I'm not following....what is a smart gun? :idunno:

lain: It's a firearm which can recognize it's owner and locks itself when not held by the owner. A good idea in theory but the devil is in the execution.
:think: What Granite is referring to
specifically is that a couple of years ago a company developed a .22 pistol which locks itself except when in the immediate vicinity of an RFID chip to be worn by the owner. It created quite a ruckus...But not for the development of the weapon itself per se, but because of what it triggered.
The idiots in the New Jersey Legislature had written and passed a bill about a decade earlier mandating that if such a "smart" gun were to ever be developed then no other type of gun could be sold in Jersey...Effectively killing the entire firearm market...Well, the legal market anyway.
Hilarity ensued...
The NRA got involved (That's why I pay them)...
Wako's made death threats ('Cuz, you know, In Granite drama-land only gun-wako's make death threats.)
Eventually the law was repealed. So the NRA backed off and the wako's went on to threaten others...Presumably. :noid: