Snow White and the Seven Dwarves: Moral Dyslexia over Celebrities

The Horn

Hollywood liberals and liberals in general have no monopoly on sexual misconduct and crimes .
Look at all the pastors and Christian leaders who are and have been serial adulterers, have fathered illegitimate children , frequent
prostitutes male and female, have had sex with underage teenagers,
molested children, collect child pornography etc, and who furiously denounce homosexuality
and gay people while living in the closet .
Too many to name . Pot, meet kettle .


Hall of Fame
Hollywood liberals and liberals in general have no monopoly on sexual misconduct and crimes .
Look at all the pastors and Christian leaders who are and have been serial adulterers, have fathered illegitimate children , frequent
prostitutes male and female, have had sex with underage teenagers,
molested children, collect child pornography etc, and who furiously denounce homosexuality
and gay people while living in the closet .
Too many to name . Pot, meet kettle .

Who said they did ... and who are you directing that comment at?


New member
Admittedly, it's hard to turn off the admiration of something (such as the performances of a celebrity) that you have enjoyed previously once you find out what the person stands for.

To say I was disappointed to read the recent allegations against Bill Cosby would be an understatement.

I often feel like a part of my childhood has been torn away when one of my favourites crashes down.


New member
There is a basic human need for leadership, heroes, people that can guide us through life,
and profound songs and other art seem to meet a need and can inspire our nobler feelings
and instincts.

Everyone is disappointed, and let down when our heroes and idols turn out to be dodgy criminals.

Even when we feel sorry for them, we are hurt by their crimes,
and more importantly, their victims are often severely hurt.


New member
Admittedly, it's hard to turn off the admiration of something (such as the performances of a celebrity) that you have enjoyed previously once you find out what the person stands for.

To say I was disappointed to read the recent allegations against Bill Cosby would be an understatement.

Many good people suffer from this 'momentum' as a result of prior admiration and respect.

It is hard to shift gears, or believe even serious evidence against someone you
have affection for.

But our moral mandate to 'do the right thing' must overpower our sentiments,
if we want any semblance of justice and fairness in this world.

True justice must await Judgement Day.