Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Big Mouth Nana

New member
Evee said:
Hey you got your cute little frog back and it has lipstick on.
It's a different one. The other one was to big to upload, but this one is a little smaller. Did you see BarbB (newlamb) on here earlier? I PM'd her over on the other site, and told her that I wouldn't be posting over there as much....actually if ever. Those people are SO boring these days. I invited her over here. I get depressed every time that I go over there :noid:


New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
It's a different one. The other one was to big to upload, but this one is a little smaller. Did you see BarbB (newlamb) on here earlier? I PM'd her over on the other site, and told her that I wouldn't be posting over there as much....actually if ever. Those people are SO boring these days. I invited her over here. I get depressed every time that I go over there :noid:
Yeah I saw her earlier.
I thought she might hang around.
I was ready for a change but this is radical...ROTFLMBO :sheep:
I got some of my reps taken cause I said I liked oleDoves posts.
I guess saying I was a pinko Commie didn't help either.
Of course I was
I don't even know what it is. :alien:


New member
I think they made a mess of Christian forums, it seems so slow now.
.Erwin tries to please.
I haven't posted there much either.
I like posting here since you are here. :)

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Evee said:
Yeah I saw her earlier.
I thought she might hang around.
I was ready for a change but this is radical...ROTFLMBO :sheep:
I got some of my reps taken cause I said I liked oleDoves posts.
I guess saying I was a pinko Commie didn't help either.
Of course I was
I don't even know what it is. :alien:
You can get reps taken away for saying something they don't like??? Mine should be -0- then, lol.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Evee said:
I think they made a mess of Christian forums, it seems so slow now.
.Erwin tries to please.
I haven't posted there much either.
I like posting here since you are here. :)
It took 2 minutes for me to get to Eschatology today. I said to heck with this :pureX: !!!! Awe, thank you Evee. I'm glad that we are together in this insane place, lol. It does appear insane after where we have been :kookoo:


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Big Mouth Nana said:
As usual, your brain is in nuetral. Do you even know what apathetic means?
adj. ap•a•thet•ic
Feeling or showing a lack of interest or concern; indifferent.
Feeling or showing little or no emotion; unresponsive.
Evee said that all that she could do is pray for them. To me that is doing something, so she is not apathetic. If anyone is in the catagory of being apathetic, it is you by your ignoring them and thinking that they are disgusting vermin. The homosexual is your enemy. Jesus said to pray for our enemies..Matt 5:44 But I tell you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
Matt 5:45 To show that you are the children of your Father Who is in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the wicked and on the good, and makes the rain fall upon the upright and the wrongdoers [alike].
Matt 5:46 For if you love those who love you, what reward can you have? Do not even the tax collectors do that?
Matt 5:47 And if you greet only your brethren, what more than others are you doing? Do not even the Gentiles (the heathen) do that?
I'm beginning to wonder just who your Father is. Mr. A...PATHETIC :devil:
When I talk about ignoring them, I refer to things they have to say, their political opinions, their beliefs about right and wrong; their desires to be integrated into society with special privileges, etc. Any idiot can tell that I don't ignore homos altogether simply by reading this thread.

And as far as their being disgusting vermin, my thinking has nothing to do with it. They are, in fact, disgusting. They rate somewhere below the slime that collects on sewer tunnels. If you don’t believe me just pick someone at random whom you don’t know and ask them whether they would prefer being up to their necks in sewer tunnel slime, or neck deep in a pile of homos. Chances are, you’ll never find anyone who would pick the later unless they were a homo themselves, but if a normal person ever did pick the later, it wouldn’t be until after they had several seconds (or perhaps longer) to ponder the decision; choosing the later is anything but intuitive.

Further, creating a stigma is an intentional and well thought out part of a specific three pronged strategy concerning the homo agenda that I believe is Biblical and that every Christian should be made aware of and attempt to incorporate into their daily living. First the individual Christian and the Christian community as a whole should push hard for the recriminalization of homoism, and adultery. Second, the Christian should strive to attach a strong social stigma to both behaviors in whatever way he has available to him. Third, the Christian should be ready to forgive and prepared at all times to deal with repentant homos and adulterers in such a way as to lead them to Christ.

If you’ll notice, the order of those three points is intentional. They are ranked in the order in which they affect the greatest number of people. The law affects whole societies, social stigmas affect communities, and then of course the individual is addressed as well.

Now, tell me something truthfully. The last two paragraphs are the deepest you’ve ever bothered to think such a strategy through isn’t it? I’d bet my house that you had no idea that a biblical strategy could even be conceived of beyond “pray for them”.

All of that to say this: Saying you care and actually caring are two different things. If either of you (Nanna or Evee) gave a rip about homos you would advocate justice along with your prayers. As it is your prayers don't make it past the ceiling. Why should God pay any attention to your prayers if you intentionally ignore the answer He has clearly given you already in His word? You advocate prayer while ignoring God! Can you think of anything more hypocritical than that?

Then again, perhaps those prayers where heard after all! You are both here on TOL involved in a thread concerning a group of people whom you claim to be praying for. How do you know that this thread isn’t an answer to those prayers? When you (Nanna) showed up here, did I attack you and dive right in with insults or did I respond to you in kindness and remind you that Christians are not to think their own thoughts about what is right and wrong but rather to think Biblically and to live our lives accordingly even when it isn’t pleasant? Do you disagree with such advice? If so, then I ask again, why do you think God would answer your prayers if you don’t give a rip about His word? And if not, then why have you disregarded the advice?

I tell you bluntly for your own good. Stop praying for the homos until you’ve finished praying about the condition of your own heart! You are calloused against God’s own Word, and you despise His justice and ridicule His judgments. You must repent! Lest all your prayers be hindered.

Resting in Him,
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New member
Hall of Fame
Clete said:
When I talk about ignoring them, I refer to things they have to say, their political opinions, their beliefs about right and wrong; their desires to be integrated into society with special privileges, etc. Any idiot can tell that I ignore homos altogether simply by reading this thread.

And as far as their being disgusting vermin, my thinking has nothing to do with it. They are, in fact, disgusting. They rate somewhere below the slime that collect on sewer tunnels. If you don’t believe me just pick someone at random whom you don’t know and ask them whether they would prefer being up to their necks in sewer tunnel slime, or neck deep in a pile of homos. Chances are, you’ll never find anyone who would pick the later unless they were a homo themselves, but if a normal person ever did pick the later, it wouldn’t be until after they had several seconds (or perhaps longer) to ponder the decision; choosing the later is anything but intuitive.

Further, creating a stigma is an intentional and well thought out part of a specific three pronged strategy concerning the homo agenda that I believe is Biblical and that every Christian should be made aware of and attempt to incorporate into their daily living. First the individual Christian and the Christian community as a whole should push hard for the decriminalization of homoism, and adultery. Second, the Christian should strive to attach a strong social stigma to both behaviors in whatever way he has available to him. Third, the Christian should be ready to forgive and prepared at all times to deal with repentant homos and adulterers in such a way as to lead them to Christ.

If you’ll notice, the order of those three points is intentional. They are ranked in the order in which they affect the greatest number of people. The law affects whole societies, social stigmas affect communities, and then of course the individual is addressed as well.

Now, tell me something truthfully. The last two paragraphs are the deepest you’ve ever bothered to think such a strategy through isn’t it? I’d bet my house that you had no idea that a biblical strategy could even be conceived of beyond “pray for them”.

All of that to say this: Saying you care and actually caring are two different things. If either of you (Nanna or Evee) gave a rip about homos you would advocate justice along with your prayers. As it is your prayers don't make it past the ceiling. Why should God pay any attention to your prayers if you intentionally ignore the answer He has clearly given you already in His word? You advocate prayer while ignoring God! Can you think of anything more hypocritical than that?
Then again, perhaps those prayers where heard after all! You are both here on TOL involved in a thread concerning a group of people whom you claim to be praying for. How do you know that this thread isn’t an answer to those prayers? When you (Nanna) showed up her did I attack you and dive right in with insults or did I respond to you in kindness and remind you that Christians are not to think their own thoughts about what is right and wrong but rather to think Biblically and to live our lives accordingly even when it isn’t pleasant? Do you disagree with such advice? If so, then I ask again, why do you think God gives a rip about your prayers if you don’t give a rip about His word? And if not, then why have you disregarded the advice?
I tell you bluntly for your own good. Stop praying for the homos until you’ve finished praying about the condition of your own heart! You are calloused against God’s own Word. You despise His justice and ridicule His judgments. You must repent! Lest all your prayers be hindered.

Resting in Him,
I think you mean recriminalization.


New member
I have mixed feelings about this question. we have grown so accustomed to being around gay people that their behavior does not seem dangerous or extreme any longer, but the Bible does not leave room for this sort of comfortability. in short words , when Jesus is reigning here as King
there will be no homosexuals. they are condemned already.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
In another thread Evee said the following...

Evee said:
I agree with you.
I mentioned earlier about a family member and I love her but I refuse to hang with her.
I am really looked down on by family because of this but I have no intent to hang with anyone who makes meth and bathtub crank.
It makes me sad but whatever, I have to do what is right and not get mixed with those type of people, it can be dangerous.
I heard a couple of you say it is recreational but it never was for my family member.
It became desperation I sometimes wonder if jail saved her life.

Evee! Please help me understand why you get it when it comes to your own family members using crank but lose it completely when it comes to stigmatizing homos?

Don't you understand that the sentence "I love her BUT I refuse to hang with her." doesn't compute? You should have phrased it "I love her and so I refuse to hang with her."! That is why you refuse isn't it? Because you can't stand by and watch her destroy herself and everyone around her, right?
Well it's just precisely the same with homos! This is the very reason why God insisted that homos be executed; BECAUSE HE LOVES THEM!!!!

Please tell me you can see the logic in that statement.

Resting in Him,

Just Tom

New member
No Worries said:
Ok so we've established that procreation requires a male and a female and that it says in the bible that it is wrong: so I know the where but what I want now is the why. Why is it wrong? You say the only reason is God allegedly says so in the bible. Why do you suppose He allegedly said such a thing?

Please anyone else join in:

Why is it socially wrong to be gay?
Why is it biblically wrong to be gay?

It is socially wrong to be a homo since there is no such thing as "gay".. Gay is the name given to men who have a developmental disorder and have succumbed to the psychological inversion and decided to embrace the unnatural behavior, that their social and psychological isolation created. Thus they only find a sense of bonding by sharing with others the symptom of their inversion. This has many consequence through out society. Since once you allow homos to set policy those who resist the pathology will now be seen as unhealthy and in need of help. But homos aren't in need of help since they get to use their symptom to explain away their psychological and social issues.

Here is an example of why it is wrong socially to be "gay" This story as you will see, directly parallels the story from the bible of sodom and gomorra.

This is the dichotomy that is set up by listening to homos and believing what they have said.

some of the back ground needed is that in the person who is resisting homosexual tendency they are doing what is natural.. For even those now out of the closet homos talk about their struggle in the closet. There is a battle going on and the battle is between the person and society and this battle is a moral/values struggle. There is a homosexual self and a Heterosexual self image and they are battling for control.

Now every one hears/knows the story of their or a cousin who comes out and no one is surprised. Why? cause what you see is the psychological inversion and calling themselves 'gay' just labels psychological state. Now there is a reason and it isn't their fault they are different and couldn't fit in.

So now a person in a work environment or any for that matter has this struggle. A homo sees this and so does every one else, and the homo comes on to him. If this person complains to a supervisor the homo will naturally deny it and say that the person is just homophobic. Which mean that he is just struggling which his homosexuality and is in denial and hypersensitive. The homo may even talk about how he was that way once before he came to accept he was 'gay'. And elicit a sense of sympathy but his word must have been miss took cause he would never do such a thing.

So the work environment does nothing cause the homo is the victim here and that is just one of the risks of being openly gay. You will face accusations by homophobic people that you are coming on to them by just talking to them. They will then say that you don't think that do you? And who ever they are talking to will undoubtedly say no and agree with them that they are the victim here.

So if this homophobic idea is true and the person is just conflicted. Then the fact that there is a battle between a homo and heterosexual self image is true. So if the homo really does come on to a person in this state they have no rights and are discounted as homophobic.

Thus the one person who would need protection from homosexuals can't get it. They have set up a social order that once a person has one of the pathologies that create the disorder he can't do what is natural and resist it or the sexual advances of those who have succumbed to it. Homos Thus they have and continue to do everything they can to kill the heterosexual self image of those resisting this disorder.

That is WICKED..
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Big Mouth Nana

New member
Clete said:
Third, the Christian should be ready to forgive and prepared at all times to deal with repentant homos and adulterers in such a way as to lead them to Christ.
This is what you posted from post # 1144..The only message they need to hear from anyone who is of God (boldness mine) is that they are filthy digusting vermin who deserve death. (Galatians 3:24).You are one confused puppy Clete.

And as far as their being disgusting vermin, my thinking has nothing to do with it. They are, in fact, disgusting. They rate somewhere below the slime that collect on sewer tunnels. If you don’t believe me just pick someone at random whom you don’t know and ask them whether they would prefer being up to their necks in sewer tunnel slime, or neck deep in a pile of homos. Chances are, you’ll never find anyone who would pick the later unless they were a homo themselves, but if a normal person ever did pick the later, it wouldn’t be until after they had several seconds (or perhaps longer) to ponder the decision; choosing the later is anything but intuitive.
Yes, their sin is disgusting. The person is a human being with gender problems!!! Uh, you might want to start a poll on that sewer slime question. I'm personally going to choose being neck deep in homo's myself.....No weapon formed against me shall prosper...Isaiah 54:17 :Grizzly:

Further, creating a stigma is an intentional and well thought out part of a specific three pronged strategy concerning the homo agenda that I believe is Biblical and that every Christian should be made aware of and attempt to incorporate into their daily living. First the individual Christian and the Christian community as a whole should push hard for the recriminalization of homoism, and adultery. Second, the Christian should strive to attach a strong social stigma to both behaviors in whatever way he has available to him.
If you’ll notice, the order of those three points is intentional. They are ranked in the order in which they affect the greatest number of people. The law affects whole societies, social stigmas affect communities, and then of course the individual is addressed as well.
You can spend your days incorporating the homo and adulterer agenda if you want to. Personally, I would rather concentrate on working out my own salvation with fear and trembling...Phil 2:12....and doing what Christ said to do...Luke 14: 23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and SEWERS (emphasis mine) compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.

Now, tell me something truthfully. The last two paragraphs are the deepest you’ve ever bothered to think such a strategy through isn’t it? I’d bet my house that you had no idea that a biblical strategy could even be conceived of beyond “pray for them”.
I don't consider executing homo's a NT biblical strategy. Have you changed your mind???

All of that to say this: Saying you care and actually caring are two different things. If either of you (Nanna or Evee) gave a rip about homos you would advocate justice along with your prayers. As it is your prayers don't make it past the ceiling. Why should God pay any attention to your prayers if you intentionally ignore the answer He has clearly given you already in His word? You advocate prayer while ignoring God! Can you think of anything more hypocritical than that?
It is justice praying for their salvation...biblical justice!!! As far as my prayers not going past the ceiling, try this one on for size..Mark 11:24 ~ Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. I'm quite sure that God would rather have us praying for their salvation instead of murdering them, and that is exactly what your plan would be doing. Your plan is on the same level as the ignorant Nazi's throwing the Jews into the ovens, who by the way denied Christ.....governmental murder lead by Hitler.

Then again, perhaps those prayers where heard after all! You are both here on TOL involved in a thread concerning a group of people whom you claim to be praying for. How do you know that this thread isn’t an answer to those prayers? When you (Nanna) showed up here, did I attack you and dive right in with insults or did I respond to you in kindness and remind you that Christians are not to think their own thoughts about what is right and wrong but rather to think Biblically and to live our lives accordingly even when it isn’t pleasant? Do you disagree with such advice? If so, then I ask again, why do you think God would answer your prayers if you don’t give a rip about His word? And if not, then why have you disregarded the advice?
I wouldn't get my hopes up on that being an answer to prayer. I just don't believe for a minute that God sent Evee and I here to read murderous posts by a hate filled homo execution advocate. Now, He might have sent me here to tell you the truth about your hateful loveless heart, wanting you to repent. He knows that I will say what I see....I'm a big mouth. Let's wait and see if the conviction from the Holy Spirit takes over in your life. I'll add you to my list with the homo's...or is that to close for ya??? As far as Christians not thinking their own thoughts, He did gives us brains to think and reason. Do you think that we go around all day thinking nothing but total scripture?? Do you go around all day dwelling on the Levitcus scripture?...Probably.

I tell you bluntly for your own good. Stop praying for the homos until you’ve finished praying about the condition of your own heart! You are calloused against God’s own Word, and you despise His justice and ridicule His judgments. You must repent! Lest all your prayers be hindered.
Yep, just added your name right under pray for the homo's. How do you like being under the homo's :rotfl: ???
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No Worries

New member
Clete even if you kill every homosexual on theplanet you will still have the same feelings. The conflict you have is with yourself not with others.


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Hall of Fame
I don't expect Clete to ever, ever admit this, certainly not to himself anyway.

In any event between his avatar and Tom's it's looking decidedly fruity around here. :rolleyes:


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber

You wouldn't know a Biblical argument if it bit you in the butt.

You heard it here first folks. Moses, and by extension God, was and is a murdering Nazi. The just execution of what the Bible declares to be capital criminals is nothing more than hate motivated governmental murder likened to that of the Nazis. According to Nana here God is the supreme Nazi of the universe.

Frankly, I do not see how it is possible that you could be saved. You hate God! Of course you give God lip service but the god you pray too bears no resemblance to the God of Scripture. You actually think it is okay to mock other Christians with those prayers because they advocate not just mocking but the just execution of criminals! Your hypocrisy is astounding! You have made up a god in your own head which you like and desire to follow. You worship an idol and trust a false god for your salvation.

You say that God does not change his personality and then act as if the way He wants us to deal with criminals went threw some radical transformation in the 400 years which separate the Old and New Testaments. What do you think; that God went to counseling or something and got all the latent homo tendencies dealt with and so now that which He destroyed whole cities over is now not so evil after all? Is that what you think? If so you, you are indeed a blasphemous fool. That's right, I called you a fool, a blasphemous one and I mean it.

Up to this point I thought that there was perhaps some possibility of convincing you to at least try to think Biblically. I can see clearly now that this will never happen. You are worse than an unbeliever and I count you as my enemy and will treat you as such until such time as you repent.

Resting in Him,

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Granite said:
I don't expect Clete to ever, ever admit this, certainly not to himself anyway.

In any event between his avatar and Tom's it's looking decidedly fruity around here. :rolleyes:
I agree with the cross and what it says flashing there, but the "rainbow colors" are rather suspicious. Clete's I rather like :think:


New member
Hall of Fame
Clete, quit taking yourself, your hatred, and your sky god so seriously. A stuffed shirt gets old real fast.


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Hall of Fame
Big Mouth Nana said:
I agree with the cross and what it says flashing there, but the "rainbow colors" are rather suspicious. Clete's I rather like :think:

I instinctively hate Microsoft with a passion, and I suspect Tom's avatar is perhaps tongue in cheek, but...but jeez...

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Clete said:

You wouldn't know a Biblical argument if it bit you in the butt.

You heard it here first folks. Moses, and by extension God, was and is a murdering Nazi. The just execution of what the Bible declares to be capital criminals is nothing more than hate motivated governmental murder likened to that of the Nazis. According to Nana here God is the supreme Nazi of the universe.
I'm beginning to wonder by your vehement out cry against the homo's, if something hasn't hit you in the butt at one time. Gee, I don't recall calling God a supreme Nazi. Not only is Clete a homo hater, but also has graduated to psychotic delusions. Maybe he should go see Dr. Phil, instead of trying to be him.
Frankly, I do not see how it is possible that you could be saved. You hate God! Of course you give God lip service but the god you pray too bears no resemblance to the God of Scripture. You actually think it is okay to mock other Christians with those prayers because they advocate not just mocking but the just execution of criminals! Your hypocrisy is astounding! You have made up a god in your own head which you like and desire to follow. You worship an idol and trust a false god for your salvation.
That's just it Clete, you don't have to see how I could possibly be saved. God does. If you would quit trying to ascend to His thrown in judgment, you might be an okay guy.
What do you think; that God went to counseling or something and got all the latent homo tendencies dealt with and so now that which He destroyed whole cities over is now not so evil after all? Is that what you think? If so you, you are indeed a blasphemous fool. That's right, I called you a fool, a blasphemous one and I mean it.
Sticks and stones my break my bones, but words can never hurt me..blah, blah, blah. The sin of homosexuality has not changed since Sodom and Gomorrah, which is evident, as the sin is still here. It says in the NT that homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God. Coming from the OT to the NT, show me where God destroyed cities because of homosexuality? Jesus came to save sinners Clete, not murder them. He is a very patient and loving God. He is going to judge again and rid this earth of the wickedness. He saw to it that we have laws on this earth to incarcerate the wicked. As of yet, and I feel that this is his judgment call, homo's are not jailed and executed. A lot of them are already paying for their perversion through Aides. Here is a scripture for you to digest if you can get passed your hatred...Jude 1:21-22 ~ Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
22 And of some have COMPASSION, making a difference: 23 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. In other words, use fear if you have to to get these folks saved, not throw fear into them by enacting laws to execute them if they do not change...they won't change. Only God can do the changing on a perversion so disgusting. This verse even states that we are to hate their garments spotted by the flesh. In other words hate the sin, but get the sinner saved!!!

Up to this point I thought that there was perhaps some possibility of convincing you to at least try to think Biblically. I can see clearly now that this will never happen. You are worse than an unbeliever and I count you as my enemy and will treat you as such until such time as you repent.
Don't hold your breath on the repentance. I repent when my conscience bothers me. So far, let me check.....NO, I'm okay this morning. You are a hypocrite yourself Clete.You remind me of Paul before he got saved, wanting to murder the Christians. The only difference here is, you are a supposed Christian wanting to have the sinners murdered. Same spirit, but bass - ackwards here....perverted justice for the perverts who need Christ. Does that make you a pervert also in some way? Oh, pardon me...I'm not Dr. Phil in drag.
Since I am your enemy now, being the "good Christian" that you are, you must love me then...correct? Matt 5:44 ~ But I say unto you, LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; etc, etc. I have posted this verse to you before. You might want to go back and re-read the rest of that and get it into your Spirit.
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