Shalom. How many days was Jesus in the tomb?

Eagles Wings

New member
Honestly, would you think the same thing, if instead of a man's greasy, hairy boiler, it was a pregnant lady's tummy? It looks almost exactly the same to me, and I'm not offended by either. :)

By the way, that post was supposed to end in a " ? " ---I'll fix it.
I don't think either should be showing on a public forum.


How about not at all?

Wear a hood or at least a shirt . . .
You'd laugh at how many times other characters try to get Randy to put a shirt on. Once, Mr. Lahey even reveals, "He doesn't even wear a shirt in the winter." :chuckle:

Do you know what "hen-pecked" means?


like marbles on glass
No, I was validly baptized (according to Rome, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and with water) by someone else. One must be received into the Catholic Church to be a Text 837 Catholic (see link); I am but a Text 838 Catholic. :)

Do you mean in an emergency baptism by a layperson, or baptized into another denomination like Lutheran and then converted to Catholicism?

Are you now a practicing Catholic?

I don't mean to intrude on anything you hold personal, I just don't understand where you're at.


Do you mean in an emergency baptism by a layperson, or baptized into another denomination like Lutheran
The latter.
and then converted to Catholicism?
Are you now a practicing Catholic?
I wouldn't call myself that, though I go to mass as frequently as possible, though I do not celebrate the Eucharist, as it would be illicit, plus the dire warning that Paul gives in Scripture to do not eat and drink the Lord's Supper unworthily.
I don't mean to intrude on anything you hold personal, I just don't understand where you're at.
I once a long time ago on this forum identified as a Catholic, but was roundly corrected on thinking that I could just be a Catholic like how someone can be a Presbyterian or a Baptist. You have to actually be received into the Catholic Church to be what we mean by "Catholic" (Text 837), and I have not. I want to be received into the Church, but I want to do it all together with my family.



like marbles on glass
The latter.


I wouldn't call myself that, though I go to mass as frequently as possible, though I do not celebrate the Eucharist, as it would be illicit, plus the dire warning that Paul gives in Scripture to do not eat and drink the Lord's Supper unworthily.

I once a long time ago on this forum identified as a Catholic, but was roundly corrected on thinking that I could just be a Catholic like how someone can be a Presbyterian or a Baptist. You have to actually be received into the Catholic Church to be what we mean by "Catholic" (Text 837), and I have not. I want to be received into the Church, but I want to do it all together with my family.


Oh.... okay. I understand now. I'd thought myself that you were Catholic. Although I agree that you are in one sense, even if not the other.

Thank you for the clarification.


Well-known member

I am Jewish. I am a Jew, of Israel. As a Jew I understand the days of the week, from sundown or sunset to sundown or sunset to be Rishon, Sheni, Shlishli, Revi'i, Chamishi, Shishi, Shabbat. I could help you pronounce these if I were with you. Do you remember the sign of Jonah? I do not know if Jesus rose from the dead on Shabbat.



There is no "tomb" in the sign of Jonah but rather "the heart of the earth", (Matthew 12:40).


Active member
re: "I understand that He rose on the third day, but I do not know when that was."

Mark 16:9 - as it is translated in the KJV - indicates that it was the first day of the week.


re: "I understand that He rose on the third day, but I do not know when that was."

Mark 16:9 - as it is translated in the KJV - indicates that it was the first day of the week.

Was after He had risen early on the first day of the week? That is, had He risen before it was early on the first day of the week?

