Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Thalla 's cagainn bruis!

Well there's a distinct possibility that I will be repeating a point made by many open-minded and level-headed persons already, but, in answer to the question "should homosexuals be given the death penalty" I say, ofcourse they should not! Never have I heard such folly. The God given rights of a human being exist in all of us, regardless of anything......especially our sexual orientation. If one loves, surely that is enough?


The Dark Knight
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It may not deter all people, but it will deter many. And those it does not deter get to see the other side of eternity...

God said they should be put to death, if they commit these acts. Why do you disagree with God, and call yourself a Christian?

Real Sorceror

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Lighthouse said:
God said they should be put to death, if they commit these acts. Why do you disagree with God, and call yourself a Christian?
Actually, the Bible says they should be put to death. I havent heard anything from G-d lately, but thats a whole nother thread. *shrugs*


I think that if the death penalty for homosexuals is enforeced then so to should the rest of the levitical purity laws. We would still have Lesbians though. Whilst Paul states in Colosians that following these rules is no longer necessary, he does restate that sodomy is wrong but offers no prescriptive punishment. SO therefore... sodomy may be wrong (mainly because of the Jewish notion the importance of procreation) but there is no indication from scripture that it should be punished by death.


New member
I'm bored, so I'll play. Again. Lol.

It's Leviticus that calls for the death penalty. It also calls for the death penalty for not resting on the Sabbath and cursing/hitting your parents. These laws were for the Herbew people at that time, they must be restated somewhere else in order to be still in effect.


New member
Lighthouse said:
It may not deter all people, but it will deter many. And those it does not deter get to see the other side of eternity...


I SO got an image of Hitler saying that when I read it! ;)


`Love. said:
I'm bored, so I'll play. Again. Lol.

It's Leviticus that calls for the death penalty. It also calls for the death penalty for not resting on the Sabbath and cursing/hitting your parents. These laws were for the Herbew people at that time, they must be restated somewhere else in order to be still in effect.

It requires many things such as women on a period going outside of the community, but we now have tampax and always ultra.

The bottom line is... Do you contextulise scripture or simeply read in on a face value way. I tend to beleive there were practical reasons for many of the levitical purity laws. Period blood all over the floor isn't very hygenic, there was no prisons or law enforcement so stoning the encoragable son was the best solution atthe time. Even circumcision which had spiritual significance was a very practical step to take whilst living in a desert.

Back on thread...I believe that homosexuality was forbidden not because it is inherantly wrong but because it is expediently impractical.


New member
I agree, moonface.

What people do is give these laws and give what God said power not because they have logical truths behind them, but because they have some kind of mystical power. This is a big part of why Christianity is getting pooped on today. Hardly anyone knows why we are following God anymore. It's always, "Because we are" or "How dare you ask that?". Crazy legalists.

I would like to hear someone who advocates the death penalty on homosexuals give me some logical truth that supports the idea other than, "Because [I think] God said so". Is anyone here not just a carbon copy, minus the brains, of their pastors?

Big Mouth Nana

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`Love. said:
Is anyone here not just a carbon copy, minus the brains, of their pastors?
I don't have a pastor, so the brains are my own, lol. I can't believe that this farce of a topic is still going. I was on a vacation from this lunacy for almost 2 weeks. The problem with the "death to the homo's" group is, they never came out of the OT into the NT, where Jesus died and fulfilled the OT laws on the cross. He took the sins of us all, and now it is repentance and we are under grace until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled. Jesus died for ALL sinners, even the homosexual. He is allowing "whosoever will" to repent and and be saved.
These people who are wanting homosexuals executed, and claim to be Christians, should have been executed themselves as well since they were sinners also. I guess they think that they were the elite of the lost and sinful bunch, and didn't deserve death. What a bunch of bible illiterate schmucks!!! God didn't send His Son to die on the cross for the saved, but the lost..homosexuals included. I'm betting that not one of these homo haters has ever witnessed to a homosexual. They remind me of the pious Pharisees thinking that they were to good to associate with such disgusting vermin. Even Jesus ate with sinners and preached to them. There are going to be a lot of so called Christians that are told by the Lord, depart from me ye workers of iniquity, for I never knew you. These homosexual haters have iniquity (sin) in their hearts, and will be judged also for this. Like the bible states, work out your own salvations with fear and trembling!!! Don't fear the homo, fear the One who can put you in hell for eternity!! God will judge the unrepentant homosexual when the time comes.
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The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
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Apparently moonface doesn't think that bestiality should be illegal, since it was "merely a purity law.":rolleyes:

And merely being a sinner was never punishable by execution.:nono:


New member
`Love. said:
I'm bored, so I'll play. Again. Lol.

It's Leviticus that calls for the death penalty. It also calls for the death penalty for not resting on the Sabbath and cursing/hitting your parents. These laws were for the Herbew people at that time, they must be restated somewhere else in order to be still in effect.
Do you believe the laws were made by the citizens of their day or God?


New member
Since it is recorded in the Bible , we have to abide by that.

The traditional church stance has been that homosexuality is clearly sinful, and therefore not allowed in a church setting, of all places. The first verse we tend to hear from conservative spokespeople is Leviticus 18:22: “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable” (NIV). The newer translations read, “Do not practice homosexuality; it is a detestable sin” (NLT). And the consequences of choosing such a lifestyle were spelled out just as clearly: “The penalty for homosexual acts is death to both parties. They have committed a detestable act and are guilty of a capital offense” (Leviticus 20:13).


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
`Love. said:
I agree, moonface.

What people do is give these laws and give what God said power not because they have logical truths behind them, but because they have some kind of mystical power. This is a big part of why Christianity is getting pooped on today. Hardly anyone knows why we are following God anymore. It's always, "Because we are" or "How dare you ask that?". Crazy legalists.

I would like to hear someone who advocates the death penalty on homosexuals give me some logical truth that supports the idea other than, "Because [I think] God said so". Is anyone here not just a carbon copy, minus the brains, of their pastors?
Here's a question: why do they need to be restated, when certain Levitical laws were rescinded, elsewhere in Scripture? The laws on the Sabbath included. So, certain laws, the ones that God did not want for us now, were rescinded, while other laws, the ones that would make good laws for a society, such as "Do not murder, and put to death those who do commit murder, " were not rescinded. So why would they need to be restated, when it is obvious which ones were rescinded, and which ones were not?