Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Just Tom

New member
HappyMess said:
Yes. If you're gay I suppose it would also be wrong to have sex with with someone other than your husband. :rotfl: Dude I get it. You're married and you have male fantasies.....I never watched Brokeback but I've heard about it. Good news is it got an oscar so people will accept you for who you are. :rotfl:

At least Im not holding their hands as we walk into the bushes. Its you that has male fantasies.

Dude if some men like men thats cool...more single women in the world for us straight guys. Amen


Now this is interesting...

You avoid the question which is a simple yes or no..

You see you have the same values as a HOMO.. Thus you need to label those who don't have those values negatively. On one hand you say if some like men that is cool.. On the other you say you aren't like them or have the same values because you like women.. Sexual immorality is the value that you and homos have in common. You both determine for yourselves what is right.. you both have the same values and at the heart of who you are you are just like a HOMO philosophically which is what guides all your actions you just manifest them slightly differently ...
It offends you and it makes you insecure to think that others might think that sexual immorality is wrong. So you take the position of the homos and oppose those who oppose homosexuality since you both are coming from the same moral and philosophical position.

Thus tomorrow you could come out of the closet and be who you really want to be.. Since one of the signs of a closet homo is that they label others homosexual to cover their own tracks. Which you have done throughout this dialogue. And it would not in any way violate your philosophical position or be in conflict with any moral conviction that you may hold.. Since you don't hold any that I can see...

You have been infected..!!! :readthis:


New member
HappyMess said:
At least Im not holding their hands as we walk into the bushes. Its you that has male fantasies.

Thats probably a very telling point actually if you need to get to the bottom of this (couldnt resist :chuckle: ). Now there are gay clubs and gay marriages and acceptance the majority of people that need the seedy side of the gay scene are those that are gay but can't come out and say so. The guys that think its evil or speak out about it in public because they attach shame with it but then rely on it for the only source of manlove :( . If you've got a problem with AIDS and male streetwalkers...look in the mirror. Shame on you. Be a man and accept what you are doing to society with your double standards.

Get out of the closet and stop dragging society down.

That or just say you like women exclusively - something that you keep dodging.


New member
Just Tom said:
Now this is interesting...

You avoid the question which is a simple yes or no..

:rotfl: Look again numnuts.

Happymess said:

It was the first word I typed. Yes FULL STOP. :chuckle:

So quick to pass the blame and say ah this is telling when you continuously refuse to say "I like women, I am never sexually attracted to men."

Going by your logic you're definitely holding something back. :think:
Just admit it, when you were at college you worked in the candy parcelling factory....

:rotfl: ....... :rotfl: .... :shocked:

Just Tom

New member
HappyMess said:
Thats probably a very telling point actually if you need to get to the bottom of this (couldnt resist :chuckle: ). Now there are gay clubs and gay marriages and acceptance the majority of people that need the seedy side of the gay scene are those that are gay but can't come out and say so. The guys that think its evil or speak out about it in public because they attach shame with it but then rely on it for the only source of manlove :( . If you've got a problem with AIDS and male streetwalkers...look in the mirror. Shame on you. Be a man and accept what you are doing to society with your double standards.

Get out of the closet and stop dragging society down.

That or just say you like women exclusively - something that you keep dodging.

It was a full stop and then, a qualification for the yes thus not a yes..
What double standard?
Sexual immorality is wrong if it be man woman or man man or woman woman.

Your tired lame argument which is rule #8 in the homo hand book to label those who oppose them as homos to discount them.

Get a clue you have the same moral values system as a HOMO thus you could be..

I on the other hand do not have that value system.. So how does that make me a homo in your twisted circular reasoning..

Oh thats right you said it.. I am bringing society down by opposing homos... You are so dense..

And you have been infected...


New member
Just Tom said:
Your tired lame argument which is rule #8 in the homo hand book to label those who oppose them as homos to discount them.
I'm just wondering why you have a copy of their handbook... :think:

Since you must have missed my earlier post:
Tom, a few innocent questions, these are straight-forward so they shouldn't be difficult to answer.

1. How many books would you say you've read on the topic of homosexuality?

2. How much time (minutes/hours) do you spend each day thinking about homosexuality in your everyday life?

3. How much time (minutes/hours) do you spend each day writing about homosexuality, here on ToL? (Notice that you were up until 12:38am typing out the post above. Do your kids ever come up to you and say, "Daddy, I can't sleep, can you read me a story..?" and you reply, "I can't right now, Daddy's spewing hateful vitriol on a message board..")

4. Have you ever had a negative experience in which a homosexual acted inappropriately towards you? (hit on you or any member of your family, made any form of physical advance?) If not you or your family, anyone you know personally?

5. Do you believe homosexuals deserve capital punishment? (This would also apply to adulterers, since the bible condemns them in the same breathe)

5.a. If so, who specifically should be responsible for finding the homosexuals?

5.b. What specific department would be responsible for putting them to death?

5.b.i. If President Bush offered you the position of being solely responsible for officially putting homosexuals to death, on a case by case basis, would you accept it?
Last edited:


New member
kmoney said:
I've seen this before. There are rationalizations for just about every reference in the bible that is against homosexuality. In the OT people say it was about pagan religious rites where priests would have gay sex. In the NT they argue against the meaning of the original language or in a couple passages say it is talking about homosexual sex in idolatry, similar to what is said in the OT.
What continues to surprise me as I read through the bible for the first time is the amount of context that is lost on the majority of modern readers. Most of my friends who are believers know the basic tenets of Christianity; basically enough so they feel comfortable with their salvation. Though despite their limited knowledge, they also adopt the stigma against gays. They don't exactly know where the bible says such things, but they know it's in there. I believe their apathy on the subject is irresponsible, especially when they are basing their moral beliefs on a book such as the bible.

kmoney said:
As far as "arsenokoites" [snip]

So yes, it is possible to call into question the meaning of "arsenokoites", but do you at least admit that homosexuality is a possibility?
Certainly! I applaud the fact that people such as yourself take the time to investigate these problems further, rather than simply accepting them because a few literally-read verses agree with what you would want them to say. The bible is an extremely complex document because of the matter in which it was compiled and the sheer number of circumstances unique to the writers during the first few centuries. It's not that I'm trying to rationalize away or circumvent these verses; on the contrary, I'm trying to get to the truth.

If you are being honest with yourself, you cannot find any truths in obscure verses such as these by doing a literal reading with modern eyes, giving no respect as to context or taking into account cultural awareness of the time in which the piece was written.

From everything I've read by professionals of etymology and greek language, it appears the true meaning of what Paul meant by the term will never be known. The following quote sums up my opinion on the subject.

Reading 'arsenokoitai' as homosexuals is an example of eisegesis. Homophobes who want to find condemnations of homosexuals in the Bible are capable of reading their prejudice into any given passage, just as their predecessors were capable of finding abundant encouragement for antisemitism and racism in the Bible.

It is abundantly clear from the evidence of later Christian usage that the term arsenokoites changed meaning from its original use by Paul. It eventually came to refer to anything from child molesting to anal intercourse with one's wife. This semantic drift probably occurred because Paul's warnings were so successful that the phenomenon he addressed actually disappeared from prominence in Christian controlled areas of late antiquity/early medieval times. After the fall of paganism, temple prostitutes would have become a thing of the past, and male prostitutes, always probably fewer in number than female prostitutes, probably dwindled to extreme rarity. Later Christians, having forgotten the original meaning of arsenokoitai inserted a meaning they wished to see there. - source

kmoney said:
Well first, I think you were joking, but just in case....I was kidding about the wanting more money thing.
I was ;)

kmoney said:
And as far as the double standard, there are laws against perjury and theft. As far as adultery, I understand that talk of homosexuality does overshadow much on TOL, but many on here will argue that adultery should be a crime as well, so there isn't a double standard. And for lying, lying isn't always a sin. Rahab in the bible lied to save some Israelites. A more modern example would be to lie to save Jews during the Holocaust. So I do not think you can make a law against "lying". You may still see that as a double standard, but I don't really see it that way.
I appreciate the fact that many on ToL back up their beliefs on homosexuality with equally harsh punishments for adultery. However, words are merely words and actually attempting to implement biblical laws on modern-day America would, in my opinion, result in the downfall of this country. This may be digressing from the topic, but if America was to base our system of law on an ancient set of commandments, it should be those of Solon, not Moses. Solon was an Athenian lawmaker who lived until 558 bce; here were his commandments:

1. Trust good character more than promises.
2. Do not speak falsely.
3. Do good things.
4. Do not be hasty in making friends, but do not abandon them once made.
5. Learn to obey before you command.
6. When giving advice, do not recommend what is most pleasing, but what is most useful.
7. Make reason your supreme commander.
8. Do not associate with people who do bad things.
9. Honor the gods.
10. Have regard for your parents. - good article comparing the commandments of Moses and Solon.

kmoney said:
I'll end with this: Even if those verses do not mean homosexuality I still think you can call homosexuality a sin. You have to look at the bigger picture. God created men and women for each other. Sex is for marriage and marriage is for a man and a woman. So at best I would put homosexuality with fornication.
If the verses in the bible do not condemn homosexuality in any form, which I believe, and Christians were to agree with you and put it on the same level as fornication; that would be a significant step forward.


New member
Lighthouse said:
So you think murder being illegal is a solely Biblical issue?:rolleyes:

Of course not. There are many rational, secular arguments against murder. Murder was a punishable offense long before christianity arrived.

Yes, I do. STDs are widespread because of sexual immorality, and homosexuals are one of the main reasons. And many of those STDs can cause death.
Then why not just make sexual immorality a capital offense? If you're not biased against homosexuals then that would make more sense, right?

If someone knowingly passes on such an STD, that is murder.

I agree with this, but you don't need to be gay to carry HIV.


Resident Fiend
eisenreich said:
Since you must have missed my earlier post:
Tom, a few innocent questions, these are straight-forward so they shouldn't be difficult to answer.

1. How many books would you say you've read on the topic of homosexuality?

2. How much time (minutes/hours) do you spend each day thinking about homosexuality in your everday life?

3. How much time (minutes/hours) do you spend each day writing about homosexuality, here on ToL? (Notice that you were up until 12:38am typing out the post above. Do your kids ever come up to you and say, "Daddy, I can't sleep, can you read me a story..?" and you reply, "I can't right now, Daddy's spewing hateful vitriol on a message board..")

4. Have you ever had a negative experience in which a homosexual acted inappropriately towards you? (hit on you or any member of your family, made any form of physical advance?) If not you or your family, anyone you know personally?

5. Do you believe homosexuals deserve capital punishment?

5.a. If so, who specifically should be responsible for finding the homosexuals?

5.b. What specific department would be responsible for putting them to death?

5.b.i. If President Bush offered you the position of being solely responsible for officially putting homosexuals to death, on a case by case basis, would you accept it?
I'm betting Tom won't come anywhere near this...


New member
Hall of Fame
No, it's questions. That's all. The "truthsmackers" can dish out but can't take it.

Christians hate dealing with real world issues. They'd much rather talk theology.


Resident Fiend
On Fire said:
Why should he? It's a steaming pile of :pureX:.

Because I'll hunt him down and take pliers, a corkscrew and a dull straight razor to him if he doesn't?




New member
On Fire said:
Why should he? It's a steaming pile of :pureX:.

Hardly. They're simple questions with very simple answers.

I won't place any stock in the response, though. The sad thing about the internet is that, regarding personal responses, you can write whatever you wish and nobody can challenge it. So even if he is neglecting his children in favor of writing on here, there's nothing keeping him from just lying to us.

That's why I stopped bothering with that sort of thing. :yawn:


New member
Gay Tom said:
It was a full stop and then, a qualification for the yes thus not a yes..
What double standard?
No it wasn't dude. It was a clear 'YES' statement with a statement and then an additional statement shown by me saying, " it would also be wrong", also meaning as well as. :) :bannana:

Sexual immorality is wrong if it be man woman or man man or woman woman.
YUP......COS ITS IMMORAL (clues in the name) DOH!

Your tired lame argument which is rule #8 in the homo hand book to label those who oppose them as homos to discount them.
Im saying if you state that 'you are not ever attacted to men in any sexual context' then you are not gay. Yet again you've not come out with such a statement, choosing to sidestep it like a butch line-dancing cowboy in denial.



New member
xMinionX said:
Then why not just make sexual immorality a capital offense? If you're not biased against homosexuals then that would make more sense, right?

Good point, and what is sexual immorality. Is moral sexual conduct just the act of reproduction between a man and a wife. If so then a lot of the foreplay that goes on could be considered immoral. Some of the foreplay doesn't actually come before anything, other than a cigarette. Is this wrong too now. Do we need a JustTom in every married bedroom vetting what you can and cannot do. Moral sexual conduct only people otherwise its just for your own self-gratification. Is oral sex now taboo?


On Fire

New member
Granite said:
No, it's questions. That's all. The "truthsmackers" can dish out but can't take it.

Christians hate dealing with real world issues. They'd much rather talk theology.
Stupid questions + Insincere questions + Loaded questions = :pureX:

On Fire

New member
HappyMess said:
Good point, and what is sexual immorality. Is moral sexual conduct just the act of reproduction between a man and a wife. If so then a lot of the foreplay that goes on could be considered immoral. Some of the foreplay doesn't actually come before anything, other than a cigarette. Is this wrong too now. Do we need a JustTom in every married bedroom vetting what you can and cannot do. Moral sexual conduct only people otherwise its just for your own self-gratification. Is oral sex now taboo?

No Worries - why are you posting under a new name?

Real Sorceror

New member
Ya, I just skipped ahead after page 7. You 51 people that voted yes have broken my emoitionalistic heart and caused me to lose even more faith in humanity. The Death Penalty? Your comparing loving someone of the same gender to the bloody murder of innocents! How are they on the same level?