ECT Shazam, TOL! The Lord Jesus Christ already returned in 70 AD


Well-known member
Heck, I was kicked out of your flesh centered club the very moment I voiced a view that differed in some respect.
This is inaccurate.

He did not begin by simply offering alternative dispensational viewpoints; that would have been more than tolerable if not welcomed in the interest of iron sharpening iron.

He showed up with antagonism against MADs, which eventually led to sniping at us with labels he knew to be false, and which he knew would offend us. And for awhile, this puzzled us but was tolerated by the MADs here.

But when corrected on his deliberately false labeling of us as 28, he simply persisted, dismissing our objections with LOL! condescension, as if it was just a joke. Then he'd do it again. And again. That has since devolved to his multiple accusations of carnality and even mock pity and forgiveness for our daring to reprove him for his falseness and duplicity.

THAT is the point he really began to be sidelined by some of us for his own brand of carnality which to this day remains almost exclusively targeted at us.

Yet he has the gall -- or the insanity -- to wonder why we don't hug and call him Brother.

Meanwhile, on top of all that, he got really creepy with at least one sister, something that no male MAD has done to a female MAD or any other female that I'm aware of. Anyone doubt this, just ask Heir.

Posted in the interest of an accurate record.


Well-known member
You remain clueless about Mid-Acts. This, even as you refer others to entire books about your view.

Try reading the other side's view for once.

I won't waste time on something that cannot prove its necessity or worth! I have no idea, other than overthinking, why people have spent so much time for little value on that question. The transition to the age of grace began before the Law. The 'weak and miserable' human tendency is to be under the Law.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I know I stood up where you and yours support one another when you each know your conduct is not "as becometh the gospel of Christ" you each assert you are experts in.

Heck, I was kicked out of your flesh centered club the very moment I voiced a view that differed in some respect.

You are just taking fair, level headedness for weakness because you still live in those streets I had hoped we had both left behind.

Some "friend" you turn out to be; the moment your Peter Ruckman performance is pointed out to you by one you assert you had thought was on your team; out comes your street vile.

Your macho nonsense just continues to prove; as my own has in the past and in the sight of those principalities and powers said to be observing all this, Eph. 3:10, that you have no concept of true strength in the Lord.

But you have proven there will be no peace with you on this. So bring on your worst. Give me the opportunity to glory in its would be tribulation, Rom. 5:3. No problem.

The best to you in all that, JohnW.

Have the last word, and then the next, and then the next...

I told you not to respond to my posts. Now, which word do you not understand?

"I was kicked out of your flesh centered club"

There you go-the old reliable twist/flavor/version on the "Accusation of Hate Technique," morphing into your hero Tellalie, again, with that "flesh centered" stumper/zinger, as you insist that I am full of hate, i.e., "your Peter Ruckman performance," of course, at the same time, containing a reference to just how sweet, and caring, you are, quoting a few oh so "spiritual" passages of the book, displaying how "spiritual" that you are. The only "spirit" that has gotten into you lately, chump, is either the spirit of Johnny Walker Red and/or "Ripple," or a demonic spirit, divider, man pleaser, going after heir, musterion, and now me. Whose next? Paul?

And stuff your "macho nonsense" jazz, as you're acting like that wimp Tellalie, whose boots you are now licking/polishing, and you are imitating him, having a fit, like Opie did in one episode of TAG, kicking your feet, thinking that everyone is trying to gyp you out of your Blow Pops.

"Have the last word, and then the next, and then the next"-DD-Divider Danoh

Translation: You won't shut up, as you will come back with another "the last word." What's next? "The Babbling Technique?" Oh, yes-you've already used that one. My evidence? You.

Move on. Clear? Good. And "the best to you and yours, Goober."

So there.


the moment your Peter Ruckman performance is pointed out to you by one you assert you had thought was on your team; out comes your street vile.


Now your hitting back at Little Johnny W with his King James Onlyism.

Whatever you do, don't tell Little Johnny W that Andy Griffith wasn't a real person.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

Now your hitting back at Little Johnny W with his King James Onlyism.

Whatever you do, don't tell Little Johnny W that Andy Griffith wasn't a real person.

You still trolling, and coming on to me, as you did in a PM, with your tough guy "little Johnny" little saying, sodomite, as you do with your "mystery boy" characterization, eh wimp? Got beat up in grade school/ high school, and recently, did you sweetie, and this is your shot/avenue, for showing just how much of a man you are, sensitive about how much you look/dress like Clay Aiken?

You are so James 2:3 KJV. Craigie. Slower-I dig chicks, effeminate one-not interested in your man crush on me, sodomite.

Found a job yet, infidel?

How is that "Errors only-ism" doing for you, bible rejector?

How is that "Greek Only-ism" fraud doing for you, satanist, where you quote this non existing "The Greek," plagiarizing other's articles, when you would not know the difference between a "Hebrew National," and a gyros.

"The Greek"-Tellalie hundreds of times on TOL

Still waiting for you to identify this "The Greek" that has "with Israel" in it, in Ephesians 3:6 KJV.

What is the problem, fraud? I've asked you over 100 times, bible corrupter/corrector/mystic, like your father the devil. How about asking that chunky, war painted "wife" of yours, punk? Or perhaps your "children," since you ignore them all week, spending 8 hours/day on TOL, feeding your obsession?

And get a job, you slummer.

Oh, yes:

"We now live in a new heaven and a new earth. .... we now live in the new heavens and new earth...Yes, we are living in the millennial reign right now....we now live in the greatest time period since the creation of planet earth"-Soddy Tellalie Craigie

Vs. A recent pic of Craigie, his daddy consoling him(having previously recruited him to AD 70-ism/Pretrism), in his job hunt:



Jesus said he was coming soon. Yet we have been saying him to be here soon a tith' 2000 years. Are we missing the boat and/or rapture?


New member
I told you not to respond to my posts. Now, which word do you not understand?

"I was kicked out of your flesh centered club"

There you go-the old reliable twist/flavor/version on the "Accusation of Hate Technique," morphing into your hero Tellalie, again, with that "flesh centered" stumper/zinger, as you insist that I am full of hate, i.e., "your Peter Ruckman performance," of course, at the same time, containing a reference to just how sweet, and caring, you are, quoting a few oh so "spiritual" passages of the book, displaying how "spiritual" that you are. The only "spirit" that has gotten into you lately, chump, is either the spirit of Johnny Walker Red and/or "Ripple," or a demonic spirit, divider, man pleaser, going after heir, musterion, and now me. Whose next? Paul?

And stuff your "macho nonsense" jazz, as you're acting like that wimp Tellalie, whose boots you are now licking/polishing, and you are imitating him, having a fit, like Opie did in one episode of TAG, kicking your feet, thinking that everyone is trying to gyp you out of your Blow Pops.

"Have the last word, and then the next, and then the next"-DD-Divider Danoh

Translation: You won't shut up, as you will come back with another "the last word." What's next? "The Babbling Technique?" Oh, yes-you've already used that one. My evidence? You.

Move on. Clear? Good. And "the best to you and yours, Goober."

So there.

So quit behaving that way and or posting to me.

Lol, you are something else.

The best to you in that.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
So quit behaving that way and or posting to me.

Lol, you are something else.

The best to you in that.

As I predicted-you will not allow me to...

"Have the last word, and then the next, and then the next..."-DD

No, I told you to move on, but you are doing your Opie routine having a tantrum. Now, pull up your bib, as I told you to move on, Danoh, the divider within the boc.

"So quit behaving that way"-Divider Danoh

You hypocrite, man pleaser, like your new buddy Craigie, as you would not dare say that to him. Jellyfish must be on your menu for today's game.

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
Nick, thanks for the feedback. Original.

Don't you serve us best in the "sports" thread?

You really should reinstate your old avatar.
Depicts your true arrogance. Sit back, sip your scotch/brandy, puff your stogie, and randomly toss out your judgements.

You are so cool.

Is your wife making super bowl chili for your buddies?

Dry your eyes.

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
2Tim 2:24 And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, 2:25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; 2:26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

Why didn't he do this in Acts 13 with the sorcerer?

Right Divider

Body part
I won't waste time on something that cannot prove its necessity or worth! I have no idea, other than overthinking, why people have spent so much time for little value on that question. The transition to the age of grace began before the Law. The 'weak and miserable' human tendency is to be under the Law.
Reject it first and then .... ya, that makes sense. NOT!

God gave Israel the law and told them to keep it.

In the NC, God will write the law on their hearts and they will keep the law by the power of HIS Spirit.


And yet Paul tells us WHY there is a delay.

Paul never said there was a delay.

Paul says the opposite.

Paul said the culmination of the ages was upon him and his contemporaries.

Nowhere in the Bible does Paul say anything about a delay. That is a lie invented by John Nelson Darby.


New member
Why didn't he do this in Acts 13 with the sorcerer?

Depends on one's understanding of what was going on in time at that time.

And the Lord was speaking through Paul in both cases. Such is not the case with those who throw everything at anyone they differ with short of the foul language TOL might not allow.

I'm ever open to exporing these things but that is not where some on here are coming from - which is how this war of words began with; the history is still there in those threads where all this foolishness began.


New member
This is inaccurate.

He did not begin by simply offering alternative dispensational viewpoints; that would have been more than tolerable if not welcomed in the interest of iron sharpening iron.

He showed up with antagonism against MADs, which eventually led to sniping at us with labels he knew to be false, and which he knew would offend us. And for awhile, this puzzled us but was tolerated by the MADs here.

But when corrected on his deliberately false labeling of us as 28, he simply persisted, dismissing our objections with LOL! condescension, as if it was just a joke. Then he'd do it again. And again. That has since devolved to his multiple accusations of carnality and even mock pity and forgiveness for our daring to reprove him for his falseness and duplicity.

THAT is the point he really began to be sidelined by some of us for his own brand of carnality which to this day remains almost exclusively targeted at us.

Yet he has the gall -- or the insanity -- to wonder why we don't hug and call him Brother.

Meanwhile, on top of all that, he got really creepy with at least one sister, something that no male MAD has done to a female MAD or any other female that I'm aware of. Anyone doubt this, just ask Heir.

Posted in the interest of an accurate record.

Nope, that is your little club's one side take on things. Especially, you; given how often I've had to clear up your having taken something wrong due to your failure to apply grace to this tendency of yours to read some personal affront into a thing, followed by concluding said delusion was fact.

Face it; without anyone for you and some of yours to attempt to have march to your drum in your demeaning ways these threads would be as dead as the Mid-Acts Forum ended up after Jerry took sick and all that nonsense both from, and with him, found itself without someone for you and some of yours to bite and devour.

It is what it is. You and some of yours simply do not care to allow grace to be the issue.

You simply do not. There is more to the gospel of the grace of God then this childish ugliness you and some of yours insist on.

I wish this were not the case, but it is.

The best to you in that.


So when did the fullness of the Gentiles come in, since it must have been pre-70 ad?

I've already answered this, but will again. It happened during the first century.

(Gen 48:19 YLT) And his father refuseth, and saith, `I have known, my son, I have known; he also becometh a people, and he also is great, and yet, his young brother is greater than he, and his seed is the fulness of the nations;'

(Rom 11:25 YLT) For I do not wish you to be ignorant, brethren, of this secret -- that ye may not be wise in your own conceits -- that hardness in part to Israel hath happened till the fulness of the nations may come in;

"the fullness of the Gentiles" is the same thing as "the fullness of the nations".

It has to do with the 10 tribes of the House of Israel. The descendants of Ephraim (Gen 48:19) were the "nations" or "Gentiles" that had been scattered.

So, blindess in part to Israel (House of Judah) happened until the fullness of the nations (Israelites from 10 tribes) may come in.

That is how all of Israel was saved in the first century.

Caiaphas the High Priest prophesied it:

(John 11: 51-52) but as high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation, 52 and not only for that nation but also for the scattered children of God, to bring them together and make them one.

And that's what happened. When Jesus died, the stick of Judah (Jews) was joined with the stick of Joseph (Israel). That is how all of Israel was saved, and how the NC was made with both houses.

That's how both houses became one, and had one king over them (Ezk 37). That's how all of Israel (all 12 tribes) was saved.

That's also why there was no longer any difference between Jew and Gentile. The Israelites from the 10 tribes could not be differentiated from pagan Gentiles.

That's why Jesus said He had other sheep from a different fold, and when they heard His voice, they would come. That happened in the first century, that's how all of Israel was saved.

There is no going back to Judaism, the law of Moses, the OC, the temple, etc. It was all fulfilled in Christ Jesus.


Well-known member
So, blindess in part to Israel (House of Judah) happened until the fullness of the nations (Israelites from 10 tribes) may come in.

So Israel...was blinded in unbelief...until such time as Israel saw and which point Israel...would be unblinded...