
New member
From here:
Ephesians 2:1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;

"who were dead in trespasses and sins"

To here:

2 Corinthians 2:17 if any man be in Messiah, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
"all things are become new".​

Anyone having been saved will immediately know that something has happened. For the first few seconds, there will be no realisation of what and the recipient will be perfectly still. The inner light of understanding will begin to shine brighter and there is a sense of cleanliness, of wonder and then the firm and undeniable knowledge, “I have been saved” and then an unstoppable force to confess the same with the lips. Romans 10:9

The trust and confession are the results of regeneration and not the cause. The absolute bliss is the result of regeneration. The bliss is manifested in a smile that becomes a permanent feature and will become a source of annoyance to the religious unregenerate.

Trust is a completely new experience and is being exercised in a conversation with his Saviour. Who cannot be seen, but is known as a certainty, for the first time.

Hebrews 11:1 Now trust is the substance of our hoping, the proof of those not seen.

Being con't....
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I purposely didn’t include the circumstances of my salvation, because the circumstances of others will differ. But, the experience of salvation would not differ and could not differ. The regeneration takes a sinner and renews him.

The experience is unmistakeable, undeniable and unexpected.


New member



Guilt has gone.
The ever-present feeling of guilt has gone.

Dread has gone.
The ever present feeling of dread has gone.

Confusion has gone.
The ever present confusion has gone.

Hatred has gone.
The ever present hatred has gone.

Misery has gone.
The ever present crushing misery has gone.

The complaints have gone.
The ever present complaining spirit has gone.

Despair has gone.
The ever present sense of despair has gone.

The enmity has gone.
The ever present awesome enmity has been removed.

“To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of Yah Veh, that he might be glorified”. Isaiah 61:3


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He will immediately identify things that he no longer wants in his life or his mind. The tearing down will begin and the things he can no longer bear to look at will be thrown out. A battle will begin with his own thoughts and he will begin sifting them. Some as precious and others as vile. The precious thoughts will be treasured. The vile thoughts despised and resisted.

James 4:7 “Submit yourselves therefore to Elohim. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after justness: for they shall be filled".​

Isaiah 30:22 "Ye shall defile also the covering of thy graven images of silver, and the ornament of thy molten images of gold: thou shalt cast them away as a menstruous cloth; thou shalt say unto it, Get thee hence."​
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New member
Is this a dream/How long will this last.

Is this a dream/How long will this last.

Is this a dream/How long will this last.​

As the day goes on the sense of amazement grows. How long will this last? Will I wake and discover that this is the most vivid dream or hallucination ever?

Why me? and thoughts of loved ones, friends and neighbours come to mind. I must tell them. Maybe if I touch them they will catch/received what I have. I must tell everyone…

What if it wears off?

And then the most evil of thoughts appears in the mind: “God is now going to kill you. He saved you so that He can take your life”. I remember answering the thought, “that would be a good thing and not a bad thing”.

That temptation to doubt the Goodness of my Saviour came back a few times over the next year or so, but each time it came it was resisted and it got weaker.

Deut 31:6 Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for Yah Veh thy Elohim, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.​


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Difficult to explain, but you are suddenly aware of things you didn’t know and have never learnt.

You are able to digest things and make judgements on their accuracy. These abilities obviously become more astute as time goes by, but they are given at regeneration.

The ability to judge is a protection against error, evil influence and temptations in disguise.

Making spiritual judgements will be frowned upon by the unregenerate religious, because it will always question the dogmas they have always loved.

"But of him are ye in Messiah Yah Shua, who of Elohim is made unto us wisdom, and justness, and sanctification, and redemption:"​


New member

Having found and passed through the strait gate the regenerate sinner is acutely aware of one important fact. He had no prior knowledge of what happened and he had not done anything to instigate the salvation he has received. Why me?

He knows the truth of the matter and those that know him and who can see the incredible change, will not and cannot accept his explanation of what occurred.

The regenerate sinner needs answers. The regenerate sinner demands answers. He reads the Bible and then discovers he can’t put it down. Most of what he reads is beyond his ability to understand, but the reading seems to be doing something within him that he is acutely aware of, but cannot explain. Some of what he reads becomes a permanent fixture that has been stamped in his understanding. Why me?

“I am sought of them that asked not for me; I am found of them that sought me not:”

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”​

patrick jane


Having found and passed through the strait gate the regenerate sinner is acutely aware of one important fact. He had no prior knowledge of what happened and he had not done anything to instigate the salvation he has received. Why me?

He knows the truth of the matter and those that know him and who can see the incredible change, will not and cannot accept his explanation of what occurred.

The regenerate sinner needs answers. The regenerate sinner demands answers. He reads the Bible and then discovers he can’t put it down. Most of what he reads is beyond his ability to understand, but the reading seems to be doing something within him that he is acutely aware of, but cannot explain.

Why me?

“I am sought of them that asked not for me; I am found of them that sought me not:”

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”​
I have the same experience and it's hard for me to put in words. I feel my best while reading the Bible. When it first started making sense to me, I couldn't put it down.


New member
I have the same experience and it's hard for me to put in words. I feel my best while reading the Bible. When it first started making sense to me, I couldn't put it down.

A young boy had started school. His father had a care for his son's spiritual well-being. He asked the boy to do one thing for him every day as soon as he got home. That he would sit and read the Bible for half an hour. The boy was not happy but agreed to comply with his father's wishes.

Shortly after the boy approached his father and complained that reading the Bible was a waste of time and that he could see no benefit in doing so, what's the point?

The father then gave him an option of helping him in the garden for half an hour every day. The boy jumped at the chance to be out in the fresh air.

There was a stream at the bottom of the garden and a vegetable patch 20 metres away. The father gave the boy a sieve and told him to use it to carry water to the vegetable patch. The boy looked at his father as if he were mad. The father looked the boy in the eye and said, "sieve or Bible".
The boy went down to the stream, submerged the sieve, pulled it out, walked to the vegetable patch and tipped the sieve, it only gave up a few drops of water.

The boy continued back and forth after school for days and his only reward was the occasional nod from his father.

At the end of the third week, the boy could not keep silent and made his thoughts known. It was, he said, "a complete waste of time as it was not having any effect on the vegetable patch". "The water just passes through the sieve and by the time I get it to the vegetable patch it only gives up a few drops, what's the point?".

"Show me", the father said. They walked down to the stream and the boy went through the motions and walked to the vegetable patch. He looked triumphantly at his father and said, " You see? It's a waste of time. The vegetables are not benefiting one iota from this process, what's the point?"

His father shrugged his shoulders and stated that the process was not to benefit the vegetables and asked his son if he had noticed how clean the sieve was...


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There is within him an insatiable hunger and thirst that he is constantly aware of, but doesn’t understand. The hunger is satisfied, but never fully. It always leaves him seeking more.
Her seeks out those that he expects will know and understand what it is that has happened to him and visits denominations. He soon discovers that he is welcome, but only as far as he goes along with their form of worship and doctrinal persuasions. They profess to love him, but the love is conditional. To earn this counterfeit love he must walk the broad way, but he can’t and he won’t…

He shakes the dust and moves on.

Hearing an inner impression, “never mind them, you follow Me.”

“And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.”​


New member

He is now hated by the world and that will always be the case. He is the stench of death to them that are perishing. He does, however, expect a different attitude from those that attended church. He is soon disappointed. The hatred from the world is mild compared to what he receives from those he thought had received like precious trust.

He had instinctively thought that everyone that attended church or chapel did so because they had been saved. He finds that many people want to be seen as worshippers of "God", but have no time for salvation. Those that think they have salvation are particularly venomous in their attitude towards him. These are often silly women that possess not a drop of reverence for the truth but go about promoting a salvation by works of trust, a trust, they don't possess or understand.

These are difficult times, tearful times and times of prayer.

He begins to notice that the professors of mercy have no peace. They have no rest. They are blown to and fro, and carried about by every wind of doctrine.

Each denomination has paperback books with the latest craze that you must read. It is based on the Bible, after all!

He dutifully reads, but something is missing. He soon discovers that it's not something, but Someone who is missing.

" And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.
And a stranger will they not follow but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers."​


New member

He now has life eternal and so has the true purpose. He’d love to know what that purpose is, but for the moment, he’s glad to just go against the flow of humanity, because he knows that he is meant to do so.

It’s like a powerful magnet that is impossible to resist and that he prefers not to resist. An unknown goal, but a secure knowledge that there is a goal and he is headed towards it.

He will at some point look back at these times and only then realise the dangers, trials and snares that he was led through. He will view the dangers with tearful gratefulness and then look forward and upward once more.

Many people will call across to him from the broadway and tell him he's on the wrong road. Come and join us they cry, but he looks down at the narrow path and the promise it possesses and is led on his way.

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of Elohim, they are the sons of God”.​


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Judge ye not is a mantra that he continually hears. Strangely he feels no guilt at judging and knows from experience that if it were wrong the fact would be made known to him and he’d be stopped in his tracks.

As with everything else he is now told he goes to the scriptures and the doctrines and makes enquiry at the throne of grace.

He discovers that judging is not only right, but it is expected and vital.

1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of Elohim: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

1Thessalonians 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.​

1Corinthians 2:15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.​

Philippians 1:9, 10 And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment;
That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Messiah;
Being filled with the fruits of justness, which are by Yah Shua, unto the glory and praise of Elohim​


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This need is desperate. The day after I was saved I went to a meeting, because I was informed that I must by family members who I trusted.

The first thing that struck me was they projected words onto the wall and they had a group. Then they began to play a song. It was just for me:

Thank you for saving me, what can I say?
You are my everything, I will sing your praise.
You shed your blood for me, what can I say?
You took my sin and shame,
a sinner called by name.

Great is the Lord,
Great is the Lord,
For we know your truth has set us free,
You've set your hope in me.

Mercy and grace are mine, forgiven is my sin,
Jesus my only hope, the Saviour of the world.
"Great is the Lord" we cry,
God let your kingdom come,
Your word has let me see,
thank you for saving me!
I would have gladly stood there singing those words forever. And one day I will…

The following day was back to work. I was doing a job on a building that we were renovating and the need to sing His praises came over me. I couldn’t remember any words or tunes, but the desire was burning within me. This was brought to me:

When no-one else can understand me
When everything I do is wrong
You give me hope and consolation
You give me strength to carry on
And you're always there to lend a hand
In everything I do
That's the wonder
The wonder of you
And when you smile the world is brighter
You touch my hand and I'm a king
Your kiss to me is worth a fortune
Your love for me is everything
I'll guess I'll never know the reason why
You love me like you do
That's the wonder
The wonder of you​

My lips were involved in the singing, but it came from my heart* and was directed to my Saviour.

heart* not the blood pump


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Just been jotting in chat and the reality of what I was saying was being brought to my remembrance and I felt carried away with the joy of that moment I first trusted.

When my eyes had been opened the sky was bluer than I had ever seen it before. My attention was then caught by the grass as if it were crying out, “look at me!” it was greener that I’d ever seen it.

I began using the word “my” in a sense I’d never used it before. My God and my Lord. They had become personal, real and mine, as I was theirs.

All at once I had the knowledge of but would not have been able to describe at the time, of certainty, excitement, newness, fulfilment, reverent awe, joyfulness in such quantity I thought I might burst, a sense of triumph but not mine and the incomprehensibleness of it all.

I had experienced a power exerted and working in me for less than two minutes. The way I described it back then was, “like being hit by a train and being carried down the track stuck to the front of the train. Then the train stopped and I stepped off in a better condition than when I was hit”.

The power that had worked in me had been unstoppable, enormous and wished me no harm, but only good.

When trials have come and I have been sorely tested these memories have been restorative. The words of David become mine as I have said and I’m sure I will say again:

“Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit”.​

Note: Thy salvation and not my salvation.


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Just found this stored in my files. It had been written in 2013.


I was responsible for my rebellion until I was justified. Redemption is guaranteed but has to be legally applied and that application is via the Holy Spirit and takes place in time during the washing and regeneration that Titus spoke of.

I was 43 years of age when I was saved and from the age of 13 years when I left school, I was involved in things that would make your hair curl. Every ounce of sin was a burden to me (I didn’t know it then) and as I got older the weight seemed unbearable, but on I went, because the appointed time was not yet come. When the appointed time came I had been stripped of everything I had. I was atheist in the world without hope. I was going to die and I knew it. Elohim was angry and all at once I realised why He was angry. Still, I could do nothing.
I was standing by the sink in my kitchen washing my smalls when I began to sob, cry and seemed about to drown in my tears. I cried out O my God help me. I heard the words, but they came from so far within I realised it was not me calling.

I began to shake and thought the shirt on my back was going to be ripped off. It was like being in my own storm. Within two maybe three minutes the storm ended. And there was peace. I remember explaining to people that it was like being hit by a train and being carried up the track and stepping off in a better condition that when I been hit.

At 10:25 am July 17th, 1999 I was in complete and utter despair. Without my knowledge, the Almighty had brought me to a place from which I could see no way out. No hope and atheist in the world.
At 10:30 am during about three minutes He rescued my soul. It was a physical as well as spiritual experience that was both frightening and wonderful. When I'd been saved I knew for a certainty that something had happened and that everything seemed different. I then had an internal witness that I'd been saved. I trusted in my heart and confessed with my mouth…after I'd been saved!

People who knew me were asking what had happened. The change inwardly I had difficulty explaining, but the outward change needed no explanation. People could see by me that something had happened. I had been with Yah Shua (Jesus)
The one thing I wanted, immediately, was that everyone I knew should also be saved, but that was not the case. I know for a certainty that if men were chosen because of any merit then I could not have been saved. Nothing of any worth could have been found in me.
We are called to repent and trust the evangel, but I'm sure I didn't know or do this before I was converted. I knew that there was a Creator and I'd heard about salvation, but I didn't think I could be forgiven and saved.

My life and my sin demanded the death sentence, but instead, I received a "life" sentence. I have never thought of it in that way before!
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The insatiable hunger for the reading and hearing of the word is later augmented with the equally insatiable desire to understand the meaning of the words used in scripture. It is important that we* understand the benefits discovered in the word.

For me it was the meaning of the words faith, belief and trust. I read every work available and couldn’t find a definitive and soul satisfying answer to my question. “Was I exercising the same principle by which the fathers and the saints lived by?” Habakkuk 2:4 Romans 1:17,Galatians 3:11,Hebrews 10:38

I spent three years in this study and only then did it please the Eternal to bring me to the knowledge of the truth in this matter.

How can anyone understand a single verse of scripture if they are not familiar with the meaning of the words that make up the verse. Instead of just reading it over and over again it is both vital and a duty to comprehend what is being read.

It is the Holy Spirit that works both the desire and the understanding. Those without the Holy Spirit will not recognise this work.

"Study to shew thyself approved unto Elohim, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15

we* The heirs of grace.


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Gratefulness becomes a delight that we* are constantly aware of. Delight in the gift of the ability to be grateful. It is something new and in direct opposition to the complaining spirit that once worked in us. Those times when enough was never enough and good was never good enough and satisfaction was at the end of a rainbow that was always in the distance.

Stopping in thought many, many times a day just to give thanks with a grateful heart is as natural as breathing and as life preserving as breath itself. How I wish that for every beat of my heart there would be a grateful thought and that I should never, ever take anything for granted again.

"I shall extend hands , O Yah Veh with my whole heart; I shall scribe all Thy marvellous works”​
.Ps. 9:1

“I shall halal the name of Elohim with a song and shall greaten Him with extended hands”.​
Ps 69:30

"Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our Elohim for ever and ever. Amen!"​
Rev. 7:12

" In all eucharistize for this is the will of Elohim in Messiah Yah Shua unto you”.​
1 Thess. 5:18

we* the redeemed, regenerate and repentant sinner


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There is an unmistakable comfort in truth and so the law of anthesis means there is discomfort in falsehood. We* are exposed to both so that by experience we will be able to fight against the lies and the liars. This will make us very, very unpopular with mankind and we will soon experience the truth in “ I come not to bring peace but a sword”.

The knowledge of truth is an inward work and although we are often without the ability to back up how we feel with scripture. The babe will always refuse that milk which not pure spiritual milk simply by the taste of it. In time he will be given the scriptural support, but is often called to stand with only the knowledge of the truth as revealed by the Holy Spirit.

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free". John 8:23​

Every step in truth is a further step in liberty.

we* the redeemed, regenerate and repentant sinners


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Authenticity of trust​

Most people that claim to be saved hate having their salvation questioned and get very abusive when it happens. I consider it an honour to have my salvation questioned. Each and every time it happens I go over what happened and what is happening to me. This strengthens my trust and sends my roots down deeper.

The deepest questioning I have faced regarding the authenticity of my trust has been from myself.
The trials of my trust have been a particular blessing because I know that the trials are for my benefit. So that I would have more and more confidence in the trust I have been allocated. When I have searched myself I pray:

Search me, O Elohim, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139: 23,24