Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Formerly Shimei!
It was just answered! Whatever laws were in place at that time applied to that time, would you sooner we go back to them for ALL of the laws that have been laid out? How about you start answering some questions? Do you think that Jesus should have let the adulterous woman die as the law commanded or do you think that he gave a highly relevant message to that self righteous bloodthirsty mob that wanted to stone her to death? Do you think that adultery should be a capital crime in todays society?

Do you think that Jesus disagreed with His Father?

You did NOT answer my simple question. Answer it and I will see what I can do about your questions.


New member
Not to butt in, but what do you make of these two verses?

Leviticus 12:3
And on the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised.

Galatians 5:2
Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing.

Those verses are talking about being circumcised in the flesh, Christians are supposed to be circumcised in the heart.

Circumcision is symbolic of the stripping away of your old sinful self and a dedication to God in your heart.


New member
This is disturbing--a teenage girl could show up in a church pregnant, and everyone would be like "Oh, you made a horrible mistake, but there is forgiveness." If a homosexual or even a suspected homosexual walks into a church, we're like "AAAAHHH!! You're a disgusting pervert and you're going to hell!!!"

I thought we were supposed to love the sinner and hate the sin...not execute the sinner because they are deceived/ignorant. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We heterosexual Christians were not born saved, and we lived in sin at one point too. It's sad that we forget that and choose instead to be full of Christian pride instead of the compassion that Christ calls us to have for others.


New member
You act as though I have not answered that before, to you directly.

I've had a few answers about this from various people - none of which have been particularaly satisfactory which is not surprising, for the amount of attention homosexuality warrants on this site it's frankly unbelieveable that Jesus would not see fit to mention it even once while on earth, considering all of the worlds problems its frankly saddening and sickening that so much attention on the sexual lives of people warrants so much judgemental attention, and to be honest I do not recall you having an answer for the second question I asked, do you think that Jesus would support adultery being a capital crime in todays society?


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
This is disturbing--a teenage girl could show up in a church pregnant, and everyone would be like "Oh, you made a horrible mistake, but there is forgiveness." If a homosexual or even a suspected homosexual walks into a church, we're like "AAAAHHH!! You're a disgusting pervert and you're going to hell!!!"

I thought we were supposed to love the sinner and hate the sin...not execute the sinner because they are deceived/ignorant.

Yup, that is fair.


Well-known member
It only takes two to make quite a few.

Just to get a grip on this, maybe like:

Few people can be happy unless they hate some other person, nation, or creed” ?

That could be two.

Sorry to change the subject for a sec. Just wanted a clarification.


Formerly Shimei!
Can someone give an intelligent rundown of how and why these vary in importance, or how they may or may not apply to today?
That would be helpful in helping people accept that homosexuality should be receive the death penalty.
It would certainly help to convince those who aren't convinced.

If there happened to be little variance in importance, and it was thought that most or all of these laws should be instigated, then can we get past the any clever juggling of Scripture, and have a defining set of Scriptures which put to rest the doubts?


Most of those crimes seem to have to do with murder, sex crimes or kidnapping.

Paul sums it up here:
Romans 1:28-32


New member
This is disturbing--a teenage girl could show up in a church pregnant, and everyone would be like "Oh, you made a horrible mistake, but there is forgiveness." If a homosexual or even a suspected homosexual walks into a church, we're like "AAAAHHH!! You're a disgusting pervert and you're going to hell!!!"

I thought we were supposed to love the sinner and hate the sin...not execute the sinner because they are deceived/ignorant. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We heterosexual Christians were not born saved, and we lived in sin at one point too. It's sad that we forget that and choose instead to be full of Christian pride instead of the compassion that Christ calls us to have for others.


There will be some here however who say that we are in fact supposed to hate the person as well :doh:


New member

No more than anyone else should!

What about Jesus and the woman caught in adultery? Can't you follow the principle through to its logical conclusion?


Formerly Shimei!
Those verses are talking about being circumcised in the flesh, Christians are supposed to be circumcised in the heart.

Circumcision is symbolic of the stripping away of your old sinful self and a dedication to God in your heart.

But do you see the difference between the command and what Paul said? Circumcision was not taken lightly.

Genesis 17:10
This is My covenant which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you: Every male child among you shall be circumcised

Who was this covenant with?

Galatians 5:2
Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing.

Who was Paul writing to?


New member

There will be some here however who say that we are in fact supposed to hate the person as well :doh:

And isn't it interesting that after Paul goes into detail about the vileness of homosexuality, he goes on to say in Romans 2:1-4, "Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things. But we know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who practice such things. And do you think this, O man, you who judge those practicing such things, and doing the same, that you will escape the judgment of God? Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?"

Memento Mori

New member
Just to get a grip on this, maybe like:

Few people can be happy unless they hate some other person, nation, or creed” ?

That could be two.

Sorry to change the subject for a sec. Just wanted a clarification.

I fail to see what you're getting at.

Do you mean that two can equal a few? Because on the level you're describing it wouldn't make sense to denote two as a few. "Few people" would be a good sized town at least, that is in my opinion of course.

But the statement was merely meant to point out that if you start to dance around a subject, we may never get where we want to go.


Well-known member
Most of those crimes seem to have to do with murder, sex crimes or kidnapping.

Paul sums it up here:
Romans 1:28-32

To compile:


Sexual immorality,
Full of envy,
They are whisperers,
Haters of God,
Inventors of evil things,
Disobedient to parents,


Not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. - Paul

We're going to need to set up some polls here. And I think we all have some thinking to do.
