Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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The Dark Knight
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And we all know that's the kind of love God wants and needs.
Try to keep up here.

If someone is waiting to be executed for something such as this, they should understand that it was wrong of them to do. They should understand that it was so wrong that they are now going to not only die for it, but be put to death for it. They should then look at the situation and try to understand why it's so wrong. And if they examine themselves properly they will see their need for a Savior. And then they will not come to God under force or duress, but out of a willing and genuine heart.


Try to keep up here.

If someone is waiting to be executed for something such as this, they should understand that it was wrong of them to do. They should understand that it was so wrong that they are now going to not only die for it, but be put to death for it. They should then look at the situation and try to understand why it's so wrong. And if they examine themselves properly they will see their need for a Savior. And then they will not come to God under force or duress, but out of a willing and genuine heart.

Keep up? With YOU? :darwinsm:

I hear Dairy Queen is hiring...oh, wait...


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
You need to read the Word. The people who were witnesses had to bring their witness against a person to the priest. The people, not some federal power in some far off place, gave witness before other people, and the guilty was put to death by the hands of the witnesses acting first, and all the people entering in.
Where in the Bible does it say they were to bring their witness to a priest?

And who said anything about a far off federal power? What about the judge at the city courthouse?

You are advocating a tyrannical form of government which will do it all for you -but only for that certain type of fornicators, and not for all, not for your friends and for others like yourself who also committed fornication.
I'm not guilty of fornication.:doh:

But, as I said, I am an advocate of execution as punishment for something I am actually guilty of.

And God never commanded death for those who were fornicators, outside of adultery or homosexuality. When two unmarried persons were caught having sex, they were commanded to get married. Not to be put to death. You need to read the Word.


New member
When I was young, I wanted to steal things I wanted, but I got caught once

Just curious what you feel your punishment should have been for that? There was at least one thief that was executed for his crimes that I can think of. AND he thought he was suffering justly.

Luke 23:41 "And we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong."

What is God's just punishment for an admitted thief, like yourself?

Are you glad that the government had mercy on you or did not cut off your hands like other governments in the world might have done? It seems you were shown mercy for your CRIME (not sin, mind you), yet think other "crimes" are not worthy of political mercy or reptentence by the criminal (sinner).

You repented, learned from your crime (sin) and think of yourself to be stronger for the experience. Perhaps the world would be a better place if you were walking around with one or no hands and/or were executed for your crime (sin). Do you feel America should be operating as a theocracy under Mosaic Law?

One a side note - as a self-professed "Christian" why do you feel it is OK to speak the way you do to others? Don't you think constant name-calling is a bit juvenile and unnecessary; not to mention not a very good reflection of your professed religion?


Thank you for being equally obnoxious.


New member
One a side note - as a self-professed "Christian" why do you feel it is OK to speak the way you do to others?
Why do you pick and choose what you are going to answer, and why do you ignore the points that prove that you are absolutely perverted in your views on this subject?


If he commits the crime, you faggot.

After you rape and murder a child, tell the judge that you "repent" and see if he shares your godless view! You stupid pervert!

You go kill youself, you piece of crap. I hope you freakin' die and go to hell.

Try not to wake your mother when you rollover in bed tonight.

This is how you reflect Jesus? You're bitter and angry and hateful and rude and crude. Your heart is revealed by what comes out of your mouth. :eek:


New member
Why do you pick and choose what you are going to answer

You mean, like you're doing now? What did I not answer to your approval? I can't read new posts fast enough to keep up and post, which is why I grow weary wasting time reading all your childish (and repetitive) insults.

why do you ignore the points that prove that you are absolutely perverted in your views on this subject?

You'll have to refresh my memory, you have not PROVEN a thing. Is this a game to you? What are you trying so hard to prove anyway?

Is it a green-light to execute homosexuals you are after? Move to Iran or some other place where they do such things, maybe you'll be happier there.:bang:


According to YOU, Christians are NEVER allowed to abhor evil. They can NEVER tell their children to stay away from perverts like you. They can NEVER tell their neighbor if someone is breaking in their house. They can NEVER stop a rapist who is attacking a woman.
I am not any of the things you libel, and I abhor evil in myself, which is the work the Holy Spirit did in me when He came and convinced me of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. I repented of my sins in the fear of God, and gave my life to Him. He in turn gave me His life, and gave me instructions on living in this world for Him.
If someone broke into my house I would not hesitate to shoot them, but when I was a new believer I wanted to make sure not to shoot anyone to death who might enter unlawfully, but to hold them at bay [to keep them from harming me or mine] with a gun, and witness Jesus Christ to them. I think I may be a bit backsliden in that area and need to pray about my own heart. It seems to have hardened a bit, and I want to live my life for His glory, and not for my own self fulfillment.
Why did you make all those false accusations, anyway, with no reasom? Is it that these things just pop out of your heart with no control? You should be ashamed, and if you are not ashamed of your wickedness in false accusations then you truly are a reprobate, and I am sorry for you.
And FYI, I have intervened in situations the Lord has placed me in, when I have had the power to intervene -even when my own life was endangered by doing so. You are wrong to bring your attacks against me with false accusations, and you are taking the part of the slanderer, who is satan.


New member
Why did you make all those false accusations, anyway, with no reasom? Is it that these things just pop out of your heart with no control? You should be ashamed, and if you are not ashamed of your wickedness in false accusations then you truly are a reprobate, and I am sorry for you.
You are a hypocrite, and a liar!

Here is your very first post on this site...

This site is a disgrace to the name of Jesus Christ, who did not come to destroy sinners, but to save souls.

You miss the message of grace in this day of salvation because you are of your father, the devil, whom the legalists of Israel followed who used Rome [law/government] to gratify their desire for the murder of Jesus.

You want men dead so they cannot sin. Jesus wanted souls alive so they would not sin.

You are sin-sick people, and one day it is going to catch up with you, for sin does not forever go unpunished. I would even go so far as to say this site is itself on a countdown, having been weighed in the balance, and found wanting.


Try to keep up here.

If someone is waiting to be executed for something such as this, they should understand that it was wrong of them to do. They should understand that it was so wrong that they are now going to not only die for it, but be put to death for it. They should then look at the situation and try to understand why it's so wrong. And if they examine themselves properly they will see their need for a Savior. And then they will not come to God under force or duress, but out of a willing and genuine heart.

You are not God and you have no idea what you are saying.
David sinned. David repented. David did not die for his sin, another did.
David said his sin was against God and God only. Homosexuals who commit sodomy sin against God and God only, not against you and not against me.
This is not a theocracy and we cannot have a theocratic government in this world's system and will not, until Jesus returns to set up His glorious reign. What you want and ignorantly scream and rant for is a tyrannical government set in place over this nation, which will kill sinners -fornicators- of one sort, for you, to satisfy the lust of your father for their soul's death.

You need to meet Jesus Christ. He is not of the spirit you are of, and you need to know Him and to be filled with His love and grace.


You are a hypocrite, and a liar!

Here is your very first post on this site...

Yes -and it is true. You clamor for death. Jesus came to give life, and where sin abounded, grace much more abounded....but you have never known His grace.
Jesus Christ came into this world to save sinners, not to roast them, and He says you do not know the spirit you are of -and you need to repent. I hope it is not too late for you, but as hardened as you are, it seems that you are a twice dead soul, a cloud without water, feasting together with those who claim the name of the Son of God while blaspheming His doctrine with your filthy mouth and hard sayings.


New member
Yes -and it is true. You clamor for death. Jesus came to give life, and where sin abounded, grace much more abounded....but you have never known His grace.
Jesus Christ came into this world to save sinners, not to roast them, and He says you do not know the spirit you are of -and you need to repent. I hope it is not too late for you, but as hardened as you are, it seems that you are a twice dead soul, a cloud without water, feasting together with those who claim the name of the Son of God while blaspheming His doctrine with your filthy mouth and hard sayings.

Go to hell, countdown. You are a Holy Spirit blasphemer, and probably a child molestor.

Yet another simple comeback from a simple mind.:yawn:

Mystery = OWNED (my turn to play kid games):sheep:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
You are not God and you have no idea what you are saying.
David sinned. David repented. David did not die for his sin, another did.
David said his sin was against God and God only. Homosexuals who commit sodomy sin against God and God only, not against you and not against me.
This is not a theocracy and we cannot have a theocratic government in this world's system and will not, until Jesus returns to set up His glorious reign. What you want and ignorantly scream and rant for is a tyrannical government set in place over this nation, which will kill sinners -fornicators- of one sort, for you, to satisfy the lust of your father for their soul's death.

You need to meet Jesus Christ. He is not of the spirit you are of, and you need to know Him and to be filled with His love and grace.
How many times do we have to state that this is not about sin, you ignorant clod?! Are you really that daft, that you can't remember something that has been repeatedly stated?! And why don't you answer the questions you have been asked about where the Bible states the things you claim it does?


New member
I find it disheartening that this thread is 250+ pages and that there are actually TWO threads discussing the same topic.

This should put the issue to rest, and it should have been put to rest long ago.

John 8:5-11

5Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

6This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

7So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

8And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.

9And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

10When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?

11She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

WWJD? There is nothing wrong with abhorring evil, judging the evil of others, pointed out the error in their ways, but WHO IS FIT TO CAST THE FIRST STONE? Who is fit to execute the criminal? Who is holy enough to execute a homosexual (if one did indeed think their acts worthy of execution)?

I believe that to be a BIG part of what Jesus was trying to convey. Even if a persons crime (sin) causes them to be worthy of death, repentance and mercy will overcome the perceived evil more efficiently than executing the guilty.

You both kept going on about "it's not about sin", but that is all it can be about, because it is not about a crime. Homosexuality IS NOT A CRIME, much less a capital crime, worthy of execution.

If someone is waiting to be executed for something such as this, they should understand that it was wrong of them to do. They should understand that it was so wrong that they are now going to not only die for it, but be put to death for it. They should then look at the situation and try to understand why it's so wrong. And if they examine themselves properly they will see their need for a Savior. And then they will not come to God under force or duress, but out of a willing and genuine heart.

I disagree that your method would be as efficient as Jesus' was. Where you (and Mystery, no doubt) would condemn the guilty to death, whereas if the guilty had truly repented (change their ways, not simply ask for forgiveness), there would be no need for punishment (execution).

I think a homosexual waiting to be executed for their "crime" (sin because it is NOT a crime anyway, at least in the US) would be defiant and angry at a political system that would put them to death for something they see as blameless. How is simply executed them going to make them see their error? You assume people on death row have a sudden realization that the system that is going to kill them is right for doing so. I disagree with that assumption. Through mercy and compassion a person may be converted and learn to repent. Just because someone is about to be executed does not mean they are going to finally realize they deserve their fate. It would also cause sympathy with enablers and make them fight even harder for their cause, which they perceive as right.

If other citizens perceived such an execution as unjust, it would force more away from God's word. They would need to gain spiritual understanding before they would change their opinion. Such law worked in Moses' time because they were living under a theocracy and all citizens understood the divine providence of the law they lived under and all acknowledged the judge was God himself. In the constitutional republic that we live in (in the US) God is not the lawmaker, but rather man is, and we are judged by fellow men under the law of men, not under the law of God. Therefore, such a sin (crime in your eyes) is between the sinner and the spiritual judge (God) and no one else, because it is not a capital crime inside our constitutional republic.

Jesus had the power to condemn the adulterer, but he chose to show mercy. Was he breaking God's law by not condemning here to death like the scribes and pharisees had? Don't you see with all of your "knowledge" of scripture you still lack understanding of it? You are the modern day scribes and pharisees IMO.

Peace be with you.


New member
How many times do we have to state that this is not about sin, you ignorant clod?! Are you really that daft, that you can't remember something that has been repeatedly stated?! And why don't you answer the questions you have been asked about where the Bible states the things you claim it does?

What do you THINK it is about, and why do you think everyone else should agree with what you THINK it is about?

Repeatedly stating something makes it redundant, it does NOT make it true.

I see insults spew forth from your tongue as fast as Mystery's. You defile yourself by speaking to others in such a manner.


mystery's lying libel: View Post
I am countdown's homo lover, leave him alone!:baby:

As I said on the other thread dealing with this issue of your hate and desire to murder one kind of sinner but not others in the same category:

This is not a Christian site.

This is a hate filled, blaspheming, sin sick set up which exists only to satisfy some sick desire to turn people away from the Gospel of Christ by showing such ugly, lying, false, slanderous, libellous, wicked, perverse, twisted, ignorant, faces to any and all who visit, and who do post who do not join in your blasphemous, tormenting, mocking, name calling ways.
Countdown the days until God removes this filthy mockery of Christianity from harming His name by such blasphemy.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I find it disheartening that this thread is 250+ pages and that there are actually TWO threads discussing the same topic.

This should put the issue to rest, and it should have been put to rest long ago.

John 8:5-11

5Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

6This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

7So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

8And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.

9And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

10When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?

11She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

WWJD? There is nothing wrong with abhorring evil, judging the evil of others, pointed out the error in their ways, but WHO IS FIT TO CAST THE FIRST STONE? Who is fit to execute the criminal? Who is holy enough to execute a homosexual (if one did indeed think their acts worthy of execution)?

I believe that to be a BIG part of what Jesus was trying to convey. Even if a persons crime (sin) causes them to be worthy of death, repentance and mercy will overcome the perceived evil more efficiently than executing the guilty.

You both kept going on about "it's not about sin", but that is all it can be about, because it is not about a crime. Homosexuality IS NOT A CRIME, much less a capital crime, worthy of execution.
Are you really that daft?

Are you also going to say that God never commanded for homosexuals to be put to death when caught in the act?

Seriously. God commanding such clearly shows that at least at one time He deemed it a crime, a capital crime, worthy of execution. And I don't see anywhere in the Bible that repeals that.

Another thing. Are you suggesting we don't punish anyone, ever, for any crime? We just forgive them?

I disagree that your method would be as efficient as Jesus' was. Where you (and Mystery, no doubt) would condemn the guilty to death, whereas if the guilty had truly repented (change their ways, not simply ask for forgiveness), there would be no need for punishment (execution).
First off, there were no witnesses. Why would I, or Mystery, condemn someone when there are no witnesses?

I think a homosexual waiting to be executed for their "crime" (sin because it is NOT a crime anyway, at least in the US) would be defiant and angry at a political system that would put them to death for something they see as blameless.
They would only be waiting upon execution if it was a crime, moron. And they see it as blameless because the government acts as though it is. They don't treat homosexuals as the deviants they are. If they did, then the homos might actually be able to see that it is an abominable act.

And what makes you think some of the people sitting on death row for murder feel as though they aren't blameless? And what about child molesters? They don't see anything wrong with what they do, even after being sent to prison. If the government executed them for it, they might actually think about it some more, and possibly see that it is abominable. Same goes for rapists.

How is simply executed them going to make them see their error? You assume people on death row have a sudden realization that the system that is going to kill them is right for doing so. I disagree with that assumption. Through mercy and compassion a person may be converted and learn to repent. Just because someone is about to be executed does not mean they are going to finally realize they deserve their fate. It would also cause sympathy with enablers and make them fight even harder for their cause, which they perceive as right.
But there are those who do see their error, as their death approaches, because they take stock of their lives, looking over it, and realizing how they did harm others to the extent of deserving to die. And they accept their fate, because they know they deserve it. And some of them even give their lives to God, and still walk, willingly, to give up their lives for their crimes. Paul was willing to die, if he had committed a crime worthy of death. Anyone who truly loved God would be.

So Paul said, “I stand at Caesar’s judgment seat, where I ought to be judged. To the Jews I have done no wrong, as you very well know. For if I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying; but if there is nothing in these things of which these men accuse me, no one can deliver me to them. I appeal to Caesar.”
-Acts 25:10-11

If other citizens perceived such an execution as unjust, it would force more away from God's word. They would need to gain spiritual understanding before they would change their opinion. Such law worked in Moses' time because they were living under a theocracy and all citizens understood the divine providence of the law they lived under and all acknowledged the judge was God himself. In the constitutional republic that we live in (in the US) God is not the lawmaker, but rather man is, and we are judged by fellow men under the law of men, not under the law of God. Therefore, such a sin (crime in your eyes) is between the sinner and the spiritual judge (God) and no one else, because it is not a capital crime inside our constitutional republic.
But it should be. This society would be better off, because homos would stop being homos. And if men would stop trying to make laws based on their emotions, and defer to God, as they used to, then we wouldn't be in the state we're in. Homosexuality used to be a capital crime in this country, and homos weren't parading in the streets. That was a law passed by the men who started this country, because they believed God knew what He was doing. It was later that men who believed they knew better than God who changed the law. And why did they think they knew better? Because instead of telling people who complained to pack up and leave, they let them dictate what the lawmakers did, and eventually we had a country full of people who think of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as a joke.

Jesus had the power to condemn the adulterer, but he chose to show mercy. Was he breaking God's law by not condemning here to death like the scribes and pharisees had? Don't you see with all of your "knowledge" of scripture you still lack understanding of it? You are the modern day scribes and pharisees IMO.
She could have fallen down dead, but He had no right to sentence her to stoning, because He was not a priest, or a judge. He would have been hauled off by the Romans, and executed before His appointed time.

He was not breaking the law, because He had no standing to enforce the law. He was a civilian.

What do you THINK it is about, and why do you think everyone else should agree with what you THINK it is about?
Because I'm the one saying it should be a capital crime, you moron! So when I tell you that I am talking about it as a crime, and not as a sin, for you to tell me I'm not, is accusing me of lying!

And not only that, but when Paul was saying that we are no longer under the law, He was saying that we are no longer under it as it pertains to righteousness. He made that clear when he said that Christ was the end of the law for righteousness.

For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
-Romans 10:4

And did you notice he said that it was the end of righteousness to everyone who believes? What about the unbeliever?

But we know that the law is good if one uses it lawfully, knowing this: that the law is not made for a righteous person, but for the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, for fornicators, for sodomites, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine, according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God which was committed to my trust.
-1 Timothy 1:8-11

Repeatedly stating something makes it redundant, it does NOT make it true.
And lying about what I believe doesn't make your statement's true. It makes them lies.

I see insults spew forth from your tongue as fast as Mystery's. You defile yourself by speaking to others in such a manner.
Let's see: brood of vipers, whitewashed tombs, children of the devil, sons of Hell, etc. Those sound like insults to me. Do you think the person who said those things to other people was defiling himself by saying them?