Shooting at SC Church During Bible Study - Suspect still at large


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... plotted to kill the Lord Jesus Christ.
But what they did or thought should not dictate what you do or think.
And yet they are still part of your heritage.

Is all you see in their flag a symbol of "plotters to kill Jesus" as some folks do? Do you let those 'some' dictate to you want the flag REALLY means?
View attachment 19980

Exactly. ... But, I would add that, like the stars and bars, the "Star of David" has it's origins in Masonry as well. Something to be considered by those with any real interest in symbols.


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So why not examine the symbol he associated his racist rage with and its role in our society? Because it divides? So does faith.
Because whether or not he had a Confederate flag or not is not what made him a murderer, or racist against blacks.

He has a Confederate flag. He is a murderer and a racist against blacks.
I have a Confederate flag. I am not a murderer and a racist against blacks.

One (the flag) has zero to do with the other (murder and racist against blacks).

That would be like saying "That dog with the collar is mean, therefore all dogs with collars are mean".
The collar has nothing to do with it!!!!!!!! So why would any sane person start yelling to get rid of the collars???


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Exactly. ... But, I would add that, like the stars and bars, the "Star of David" has it's origins in Masonry as well.
And no sane person would go around claiming that anyone that has a flag with the Star of David must be a Mason or a supporter of Masons.

Too many folks just like to over-dramatize any tiny little crack they think they have found, while the real issue gets second fiddle.


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I don't think he is.

All I see is you and a few others defending a symbol of racial hatred.

Since you live in Texas, let's look at part of the Texas Ordinance of Secession from 1861:

"She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery–the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits–a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. That in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations; while the destruction of the existing relations between the two races, as advocated by our sectional enemies, would bring inevitable calamities upon both and desolation upon the fifteen slave-holding States."

The bolded above is what your Confederate Flag symbolizes, and what the state you live in wanted.
Here's a link to the whole thing:

And yes, I'm from TEXAS. And TEXAS became a Confederate State.

And now, just as then, there are TEXANs that oppose and TEXANs that do not oppose the servitude of the blacks (could probably say the same about every state of the North and South).

And now, just as then, we both (TEXANs that oppose and TEXANs that do not oppose the servitude of the blacks) have the same state flag.

Oh, and again ..... it ain't about a flag.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The NAACP wants remove Lee, Jackson and Davis from Stone Mountain.
The head of the Atlanta branch has spoken of it. I don't expect it will have much traction. There's a world of difference between flying a symbol of that miserable war over a seat of government and what amounts to a museum of sorts, that sustains itself by contributions and through fees (the gentleman having mistakenly noted the source of its upkeep as being tax dollars).


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The head of the Atlanta branch has spoken of it. I don't expect it will have much traction. There's a world of difference between flying a symbol of that miserable war over a seat of government and what amounts to a museum of sorts, that sustains itself by contributions and through fees (the gentleman having mistakenly noted the source of its upkeep as being tax dollars).

Perhaps with a little dynamite they could re-shape the figures to resemble Spike Lee, Michael Jackson and Sammy Davis?
That would help reduce the amount of editing all the brochures and signs would need.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Perhaps with a little dynamite they could re-shape the figures to resemble Spike Lee, Michael Jackson and Sammy Davis?

That would help reduce the amount of editing all the brochures and signs would need.
Another difference in this instance, say, from what's going on in Memphis, is that the community isn't sponsoring an objection/effort. I don't see it coming to much, but it will be interesting to see how far some people try to push the issue.

Again, for those who missed it, you could take every Confederate monument and toss them into the sea and I'll only feel sorry for the ocean, but it has to be a local issue, aside from the grounds of a state capital.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Perhaps with a little dynamite they could re-shape the figures to resemble Spike Lee, Michael Jackson and Sammy Davis?
That would help reduce the amount of editing all the brochures and signs would need.
That would be kinda funny!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Another difference in this instance, say, from what's going on in Memphis, is that the community isn't sponsoring an objection/effort. I don't see it coming to much, but it will be interesting to see how far some people try to push the issue.

Again, for those who missed it, you could take every Confederate monument and toss them into the sea and I'll only feel sorry for the ocean, but it has to be a local issue, aside from the grounds of a state capital.

I had no idea that Stone Mountain wasn't completed until 1972!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I wrote: So why not examine the symbol he associated his racist rage with and its role in our society?
Because whether or not he had a Confederate flag or not is not what made him a murderer, or racist against blacks.
I didn't say it made him anything. I said he associated what he was with it and why not examine the symbol and its role in our society?

He has a Confederate flag. He is a murderer and a racist against blacks. I have a Confederate flag. I am not a murderer and a racist against blacks.
Why do you have it? If you want to push state's rights you don't need its dead weight. If you want to celebrate Southern culture there are any number of ways to do it without that odious bit of cloth.

One (the flag) has zero to do with the other (murder and racist against blacks).
Well, no. There's a history of violence and inhumanity, of racism and dehumanization associated with that flag. The flag itself was born of a violent effort to perpetuate a moral evil. To say it's just a piece of cloth is to invite "Why use it?" To suggest that as more than a piece of cloth it has value, outside of use as a cautionary tale, is to deny its actual history.

That would be like saying "That dog with the collar is mean, therefore all dogs with collars are mean".
No, it would be like saying, "That flag was made to represent a stab at a new nation formed in defense of a human evil and then resurrected by those opposing giving the descendants of its victims the rights they were entitled to."

That's exactly what it's like. And that's why it has no place over a seat of government. Though if someone wants to paint their house to look like one it's their business.