jennifferdoug said:
Well, whatever...I don't believe that the bible claims that Jesus is God
Whether you believe it or not, the fact still remains.
...that's just your interpretation anyway....Don't you understand what a trinity is?
Evidently you don't, since you believe that at least a 1/3 of the Trinity was created by another part of it.
But it doesn't matter to me whatsoever...I don't believe in any of that crap anyway
Yeah, I figured that part out already.'s all lies and coersion to control have been duped my friend
Darnit, I knew I should bought one of those Aluminum Foil Beanie caps.:doh:
....I bet you spend your life hating people and feeling miserable all the time because you feel like you are some kind of "sinner". Not to mention you're pretty self rightous. You think that you are better than others because you follow your God/Jesus/Bible.
:rotfl: Where do you get this crap from? The one thing that anyone I know has never accused me of is being miserable. If fact people usually comment on the fact that I'm always smiling. Maybe if you actually payed attention to reality, instead of your stereotypical portrait of what you think Christians are like, you might learn something.
You take a book, written by several different men, 500 years after the fact,
What in the world are you talking about? First off, the Bible was written by more "several different men". But how exactly does that discredit it? And though some books of the Bible were written long after the events they describe, much of the book is written shortly after the events took place (the New Testament for example).
that was used to control millions of people and kill even more. You are no different than the Muslims.
Yep, it's all about Mind Control. Watch out, you may be brainwashed next.
This religoun of yours is a fairly new idea anyway. It's only about 2500 years old. In the grande sheme of things, it's very tiny
New in relation to what? And even if this religion of mine was created yesterday, what bearing does that have on whether it is true or not? Absolutely none.
...but then again, you probably think the world was created 5,000 years ago and everything else is a deception of the devil... at least that's been my experience with some chritians
Actually, I would say about 6,000, but you were close.

And as far as everything else being a deception of the devil, I have no idea what your talking about. couldn't even make a valid point to me.
I've figured that out already too. I can't convince someone who refuses to listen to reason and logic.
So many religouns over thousands and thousands of years, and you're arrogant enough to think yours is soooo unique and sooo correct.
Well, they can't all be right, can they?
I think it's sad when people let silly ideas control their every move...when they let others control even their own thoughts and actions, when you can't even think for have to have book tell you what you can and cannot do.
Yep, it's the mind control thing again. Boy, you're sharp.
I at least retain my individuality and my sense of inteligence. I don't believe in superstitions or let others tell me what to do.
Yeah, you're certainly unique in living by your own rules and standards. Not many people doing that nowadays.:rotfl:
I don't have to have a book tell me that killing is wrong, I'm smart enough to know that.
Of course you are! Which is exactly what the Bible says: that even heathens inherently know right from wrong (they just chose to suppress that knowledge a lot of the time)
I'm fooled into thinking that i have to make others suffer to make everyone just like me.
Again, try looking past your imagined ideas of what a Christian is. No Christian wants to make everyone else exactyly like themselves.
When you can give hard core facts, not just something in the bible...something historical would be nice, not just the ramblings of saint or a cult leader from the desert teaching things from 500 years before his time, in order to control his followers...then, i might listen.
Why would I waste my time doing that. You've already declared that no argument I could present would be valid to you. It's not that you
can't believe, it's that you
won't believe.
Until then...It's just the ramblings of someone who used one source to get their information and doesn't accually search for truth, but accepts it because his pastor told him it's so.
Hmmm, that sounds exactly like what you're doing. Interesting.
I still stand behind my previous statement...the world would be better off without religoun and politics as they are currently
OK. Am I supposed to disagree with that?
...we should wipe it clean....We can believe in God without hurting people.
It depends on your definition of "hurting people". The Truth will always be hurtful to some.