Well-known member
… While post more NRA propaganda.lain: Pot...kettle....Tell us more of your anecdotes.
… While post more NRA propaganda.lain: Pot...kettle....Tell us more of your anecdotes.
… While post more NRA propaganda.
I know you and many others absolutely love the righteous fantasy of shooting the bad guy, but when the moment comes, most of you will end up dead. Because the criminals are more aggressive, they're younger, and faster, and wilder, and they just don't care.
The thing is, it almost never plays out that you have that option. People who are killed by guns shoot themselves, or are shot by friends, neighbors or lovers in drug-induced or emotional fits of stupidity, or they are hit by bullets intended for someone else. And in almost all of these instances, owning a gun would have done the victims little good.I would rather most likely end up dead while having the option of defending myself rather than definitely end up dead because I didn't.
The thing is, it almost never plays out that you have that option. People who are killed by guns shoot themselves, or are shot by friends, neighbors or lovers in drug-induced or emotional fits of stupidity, or they are hit by bullets intended for someone else. And in almost all of these instances, owning a gun would have done the victims little good.
Americans are just so obsessed with the idea of killing the bad guys that they can't imagine any scenario other than the "throw-down at high noon" kind of scenario. But that's almost never how it happens. Your gun is not going to be on your hip when the gunman shows up with his gun already in his hand. It's going to be in the locked drawer where it should be. And even if it were on your hip, you probably won't get it out and shoot the bad guy before he shoots you dead. Because he's the aggressor, and you're not. He doesn't care, and you do. He's protecting himself, only, while you're worried about your whole family, or the other people in the store, or whatever.
But you'll never convince the American 'cowboy heroes' of this. Ever. It's an ideal written into their identities, no matter how irrational it may be.
The thing is, it almost never plays out that you have that option.
The thing is, it almost never plays out that you have that option. People who are killed by guns shoot themselves, or are shot by friends, neighbors or lovers in drug-induced or emotional fits of stupidity, or they are hit by bullets intended for someone else. And in almost all of these instances, owning a gun would have done the victims little good.
Americans are just so obsessed with the idea of killing the bad guys that they can't imagine any scenario other than the "throw-down at high noon" kind of scenario. But that's almost never how it happens. Your gun is not going to be on your hip when the gunman shows up with his gun already in his hand. It's going to be in the locked drawer where it should be. And even if it were on your hip, you probably won't get it out and shoot the bad guy before he shoots you dead. Because he's the aggressor, and you're not. He doesn't care, and you do. He's protecting himself, only, while you're worried about your whole family, or the other people in the store, or whatever.
But you'll never convince the American 'cowboy heroes' of this. Ever. It's an ideal written into their identities, no matter how irrational it may be.
Crisis Actor Boyfriend... | |
You have a serious problem. Please seek help.They get together apparently "secretly" for 9 months,
and with their middle-class salaries "save up for a ring"?
His GF has just been brutally shot, and he's the happiest guy on earth?
Lucky rascal?
Just happens to have a photobook composed (by her...?) with tons of intimate photos.
Chris is obviously gay and he slips up in another interview and refers to her as "boyfriend"....
The conspiracy/false flag/actor crap is bad enough, but I stopped watching your deranged video at the 2.30 mark after whoever was doing the voiceover started mocking the grief of this man who just lost the woman he loved. Disgusting. And you're disgusting for posting it.
You have a serious problem. Please seek help.
The conspiracy/false flag/actor crap is bad enough, but I stopped watching your deranged video at the 2.30 mark after whoever was doing the voiceover started mocking the grief of this man who just lost the woman he loved. Disgusting. And you're disgusting for posting it.
He didn't shed a single tear in any interview, and less than an hour after she's shot,
he's on the phone with the governor, talking about dedicating his life to gun control.
Not racism, not mental health.
Neither have any other people in these bizzare stories.
Not a single tear. Why?
Because even professional actors can't just turn tears on and off.
He should have at least rubbed some onion juice in his eye.
No matter how diverse the incident, or the motivation,
its always the same cry: "gun control".
Every single person on camera in these events
is a "model Christian pacifist". No one hates, no one is upset,
no one is angry as hell. No one loses control of their grief.
they all stand around and recite soundbites that have been written by the anti-gun lobby.
Why does someone have to grieve according to your rules and expectations? You didn't see his private moments, and you have no right to pass judgment on him. He very well could have been in shock, operating on autopilot on that day. Have you ever heard the term "numb with grief?" Grief is a very individual, very personal journey that only the person traveling that path has the right to characterize in any way. At all.
Step away from the youtube. Please. What you're posting is worse than garbage.
Interesting points, and good ones.Here are some non-youtube facts.
There are a variety of grief models, but they have many similarities.
There are exceptions to the rule, and different speeds for different folks.
But one thing you will never get with authentic victims is happy, vague, cheerful, hopeful,
forgiving, caring, brilliant liberal analysis and instant solutions, like gun control.
Children are particularly BAD at overcoming real grief, or faking grief.
The highest personal grief is believed to be the loss of a child (at any age),
while the loss of a lover or spouse is a close second.
When 90% of real surviving victims show real tears, total loss of control in grief,
and carelessness about their presentation of their tragedy, often ending in collapse
and shock, trauma, disbelief, terror, anguish, and total dysfunction,
all the 'victims' of these staged and managed media events seem to be
perfect liberal pacifists who expect personal tragedy and suck it up with a smile
and a nod of forgiveness to the perpetrator.
I'm going out on a limb here, and I'm going to suggest a scenario.
Somebody put the disgruntled ex-employee up to this, some 9 whole months after the fact,
because he'd been secretly selected as a patsy just as Oswald and others were.
They told him it was a prank, and gave him a gun with blanks.
What they didn't tell him was that someone was going to pull out a real gun
and then really gun them down after they got him to film himself.
Then they told him: "You're going to be the patsy for this. Get running.
Here's the empty gun and a bullet. Hop in the car boy, and run for your life.
We're phoning it in now."
The cops don't even have to be in on it.
The CIA (courtesy of Obama and his thugs) just tells em "black guy just shot a white chick. He's heading up XYZ boulevard."
Here are some non-youtube facts.
There are a variety of grief models, but they have many similarities.
There are exceptions to the rule, and different speeds for different folks.
It's not for you to say what "you will never get." You don't have that ability.But one thing you will never get with authentic victims is happy, vague, cheerful, hopeful,
forgiving, caring, brilliant liberal analysis and instant solutions, like gun control.
Again. You don't get to tell people how to grieve. And neither does some deranged conspiracy theorist with a youtube account.Children are particularly BAD at overcoming real grief, or faking grief.
The highest personal grief is believed to be the loss of a child (at any age),
while the loss of a lover or spouse is a close second.
When 90% of real surviving victims show real tears, total loss of control in grief,
and carelessness about their presentation of their tragedy, often ending in collapse
and shock, trauma, disbelief, terror, anguish, and total dysfunction,
all the 'victims' of these staged and managed media events seem to be
perfect liberal pacifists who expect personal tragedy and suck it up with a smile
and a nod of forgiveness to the perpetrator.
You already were way, way out on a limb. You're in thin air now, right before the drop.I'm going out on a limb here
Wait... No, never mind. I was going to ask you why the CIA would think the disgruntled ex-employee wouldn't be able to tell the victims were actually actors and not his former coworkers, but that would probably lead to another scenario involving ears and I just don't think I have the stomach for it.and I'm going to suggest a scenario.
Somebody put the disgruntled ex-employee up to this, some 9 whole months after the fact,
because he'd been secretly selected as a patsy just as Oswald and others were.
They told him it was a prank, and gave him a gun with blanks.
What they didn't tell him was that someone was going to pull out a real gun
and then really gun them down after they got him to film himself.
Then they told him: "You're going to be the patsy for this. Get running.
Here's the empty gun and a bullet. Hop in the car boy, and run for your life.
We're phoning it in now."
The cops don't even have to be in on it.
The CIA (courtesy of Obama and his thugs) just tells em "black guy just shot a white chick. He's heading up XYZ boulevard."
Some people repress their grief. Some don't process through the stages in an orderly fashion - they might pass through stages multiple times, or in varying order, or skip some stages altogether. The point being, there is no rule.
Everyone writes their own cycle of grief, unique only to them.
It's not for you to say what "you will never get." You don't have that ability.
Again. You don't get to tell people how to grieve. And neither does some deranged conspiracy theorist with a youtube account.
Wait... No, never mind. I was going to ask you why the CIA would think the disgruntled ex-employee wouldn't be able to tell the victims were actually actors and not his former coworkers, but that would probably lead to another scenario involving ears and I just don't think I have the stomach for it.