Shalom. The Christian, Pacifism, Violence, and Justice.



Today is Revi'i, 3-20.

I am a Jew, a former Christian and pacifist, against violence and for justice, here in the United States of America.

I know little, but I know of Civil Law. I read , study, observe, and teach Torah. I observe the 613 Commandments of Torah with all of Israel. See Matthew 5:17-20. I grew up against punishment and for parental discipline of children. Are there punishments for breaking the law in the United States of America? I believe that the new covenant came to the house of Israel and the house of Judah in Yeshua HaMashiach, Yeshua Messiah, Jesus the Christ. It is God's law written on minds and hearts. It is important to be in covenant with God. Should a Christian ever go to war or just be for the courts in the case of murder? With God's Law there is Justice. Ultimately, in the end, God is the Judge and has appointed Jesus to be the Judge. Is God's Law for the Christian or the Jew, or for the State only or the State alone? Must we do our part as witnesses should we observe a crime?

God instructed us to set up Courts. He appointed Judges and their decision is the decision of God. We have rights under the Constitution of the United States of America and The Bill of Rights the First Ten Ammendments to the Constitution, but we are to be responsible and understand what those rights are for. Ultimately we are to be responsible to God, living our lives to His glory, even if it means laying down our rights. We are not to sacrifice our rights for justice, but no one should be a renegade. Meaning, don't take matters into your own hands. He who lives by the sword will die by the sword. The State, the Governing Authorities, do not bear the sword for nothing. The State is an avenger against evil. If you do what is right you have nothing to fear. Work on your relationship with God. The suffering, evil, and persecution, not punishment for wrong doing, is unjust and at the hands of wicked men who do not obey God. But if we repent as a nation God will bless us and return to us the prosperity we once knew.

What is the role of the Jew, the Christian, the State, and the individual in Government as an Elected Official, or even the Judge? Will we choose to live by God's Law? Will we forgive others their sins against us that we would be forgiven? Will we turn a blind eye to Justice? What do God and Jesus say?


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New member
Christ's new law of love is written on the hearts of believers. There is only one commandment under this new covenant which is that our old 'Adamic' nature has to die and be crucified with Christ.


Christ's new law of love is written on the hearts of believers. There is only one commandment under this new covenant which is that our old 'Adamic' nature has to die and be crucified with Christ.

I encourage you to read the following.

Deuteronomy 6:5
Leviticus 19:18




I'm under the new covenant so I study the new testament.

Do you remember when Jesus taught these two Commandments?

The new covenant is for the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It is God's law written on minds and hearts. Jesus explained that it is in His blood. He died for you that you would be forgiven your sin and granted the free gift of eternal life.




New member

Do you remember when Jesus taught these two Commandments?

The new covenant is for the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It is God's law written on minds and hearts. Jesus explained that it is in His blood. He died for you that you would be forgiven your sin and granted the free gift of eternal life.



I'm a spiritual Jew because I have a circumcised heart. A true heir of Abraham along with his spiritual seed. Did you know Abraham was a Gentile?


I'm a spiritual Jew because I have a circumcised heart. A true heir of Abraham along with his spiritual seed. Did you know Abraham was a Gentile?

What is it that you want to tell me?

Did you know that Abraham believed, had faith, and was circumcised? He had faith while he was uncircumcised. Did you know that Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness?


Genesis 15:6
Romans 4:3
Galatians 3:6
James 2:23


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New member
Christ's new law of love is written on the hearts of believers. There is only one commandment under this new covenant which is that our old 'Adamic' nature has to die and be crucified with Christ.
There are two commands friend; love GOD faithfully, and love even your enemy as you love yourself.

All the law is kept if these two commands are kept.


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New member
I'm a spiritual Jew because I have a circumcised heart. A true heir of Abraham along with his spiritual seed. Did you know Abraham was a Gentile?
It seems quite apparent to me that your heart is not circumcised. How does one curse others and deride them with the same mouth they haughtily claim their own salvation with? Never mind; stupid question.

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Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame

Today is Revi'i, 3-20.

I am a Jew, a former Christian and pacifist, against violence and for justice, here in the United States of America.



You are also an imbecile. Come back when you have something meaningful to say.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Of course you don't. You should join aCW on my list of 1.


It seems quite apparent to me that your heart is not circumcised. How does one curse others and deride them with the same mouth they haughtily claim their own salvation with? Never mind; stupid question.

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easy friend.

he is trying.


Mercy is the rule. I agree. But it is apparent that said individual doesn't listen to their conscience; hence, my statement.

Point taken though.

Thank you; welcome back,


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I know he does not like me but it seems he does not out rightly showing hate against me.

In a previous post you stated that you attend a Jewish house of worship. From your profile, and some of your previous posts, I know that you live in Lakewood Washington, which is about 9 miles southwest of Tacoma Washington. I know that there are 5 legitimate Jewish houses of worship in the greater Tacoma area.

Would you please be so kind as to tell me the name of the house of worship that you attend?


Yoḥanon-benYaʿăqov;5043289 said:

In a previous post you stated that you attend a Jewish house of worship. From your profile, and some of your previous posts, I know that you live in Lakewood Washington, which is about 9 miles southwest of Tacoma Washington. I know that there are 5 legitimate Jewish houses of worship in the greater Tacoma area.

Would you please be so kind as to tell me the name of the house of worship that you attend?

I currently attend Congregation T'Shuvat Yisrael. However, I do not agree with all Messianic doctrine, so I am not Messianic. Also, my eating habits are Orthodox. I do not mix meat and dairy in the same meal.

