Societally Acceptable Pedophila, On Its Way!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
regardless of what retards like artie and town have to say about it

for example:

A Texas middle school teacher is facing felony charges after reportedly admitting to having a sexual relationship with her 13-year-old pupil. Alexandria Vera says the boy's family approved of the affair and were even supportive when she became pregnant. Alexandria M. Vera, an eighth-grade English teacher at Stovall Middle School in Houston, told police in April that the relationship she had with one of her students started through messages on Instagram — and had evolved into a great love. Court documents filed last week in a Harris County District Court offer a detailed look into Vera’s account of their blossoming relationship, which she told police was not only approved but celebrated by the boy’s parents. ...

here's her mugshot:

if you're curious, search google image using her name for her slutty instagram poses

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
go to hell, liberals

Here’s Why the Progressive Left Keeps Sticking Up for Pedophiles

Today, Salon gave a platform to a self-confessed pedophile to explain his urges in sympathetic terms. “I’m a Pedophile, But Not A Monster” reads the headline. It’s a long, self-pitying screed that ends with a call to be “understanding and supportive” of adults who crave sexual intimacy with children.


patrick jane

The more it happens and gets in the news the more it will happen in the future, eventually watering it down so the public becomes more accepting of pedo's

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Hmm, well let's see. How much evidence is there to support your notion that Western society at least will embrace child molestation at any point? From an objective and completely non troll like "look at me, I need attention as the library shuts in 20 minutes!" perspective then none whatsoever. As anyone who doesn't live under a bridge and has an IQ above a decimal point should be aware, the laws reflect stringent crackdowns on anything resembling and have tightened up over the yeas not gotten lax but hey, don't let facts get in the way of your neurotic and somewhat OCD need to use the word 'retard' 400 times a day.

I mean hey, as long as we've got stalwart bastions of conservative Christian morals such as Phil (pick me ducks up for me) Robertson & the like on the scene then there's no way any endorsement of predatory behaviour would ever be tolerated or acceptable, right?

Funny though, I seem to recall you weren't that bothered about girls as young as 13 being wed not so long ago on a thread related to 'Captain Duck' so unless I'm mistaken you're actually one of the cranks who already does see underage marriage at least as acceptable...



Well-known member
Hmm, well let's see. How much evidence is there to support your notion that Western society at least will embrace child molestation at any point? From an objective and completely non troll like "look at me, I need attention as the library shuts in 20 minutes!" perspective then none whatsoever. As anyone who doesn't live under a bridge and has an IQ above a decimal point should be aware, the laws reflect stringent crackdowns on anything resembling and have tightened up over the yeas not gotten lax but hey, don't let facts get in the way of your neurotic and somewhat OCD need to use the word 'retard' 400 times a day.

I mean hey, as long as we've got stalwart bastions of conservative Christian morals such as Phil (pick me ducks up for me) Robertson & the like on the scene then there's no way any endorsement of predatory behaviour would ever be tolerated or acceptable, right?

Funny though, I seem to recall you weren't that bothered about girls as young as 13 being wed not so long ago on a thread related to 'Captain Duck' so unless I'm mistaken you're actually one of the cranks who already does see underage marriage at least as acceptable...


All kinds of evil is being normalized. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
All kinds of evil is being normalized. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

It doesn't take a DIY enthusiast to realize that the OP is a load of total bunk either. It's absolute crap. Unless you're a tin foil hat specialist then you know fine well that pedophilia has as much chance of being embraced by society as Donald Trump being nominated for a philanthropist award...


The teacher looks like she's 19, but being a middle school teacher, probably 23 or so, fresh out of school herself.

And then there's the 13 year old boy, who is certainly in phase with puberty and so sexual acts couldn't be constituted as 'pedophilia'- which is relevant only to prepubescent children.

That boy feels like a rockstar, and she rocked his world. I'm sorry to have to tell the hard truth, but in this case it was a crime without a victim :rolleyes:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The teacher looks like she's 19, but being a middle school teacher, probably 23 or so, fresh out of school herself.

And then there's the 13 year old boy, who is certainly in phase with puberty and so sexual acts couldn't be constituted as 'pedophilia'- which is relevant only to prepubescent children.

That boy feels like a rockstar, and she rocked his world. I'm sorry to have to tell the hard truth, but in this case it was a crime without a victim :rolleyes:

So if a 40 year old guy has sex with with a pubescent 12 year old girl that ain't child molestation?

You're beyond an idiot.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
cruci says "23 and 13"

and artie hears "40 and 12" :dizzy:

like I said, definitely not rocket scientist material :chuckle:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
cruci says "23 and 13"

and artie hears "40 and 12" :dizzy:

like I said, definitely not rocket scientist material :chuckle:

23 & 13 is child molestation. The comparison was made in order to underline that point that somehow although not unsurprisingly either sailed right over your head or through it. Then again, a trolls gotta do what a trolls gotta do during library opening hours eh?