
. The Saviour was not a saved man. If He was, then who saved Him and how? Also, if He was a saved man, what was He saved from? If Jesus needed to be saved, when was He saved? If He needed saving, then He must have had personal sin and if that is so then His death on the cross would have been meaningless, also He could not have risen from the dead and that means we just well forget the whole thing because we are all hopelessly and irrevocably lost! If what you assert was not so unbiblical it would almost be funny
We are to overcome by walking in The Spirit and not giving in to the yearnings of the flesh.
"He was priest before He ever began His ministry. It took 30 years to become one,"
Where is your scripture for such a ridiculous assertion? We know next to nothing about the years of obscurity.
He remained sinless because He alone is unique in human history. He is and was from eternity the Son of God. If Jesus did not remain sinless then He lied when He said: "The prince of the world comes and he has nothing in Me." Jn. 14:30.