Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Just Tom said:
- learn proper English.
I guess it's easy to miss when OF spams at a rate of 8 posts/page and of the 148 pages, Tom's probably contributed about a third of the total posts for this thread. Anyway, you didn't answer my questions, you refused to answer every single one, instead going back to your broken record of, "ever since it was taken off the mental disorder list..."

Just Tom said:
1) Obviously more than you since I know the history and psychology of it..
You didn't answer my question. "No, you see. Here's the problem. You don't know the history of psychiatry. I do." - Tom Cruise ;) Sorry, the mad raving made me think of everyone's favorite scientologist. Yes, I'm sure you've read a lot of books by some very misguided authors who probably celebrate the anniversary of Matthew Shepard's brutal murder.

There is no conspiracy or war of us versus them (97% v. 3%); I can almost say with certainty that no man would ever try to hit on you, Tom; the majority of them are not trying to rape anyone's children, no matter what some memo in an obscure magazine from the 1980's said. Granted, there are some child molesters who are gay. There are also straight child molesters.

You are a homophobe, that's your perogative. "The term homophobia means a "fear of or contempt for homosexuality or homosexuals" or the fear of becoming homosexual." You have contempt for all homosexuals. Because you think your holy book also supports your hatred, this gives you an excuse. The Nazis also thought they were acting in good faith.

As long as you're not hurting anyone, you can rock back and forth in your chair, clutching your DRM-guide to mental health singing, "they're coming to take me away, ahah!" A bigot on a message board doesn't affect me or my life.

Just Tom said:
2) If I think about preventing and opposing child abuse does that make me a child abuser? Only think about it when it is thrown in my face everyday in the news on the radio this culture is saturated by them now since it was taken off the list of mental disorder. And society has to change now not them. So anyone who resists is labeled one of them to discount them. Funny how soicopathic that is isn't it? They will use your inner, but openly hidden, natural disgust for homos to discount and label those who oppose them as really homo, it is only okay to hate or ignore discount someone who is a homo if you label them a closeted one. Then discrimination based on sexual orientation is okay.. You all are infected...
Didn't answer this question, either. I asked how much time you spent thinking and writing about homosexuality not because I believe you are a child abuser, but because I think you have an unhealthy obsession with the topic. Further, if protecting children from abuse was your only concern, you should equally be denouncing priests who abuse young alter boys or could volunteer with organizations like Child Advocates that help children who have been abused.

I assume you are also a very insecure person, notice I'm not calling you gay, I'm saying that by castigating homosexuals, you feel better about yourself; it makes you feel stronger, smarter, more superior than others. This is natural with all humans, it's just sad that you don't recognize it--everyone else here seems to.

From reading your posts, I believe you have a severe and deep-seeded phobia; you should honestly seek professional help.

Just Tom said:
3) I have had a negative experience with every homo I have meet for the past 20+ years. They all make advances dummy,, Sex between men is the homo replacement for male bonding, It is a compulsive sexual disorder read a book dude...
Tom, you slippery bigot you.. :) I asked you a question that everyone else understood: has a gay man every tried to hit on you (you know, he would come up behind you at a bar, maybe put his hands on the small of your back, and whisper seductively into your ear, "hey cowboy, I'm looking for someone to lasso tonight", something along those lines. (I can't help it if you or anyone else reading the previous sentence was in any way aroused.. ;)

You, like clockwork, sidestepped the question and stated that 'every homo you meeted for the past 20 years' was a negative experience. I didn't ask how they interact with each other, I asked if they made a physical advance towards you. This is a significant difference because you constantly state that they're going around trying to 'infect everyone'. Because you've read a bunch of anti-homosexual books, you think you have every single one of them figured out. They're all the same, anyway.

Just Tom said:
4) Yes
5) Anyone
6) The Criminal Justice system
Ok, now you're just not even trying. I specifically asked you, "who specifically should be responsible for finding the homosexuals". Your answer: "Anyone."

The reason I have no fear of people like you is that you're not running for any kind of public office where you could inact laws that would impact the lives of others. With sterling policies like the one you laid out above, you would be a shoe-in... You and Fred Phelps are perfectly within your right to wallow in your own hatred. It's sad that you look up to him as some kind of role model, like the kid with a John Wayne Gacey poster on his wall.

I don't think you're a homosexual, Tom. I don't think you're in denial, either. I believe you are a seriously flawed human being who would benefit immensely from professional help.
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On Fire

New member
Gerald said:
But anyone you try to share it with is Simply Out of Luck.
And thus you blind atheists are the very definition of insane: coming here day after day expecting the answer to change.


New member
eisenreich said:

I don't think you're a homosexual, Tom. I don't think you're in denial, either. I believe you are a seriously flawed human being who would benefit immensely from professional help.
OF, if you have a problem with this post, by all means, let me know with a response in this thread. Don't neg rep me with this: :down: as the explanation.


New member
Lighthouse said:
Really? You mean like, in Judaism? Dee dee dee.

Yup. And ancient babylonian. But can you find a secular reason that society might prohibit murder? I bet you can find many. I know I can.

Most sexual immorality would be a capital offense. Adultery, bestiality, rape, child molestation, incest...

I can only agree with those crimes that actually have a victim (child molestation, rape).

No, you don't. But whose fault is that?

I know you're gonna say 'teh gays' in response to whatever I say, so we'll skip right to the part where I say: What about my completely clean gay friend who has never had a disease and is in a monogamous relationship? Is he at fault? (Of course if you weren't going to say that, then please correct me)

On Fire

New member
eisenreich said:
OF, if you have a problem with this post, by all means, let me know with a response in this thread. Don't neg rep me with this: :down: as the explanation.
My problem is that you, a pre-pubescent, faithless, commie would attempt to give psychological advice.

I can neg rep any way I choose.


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eisenreich said:
What continues to surprise me as I read through the bible for the first time is the amount of context that is lost on the majority of modern readers. Most of my friends who are believers know the basic tenets of Christianity; basically enough so they feel comfortable with their salvation. Though despite their limited knowledge, they also adopt the stigma against gays. They don't exactly know where the bible says such things, but they know it's in there. I believe their apathy on the subject is irresponsible, especially when they are basing their moral beliefs on a book such as the bible.
They know it's in there because homosexuality has become the premier sin for Christians to hate.

Certainly! I applaud the fact that people such as yourself take the time to investigate these problems further, rather than simply accepting them because a few literally-read verses agree with what you would want them to say. The bible is an extremely complex document because of the matter in which it was compiled and the sheer number of circumstances unique to the writers during the first few centuries. It's not that I'm trying to rationalize away or circumvent these verses; on the contrary, I'm trying to get to the truth.

If you are being honest with yourself, you cannot find any truths in obscure verses such as these by doing a literal reading with modern eyes, giving no respect as to context or taking into account cultural awareness of the time in which the piece was written.

From everything I've read by professionals of etymology and greek language, it appears the true meaning of what Paul meant by the term will never be known. The following quote sums up my opinion on the subject.
That link didn't work.

I appreciate the fact that many on ToL back up their beliefs on homosexuality with equally harsh punishments for adultery. However, words are merely words and actually attempting to implement biblical laws on modern-day America would, in my opinion, result in the downfall of this country. This may be digressing from the topic, but if America was to base our system of law on an ancient set of commandments, it should be those of Solon, not Moses. Solon was an Athenian lawmaker who lived until 558 bce; here were his commandments:
Not a bad list. Why would it result in the downfall of America?

If the verses in the bible do not condemn homosexuality in any form, which I believe, and Christians were to agree with you and put it on the same level as fornication; that would be a significant step forward.
What do you believe the verses are talking about? You said your thoughts are that paragraph you quoted, so does that mean you don't know what the verses mean?
When taken in context of the entire bible, does it change how you think?
What are your thoughts on the other passages that are used against homosexuality?


The Dark Knight
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xMinionX said:
Yup. And ancient babylonian. But can you find a secular reason that society might prohibit murder? I bet you can find many. I know I can.
Of course I can.

I can only agree with those crimes that actually have a victim (child molestation, rape).
Homosexuality victimizes all of society.

I know you're gonna say 'teh gays' in response to whatever I say, so we'll skip right to the part where I say: What about my completely clean gay friend who has never had a disease and is in a monogamous relationship? Is he at fault? (Of course if you weren't going to say that, then please correct me)
Actually, I blame you.

Nah, just kidding. I blame fornication, really. However, even though not all homosexuals are responsible, they are the main group. And not all fornicators are responsible for the level it has come to, but that doesn't mean fornicaters aren't to blame.:nono:


New member
Has anyone given a nonbiblical reason to put homosexuals to death (or even criminalize homosexuality)? I await a response...


3.14159 said:
Has anyone given a nonbiblical reason to put homosexuals to death (or even criminalize homosexuality)? I await a response...

Because it mocks nature itself and the sanctity of life.


New member
Hall of Fame
3.14159 said:
Has anyone given a nonbiblical reason to put homosexuals to death (or even criminalize homosexuality)? I await a response...
Yeah it's in there somewhere, but I forget where exactly. You better just read all 149 pages to find it.....:chuckle:


Well-known member
This thread is old :yawn:

All I keep seeing are the same things being said over and over again in every way possible. And still it keeps going.
