out...of power. Personally, I hope they find that connection, because it will mean a return of the reasoned, moderate Republican and the death of this strangle hold the hard right has on the party.


like marbles on glass
The right can't allow it. The thing that popular vote told you was that even as unpopular within her party as Hillary was, she could beat the Republican nominee among the people. The EC is the only way for them to hold onto power while they try to build a connection to the young and minorities, assuming they try. If not, you'll just have to wait a while and they'll sort themselves out...of power. Personally, I hope they find that connection, because it will mean a return of the reasoned, moderate Republican and the death of this strangle hold the hard right has on the party.

Well said.


Well-known member
The smell of leftist ragefarts and tears is really stinking up this thread now. Oh, that's why, now I see who just showed up.


New member
Only one of the Clintons ran for office...and she beat your guy except by those imaginary lines that allow for an EC unpopular vote total. So we have one dead political career and one zombie about to take office. :eek:

The right can't allow it. The thing that popular vote told you was that even as unpopular within her party as Hillary was, she could beat the Republican nominee among the people. The EC is the only way for them to hold onto power while they try to build a connection to the young and minorities, assuming they try. If not, you'll just have to wait a while and they'll sort themselves out...of power. Personally, I hope they find that connection, because it will mean a return of the reasoned, moderate Republican and the death of this strangle hold the hard right has on the party.

I would argue that the "hard right" has no handle on the Republican Party. They elected a former Democrat, Pelosi and Reid donor that supports a trillion dollar stimulus bill, more regulation of the economy, and new social programs. Not to mention that he's no concerned with the old right social issues like same sex marriage and abortion. If the right wing has a handle on the GOP, they didn't show it by electing a liberal. If they follow Trump's lead, the Republican Party will be at the center-left where the Democrats were 8 years ago, and the Democrats will be over near Lenin on the political spectrum.


Well-known member
yep, laws will continue to be passed to stop the infiltration of marxist regressive left ideologies & the left will continue to run to the high court when they cannot win at the ballot box's in their respective states.
California is going to buck Trump's federal changes hard. It'll be interesting to hear about states rights then. :p

That is a two way street, Obama got to nominate two justices with the consent of this congress, they were not going to fill that seat nor were they even entertaining it just before an election, and that is not a novel or unprecedented action either, it has happened before. The people decided when they elected a new president who would pick that replacement, and so it should be, so please feel free to whine all you want, to the victor go the spoils...
It wasn't right before an election and yes it was unprecedented. Your side simply believed you *owned* that seat and when it went away . . . Republicans couldn't handle the notion that Obama could nominate Scalia's replacement. So they balked. If the shoe is on the other foot, expect the same treatment.

I guess according to your ideology but, from where I and half the nation is standing the left is regressive attempting to regress into another failed attempt at marxism/socialism.
Um. There never was an attempt at marxism or socialism, not in this country anyway.

Wrong, that would be a majority of states 2 to 1 that was able to capture this election 30 states Trump 20 states Clinton. If the only place you can sell it is in the big cities in 20 states you will keep losing, and if Trump manages to put a jingle back in the pockets of those in the rust belt he will have sealed up those states for 8 years not just 4.
It's easier for you if you just believe simplistic explanations, reality is more complex.

Trump won Michigan by a slight margin of only 10,704 votes but won Wisconsin by 22,177 votes and Pennsylvania by 70,799 votes. In several cases those vote margins were far larger than the third party votes. There's also the fact that democratic turnout was depressed, while republican turnout was not and still it was amazingly close.

There's a heck of a lot of purple counties, everywhere.

I am counting on you & Nancy Pelosi to keep telling yourselves that, the greater portion of states has had enough of your schtick but, you would never see that employed on a college campus removed from average Americans and their plight, liberalism doesn't do a thing for them but, enslave them to entitlements, over-taxation, and job killing over-regulation...thats not liberty.
And you can keep believing that. But if you poll the american people on the issues. They say they want the things democrats are offering.

Popular vote doesn't win presidential elections Alate, and never has so, you need to get over that & sell a message all people can buy ,not the marxist just aint getting it done for ya. :D
Democrats haven't had a Marxist message, in decades if ever. Then again your definition of marxism might be Medicare. So . . .