Shooting Suspect Was on School Rifle Team That Got NRA Grant

The Barbarian

I will, if and when he actually discusses the issue Post #77.

How does any of that change the fact that making it easier for mentally-ill people to get guns is a bad idea?

I'm pretty sure we all know why you won't show us how that vote went by name and party.

patrick jane

How does any of that change the fact that making it easier for mentally-ill people to get guns is a bad idea?

I'm pretty sure we all know why you won't show us how that vote went by name and party.
Seems to me that Trump is doing more than obummer ever even thought about doing. Real Presidents get things done. Sit back and learn from Donald J. Trump. Your Commander in Chief.



Well-known member
How does any of that change the fact that making it easier for mentally-ill people to get guns is a bad idea?

I'm pretty sure we all know why you won't show us how that vote went by name and party.
There you have it folks, Barbie here would rather make criminals out of mentally challenged people.

He also refuses to put the blame on the shooter, whether he was drugged up or not

He also doesn't acknowledge that the police came to where he lived over 30 times and the the FBI didn't do their job

As for who voted for the bill Trump signed, he would see democrats who voted for the bill. Maybe he is to lazy to do it.

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The Barbarian

Barbarian asks:
How does any of that change the fact that making it easier for mentally-ill people to get guns is a bad idea?

I'm pretty sure we all know why you won't show us how that vote went by name and party.

There you have it folks, Barbie here would rather make criminals out of mentally challenged people.

How does making sure a mentally-ill person doesn't get weapons amount to "making them criminals?" If you were honest with yourself, you'd admit that Cruz would have been much better off if he had not been able to obtain weapons.

As would the 17 people he killed. It's just insane to argue that a person who says he wants to shoot up schools should be given guns.

He also refuses to put the blame on the shooter, whether he was drugged up or not

If you were honest, you'd admit that I never said anything one way or the other about the shooter's culpability. And you don't know any more than I do about it. He may indeed have been able to know what he was doing was wrong. Or maybe not. That will get sorted out later. It has nothing to do with the disastrous results of letting him have firearms.

He also doesn't acknowledge that the police came to where he lived over 30 times and the the FBI didn't do their job

What do you think they should have done? Tossed him in a prison? Due process means nothing at all to you, does it?

As for who voted for the bill Trump signed, he would see democrats who voted for the bill.

You don't know, do you? You made the claim, now you're unwilling to support it, and are hoping I'll do it for you.

Maybe you're too lazy to do it. Or maybe you've already figured out what it will tell us. And explain to everyone why it would have been alright if a lot of democrats voted for it.


How does any of that change the fact that making it easier for mentally-ill people to get guns is a bad idea?

I'm pretty sure we all know why you won't show us how that vote went by name and party.

Just try not to get radicalized when it doesn’t happen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


You chose instead to blame everyone except the one that is to blame ---- the shooter.

But, the shooters are supposed to be mentally ill - according to President Chump. Therfore they cannot be blamed. So why sell them a bucket load of guns?

BTW tammy, thanks for the reputaions.


New member
I don't see whacked-out conspiracy theorists as being worth listening to. However, if you found any of his comments worth discussing, you could bring them up here.
This demonstrates an immediate prejudice on your part. You did not view the video, saw it as a waste of time, and then preceded to falsely classify the host of said clip as a "Trump apologist" and a conspiracy theorist (both of which are completely false).

I'm just looking at the consequences of your ideas.
What are the consequences of my ideas, Barb?

So your claim is that they didn't actually send an NRA representative to do this, they just funded the training of the killer, to make him a better shot. It appears that you're arguing with yourself.
It appears that you are denying fact, preferring to promote falsehoods.

As stated before, the NRA did not fund training; they funded safety wear. If I give money to the FBI for safety glasses, does that mean I trained the FBI?

If he had signed a law making it easier to kill Border Patrol agents, he'd be just a guilty as Trump.
Not only did Obama make it easier to kill Border Patrol agents, he then tried to cover up said fact.

Operation Fast and Furious was given the OK by Obama. This led to the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Do you blame Obama for the death of this officer, yes or no?

While Secretary of State Clinton told the republicans that cutting embassy security was a bad idea, I think Obama should have been more forceful in pressuring them to restore the cuts
False. In fact, Clinton and Obama immediately started a disinformation campaign, blaming a cartoon of Muhammad for the embassy attack.

But don't worry. When asked about Benghazi later, Clinton just said "who cares?" That seems to line up with the entire liberal opinion, including yours. How can you ever defend such a traitor, who let Americans die through intentional neglect?

No. Congress does not work for the president. The House republicans decided that our embassies did not need increased security, and the rest is history.
Nope. Jurisdiction for embassies falls to the Secretary of State, who had been contacted about the escalating threat in this case.

If he had signed a bill making it easier for the mentally-ill to buy guns, I would have.

After all, it was Trump's decision to allow terrorists to get guns.
Right, again, Trump is responsible for atrocious acts by terrorists that occurred before he was president. That makes logical sense.

After all, Obama did not want to tighten security and surveillance on possible terrorist threats, such as the Orlando shooter. This could much more easily be directly tied to Obama allowing the terrorist to shoot up the nightclub.

Ah, they merely funded the training. Turns out no NRA person actually did the training; they just paid for it.
Keep that repetition going. Repeat the falsehood enough, and it may come true.

But since I already pointed that out, you're kinda grasping at straws, um?
Can't take the facts and reality disagreeing with your view/agenda?



Seems to me that Trump is doing more than obummer ever even thought about doing. Real Presidents get things done. Sit back and learn from Donald J. Trump. Your Commander in Chief.
Let's take "Patrick jane" at his word and "Sit back and learn from Donald J. Trump."

While this President's solution for gun violence in the nation's schools is to shift the responsibility onto the teachers so that they will no longer be "gun free zones," many of his properties, hotels and resorts are deemed "gun free!"

In true "Trumpian" fashion "The Donald" denies this, but managers and employees at these venues repeatedly tell a different story!

Does anyone seriously think that "gun policy" for Trump properties doesn't come straight from the top?

If this President isn't prepared to lead by example, he's not prepared to lead!

patrick jane

Let's take "Patrick jane" at his word and "Sit back and learn from Donald J. Trump."

While this President's solution to bun violence in the nation's schools is to shift the responsibility onto the teachers so that they are no longer be "gun free zones," many of his properties, hotels and resorts are deemed "gun free!"

In true "Trumpian" fashion "The Donald" denies this, but managers and employees at these venues repeatedly tell a different story!

Does anyone seriously think that "gun policy" on Trump properties did not come directly from the top?

If this President is not prepared to lead by example, he's not prepared to lead!
As far as I know, your President doesn't have a solution for bun violence of any kind, whether they be hot dog buns or hot crossed etc. Do the kids throw them?



As far as I know, your President doesn't have a solution for bun violence of any kind, whether they be hot dog buns or hot crossed etc. Do the kids throw them?

In other words "patrick jane" would rather divert attention away from the subject of Trump properties being deemed "gun free zones" because once again "The Donald's" actions contradict his words!

The Barbarian

This demonstrates an immediate prejudice on your part. You did not view the video, saw it as a waste of time, and then preceded to falsely classify the host of said clip as a "Trump apologist" and a conspiracy theorist (both of which are completely false).

If you think the video had any arguments good enough bother bringing them up here, feel free to do so. It appears to not be the case. It appears that you are denying fact, preferring to promote falsehoods.

As stated before, the NRA did not fund training; they funded safety wear. If I give money to the FBI for safety glasses,

For training puposes?

does that mean I trained the FBI?

It means you funded the training.

Not only did Obama make it easier to kill Border Patrol agents, he then tried to cover up said fact.

Operation Fast and Furious was given the OK by Obama.

Show us that. I'm surprised that something that low-level would go all the way to the WH for approval. Can you show us that?

We have Trump's decision to make it easier for mentally-ill people to get guns, which led to those 17 deaths. But can you show that Obama signed off on Fast and Furious?

What do you have?

This led to the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Do you blame Obama for the death of this officer, yes or no?

If you can show that Obama signed off on the program, as Trump signed off on letting crazy people get guns, then you and I can agree that in both cases they were responsible for one or seventeen deaths respectively.

What have you got?

Barbarian observes:
While Secretary of State Clinton told the republicans that cutting embassy security was a bad idea, I think Obama should have been more forceful in pressuring them to restore the cuts

Nope. It's true. One of the republicans responsible for cutting embassy security admitted it. He could hardly deny it; it's a matter of public record.

Chaffetz defends voting to cut funds for embassy security

In fact, Clinton and Obama immediately started a disinformation campaign, blaming a cartoon of Muhammad for the embassy attack.

You got your stories mixed up. The cartoon was something else. The CIA captured one of the leaders of the attack on Benghazi, who told his friends that the attack was in revenge for an anti-Muslim video. Would you like me to show you?

When asked about Benghazi later, Clinton just said "who cares?"

That sounds like you just made it up. Show us. Checkable source.

The point is that Trump, by making it easier for mentally-ill people to get guns, made events like the recent shooting possible.

How can you ever defend such a traitor,

Letting crazy people have guns isn't treason. It's stupidity and avarice.

who let Americans die through intentional neglect?

They didn't necessarily want those kids to die; to Trump and the NRA, it's just business.

Barbarian observes:
No. Congress does not work for the president. The House republicans decided that our embassies did not need increased security, and the rest is history.

Yep. See above. The republicans, against Clinton's warnings, cut embassy security. The executive branch can only do what the Congress funds. And they inadequately funded security for our embassies.

Jurisdiction for embassies falls to the Secretary of State, who had been contacted about the escalating threat in this case.

Which is why Clinton warned the republicans that cutting funds for security was a mistake. They didn't listen.

Right, again, Trump is responsible for atrocious acts by terrorists

The most recent one, of course. For reasons you already know. He wasn't responsible for cutting funds for Benghazi. That one was the fault of congressional republicans.

After all, Obama did not want to tighten security and surveillance on possible terrorist threats

You've been badly misled about that. He didn't just increase surveillance; he went on the offensive, hunting down and killing a record number of terrorists, including Osama bin Laden.

You're agitated and resentful. But at some point, you have to find a way to accommodate yourself to reality.


New member
If you think the video had any arguments good enough bother bringing them up here, feel free to do so. It appears to not be the case. It appears that you are denying fact, preferring to promote falsehoods.
You are projecting.

For training puposes?
It means you funded the training.
You are really trying to maintain your argument, despite it clearly being dismantled.

Show us that. I'm surprised that something that low-level would go all the way to the WH for approval. Can you show us that?

We have Trump's decision to make it easier for mentally-ill people to get guns, which led to those 17 deaths. But can you show that Obama signed off on Fast and Furious?

What do you have?

If you can show that Obama signed off on the program, as Trump signed off on letting crazy people get guns, then you and I can agree that in both cases they were responsible for one or seventeen deaths respectively.

What have you got?
Well, let me just provide a list.

You got your stories mixed up. The cartoon was something else. The CIA captured one of the leaders of the attack on Benghazi, who told his friends that the attack was in revenge for an anti-Muslim video. Would you like me to show you?

That sounds like you just made it up. Show us. Checkable source.
I am not going to hold your hand and show you how to look for facts. I am sure it is found on CNN, buried under a lot of pro-Hillary articles. If not, it is because it is damaging to their own lies.

The point is that Trump, by making it easier for mentally-ill people to get guns, made events like the recent shooting possible.
Are you just for strict gun control? Just say so if you are, rather than parading falsehoods around as means to try and prove your view as correct.

My quote, when clearly discussing Clinton: "How can you ever defend such a traitor,who let Americans die through intentional neglect?"

Barbarian: Letting crazy people have guns isn't treason. It's stupidity and avarice.....They didn't necessarily want those kids to die; to Trump and the NRA, it's just business.
I love the clear ignoring of the Clinton support highlight, and trying to fool everyone, including yourself, that I was talking about Trump/NRA.

You really are wrapped up in your own fallacy-filled fantasy world.

Barbarian observes:
No. Congress does not work for the president. The House republicans decided that our embassies did not need increased security, and the rest is history.
Yep. See above. The republicans, against Clinton's warnings, cut embassy security. The executive branch can only do what the Congress funds. And they inadequately funded security for our embassies.[/QUOTE]It was not House Republicans that decided that the Libyan embassy did not need more security. It was Clinton who deliberately ignored information that the area was growing more hostile.

But once again, you show your mentality of "never let Leftists be responsible! Say it was Republicans instead."

The most recent one, of course. For reasons you already know.
Push and repeat that narrative. Maybe it will become reality.

You've been badly misled about that. He didn't just increase surveillance; he went on the offensive, hunting down and killing a record number of terrorists, including Osama bin Laden.
So, Obama is responsible for killing bin Laden, but not for killing the people at the Orlando Nightclub? Yet, Trump is responsible for killing the kids in Florida?

You're agitated and resentful. But at some point, you have to find a way to accommodate yourself to reality.
From my above analysis of your perverse view, it seems you are the one denying reality. But, that is just reason, logic, objective facts, and reality itself disagreeing with you, Barbarian.

Maybe someday your repetition and pushing of illogical fantasy will make your falsehoods true.

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
You got your stories mixed up. The cartoon was something else. The CIA captured one of the leaders of the attack on Benghazi, who told his friends that the attack was in revenge for an anti-Muslim video. Would you like me to show you?

Barbarian chuckles:
That sounds like you just made it up. Show us. Checkable source.

I am not going to hold your hand and show you how to look for facts.

Translation: Sanford just made up the story, and knows he won't find any evidence to support it. We all knew that already. I just wanted you to confirm it.

Barbarian observes:
The point is that Trump, by making it easier for mentally-ill people to get guns, made events like the recent shooting possible.

Are you just for strict gun control?

I never thought of keeping guns away from crazy people to be "strict gun control." Can you explain why you think it is?

Barbarian: Letting crazy people have guns isn't treason. It's stupidity and avarice.....They didn't necessarily want those kids to die; to Trump and the NRA, it's just business.

I love the clear ignoring of the Clinton support highlight, and trying to fool everyone, including yourself, that I was talking about Trump/NRA.

They are the people who made it easier for mentally-ill people to obtain guns. You didn't know that?

Barbarian observes:
No. Congress does not work for the president. The House republicans decided that our embassies did not need increased security, and the rest is history.

Yep. See above. The republicans, against Clinton's warnings, cut embassy security. The executive branch can only do what the Congress funds. And they inadequately funded security for our embassies.

It was not House Republicans that decided that the Libyan embassy did not need more security.

It was their decision that all embassies needed less security. They cut funds for all of them. Chaffetz said that he did it because there were other priorities. One of them was to redecorate a National Guard Armory in Alabama.

So, Obama is responsible for killing bin Laden,

Technically, he only gave the order to find him and capture or kill him. Our armed forces actually carried out his order.

but not for killing the people at the Orlando Nightclub?

Since he opposes homophobia, and wanted to keep guns out of the hands of crazy people, it would be hard to see how he was responsible for a mentally-disturbed gay-hater killing people.

Yet, Trump is responsible for killing the kids in Florida?

Signing a bill making it easier for mentally-ill people to buy guns does make that sort of thing more likely, yes.

From my above analysis of your perverse view,

You seem to have a little trouble putting together a decent argument. If you took more time to think it would probably help.


New member
There is no trying to talk sense and facts to an ignorant person such as barbarian. He's a waste of space and oxygen because all he stands on is the NRA and Trump signed off so the mentally ill could obtain guns fairly easy. I support Trump signing that bill cause the more I read on "the Barbie girl ian" the more I support Trump so continue making me love trumps decisions and accomplishments more. Just get over yourself and stop tryiing to influence the stripping of our god given rights and amendments.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

The Barbarian

There is no trying to talk sense and facts to an ignorant person such as barbarian.

I suppose that means you're not going to support your claims, um?

He's a waste of space and oxygen because all he stands on is the NRA and Trump signed off so the mentally ill could obtain guns fairly easy.

Like most Americans, I don't think giving crazy people guns is a good idea.

I support Trump signing that bill cause... do. We get that.

the more I read on "the Barbie girl ian"

Someone's hacked, um?

the more I support Trump so continue making me love trumps decisions and accomplishments more.

Trump/NRA 17, America 0.