God's Truth

New member
Hi and almost sounds like me and does a good article , but did not address where Cornelius is , in the Kingdom OR is Cornelius in the B O C and how Cornelius really is saved ?

It is obvious , Cornelius is in the Kingdom Program !!

dan p

Good grief there is only one way to get in the kingdom and that is to be put in Christ.

There is only ONE WAY and that way is through Jesus.


Well-known member
Good grief there is only one way to get in the kingdom and that is to be put in Christ.

There is only ONE WAY and that way is through Jesus.

Hi and give a verse , thar we are to believe , that allows any one to enter the Kingdom of Heaven ??

Good GRIEF , do you have a verse ??

dan p

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Cornelius was GIVEN THE ONE AND ONLY gospel that saves.

So are you saying that belief in the gospel which was preached at Luke 9:6 didn't save those who believed it?

That gospel was preached before His disciples even understood that He was going to die (Lk.18:34) so the gospel which they preached at Luke 9:6 couldn't be the gospel which declares that Christ died for our sins.

God's Truth

New member
Peter’s Pentecostal Message
So far we have seen Peter confirm a positional separation between Jew and Gentile, though neither should be respected in judgment of their good works.

How in the world do you get that when the scriptures say the message that saves IS to people who do right?

Acts 13:26 "Fellow children of Abraham and you God-fearing Gentiles, it is to us that this message of salvation has been sent.

Peter continues to explain the message which Jesus ministered to Israel:

“The word which God sent unto the children of Israel… which was published throughout all Judaea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached;” – Acts 10:36-37

Clearly, Peter is teaching the same kingdom gospel that was taught by John, Jesus, and at Pentecost: repent and be baptized for the remission of sins, the kingdom is at hand.

Paul taught the same thing.

Acts 26:20 First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and then to the Gentiles, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds

Of course, he includes his unique Pentecostal addition to the kingdom gospel which was that Jesus was resurrected proving his position as the prophesied Messiah and the Judge. It is by the name of Jesus that their sins could be remitted by repentance and baptism (Acts 2:38, Acts 4:12).

It was at this time that the Spirit fell on these devout Gentiles who believed on the name of Jesus of Nazareth, sent unto Israel, slain by the Jews, and witnessed by Peter.
Nowhere do we find a hint of the mystery of Christ.

That IS the mystery! The mystery IS JESUS CHRIST. The gospel is RECONCILIATION of humans to God, and that is done by receiving the Holy Spirit.

The Mystery still a Mystery
The only thing resembling the mystery ministry was that Cornelius was a Gentile, but Gentile believers were not a new or secret thing (Mat 15:28, Luke 7:3-8).

The mystery of Christ is not the blessing of Gentiles. It was long prophesied that the Gentiles would be blessed through Israel. It is the uniting of Jew and Gentile into one new thing (Eph 2:15). It is Christ in the Gentiles (Col 1:27); the blindness of Israel (Rom 11:25); the heavenly destiny (Phil 3:20); and the new means of glory in the cross (Gal 6:14), not the nation Israel.

The lesson taught to Peter by the Spirit in Acts 10 equipped him to later give the right hand of fellowship to Paul (Gal 2:9). Yet, Peter did not teach nor did Cornelius receive the mystery information about Christ. That the Gentiles possessed more faith than Israel was always a sign of Israel’s shameful rejection of God (Luke 7:9) . The book of Acts is about Israel’s rejection of God

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Article Index
Published: February 9, 2011
Last Modified: October 22, 2016Related posts:

1. -Peter Taught Gentiles. Yawn.
-Peters Message to Cornelius and the Gentiles
-Objection: “Peter taught Paul’s gospel to Cornelius”
-What Happened in Mid-Acts?
-The Mystery of Christ to Jews Also
-Paul’s “My Gospel”
-List: Differences Between Peter and Paul’s Message

What a pathetic attempt at trying to pretend there are different gospels.
I can hardly believe this article was used as a defense for two different gospels.

God's Truth

New member
Hi and give a verse , thar we are to believe , that allows any one to enter the Kingdom of Heaven ??

Good GRIEF , do you have a verse ??

dan p

John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Jesus is the Way not another way when Paul comes along.

God's Truth

New member
So are you saying that belief in the gospel which was preached at Luke 9:6 didn't save those who believed it?

That gospel was preached before His disciples even understood that He was going to die (Lk.18:34) so the gospel which they preached at Luke 9:6 couldn't be the gospel which declares that Christ died for our sins.

Jesus preached TO HAVE FAITH.

That is something that the gospel Paul preached is based on.


That is something that the gospel Paul preached is based on.

Jesus came to those who ALREADY belonged to God and the rest of the Jews were cut off and bound over to the place of the Gentiles.

Jesus said when he is lifted up, crucified, then ALL can come to him to be saved, but he came FIRST for those who already belonged to God by faith.

God's Truth

New member
Jesus preached that HE FORGIVES SINS.

That is MAJOR because ONLY GOD can forgive sins.

Jesus told people that their sins are FORGIVEN.

That is MAJOR BECAUSE sins were atoned for according to the OLD LAW and an animal would be needed.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Jesus preached TO HAVE FAITH.

That is something that the gospel Paul preached is based on.

You evade the points which I made.

Do you really think that the gospel which the Twelve preached at Acts 9:6 is the gospel which declares that Christ died for our sins--especially since they did not even know that he was going to die when they preached that gospel?


Well-known member
Jesus preached that HE FORGIVES SINS.

That is MAJOR because ONLY GOD can forgive sins.

Jesus told people that their sins are FORGIVEN.

That is MAJOR BECAUSE sins were atoned for according to the OLD LAW and an animal would be needed.

Hi and it is , obviously that John 20:23 is not to be OBEYED , since Jesus words says you can ??

It says that man can REMIT SINS ??

You have AVOIDED this verse like the PLAGUE and just quote any verse and then say you did ANSWER and are dishonest !!

So how did man REMIT SINS ??

The answer is so SIMPLE !!

dan p

God's Truth

New member
You evade the points which I made.
Stop saying that. I don't evade anything. Just because you don't get it or see it doesn't mean I am evading.
Anyone who can see can see that I love to talk about God's Truth no matter how controversial.
Do you really think that the gospel which the Twelve preached at Acts 9:6 is the gospel which declares that Christ died for our sins--especially since they did not even know that he was going to die when they preached that gospel?

This is serious and I want you to seriously consider what I am about to say:

Do you not get that the Jews were taught to SACRIFICE ANIMALS for the forgiveness of sins?
Do you not get it that Jesus walked around saying that HE FORGIVES YOUR SINS?

I want you to answer that.

God's Truth

New member
Hi and it is , obviously that John 20:23 is not to be OBEYED , since Jesus words says you can ??

It says that man can REMIT SINS ??

You have AVOIDED this verse like the PLAGUE and just quote any verse and then say you did ANSWER and are dishonest !!

So how did man REMIT SINS ??

The answer is so SIMPLE !!

dan p

I AVOID NOTHING about ANYTHING that is about God's Truth.

Everyone who has been here for even a little while should know that about me.

Listen carefully, because NO ONE IS RAISING THE DEAD ANYMORE.

Listen because there was a time that the APOSTLES were on the earth and there is NO MORE APOSTLES.

God sent the Apostles and they helped lay the foundation and could do things that no one else could.


Well-known member
I AVOID NOTHING about ANYTHING that is about God's Truth.

Everyone who has been here for even a little while should know that about me.

Listen carefully, because NO ONE IS RAISING THE DEAD ANYMORE.

Listen because there was a time that the APOSTLES were on the earth and there is NO MORE APOSTLES.

God sent the Apostles and they helped lay the foundation and could do things that no one else could.

Hi and Eph 3:5 and in Eph 4:11 and 12 , wrong again !!

You have AVOIDED John 20:23 and are just saying FLAPDOODLE as usual and are dishonest to say you answered John 20:23 WHEN YOU DID NOT and everyone can see you did NOT !!

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
This is serious and I want you to seriously consider what I am about to say:

Do you not get that the Jews were taught to SACRIFICE ANIMALS for the forgiveness of sins?
Do you not get it that Jesus walked around saying that HE FORGIVES YOUR SINS?

I want you to answer that.

The animals which were sacrificed did not take away sins.

And here we see that according to Peter the forgiveness of sins is a result of faith:

"To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins"
(Acts 10:43).​

Now answer my question. Is the gospel which the Twelve preached at Acts 9:6 the same gospel which Paul preached, the gospel which declares that Christ died for our sins!

God's Truth

New member
The animals which were sacrificed did not take away sins.

And here we see that according to Peter the forgiveness of sins is a result of faith:

"To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins"
(Acts 10:43).​

Now answer my question. Is the gospel which the Twelve preached at Acts 9:6 the same gospel which Paul preached, the gospel which declares that Christ died for our sins!

Jesus walked the EARTH AND SAID he forgave sins and to believe.

God's Truth

New member
Hi and Eph 3:5 and in Eph 4:11 and 12 , wrong again !!

Are you kidding? Read what the scripture you REFERENCED says!!! To the prophets and apostles, not just one apostle named Paul!
You have AVOIDED John 20:23 and are just saying FLAPDOODLE as usual and are dishonest to say you answered John 20:23 WHEN YOU DID NOT and everyone can see you did NOT !!

I avoid nothing. I took careful time to explain it to you and you need to study for yourself.


Well-known member
Are you kidding? Read what the scripture you REFERENCED says!!! To the prophets and apostles, not just one apostle named Paul!

I avoid nothing. I took careful time to explain it to you and you need to study for yourself.

Hi and avoiding John 20:23 AGAIN ??

Admit that you do not know what it means to REMIT SINS and they did remit sins , during Jesus earthly ministry , SO are you obeying Jesus ??

dan p


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Hi to all so where is Cornelius now ??

Is he in the Kingdom of Heaven ??

Or is he in the B O C ??

How will you prove either one ?

dan p
What is your personal conclusion after all the discussion in this thread, Dan?
Kingdom or BOC?

While you're at it, what are your thoughts about folks like Adam, Abel, Noah?


Well-known member
What is your personal conclusion after all the discussion in this thread, Dan?
Kingdom or BOC?

While you're at it, what are your thoughts about folks like Adam, Abel, Noah?

Hi Tam , and Cornelius is PART of Israel , and the OT says that Hell has enlarge itself !

The B O C was not yet known until Paul wrote about !!

God says in Gen 4:10 it says that the voice of thy brother's blood crieth from the ground , which to me means that Abel was the first in Sheol / HADES Acts 2:31 !!

dan p