Sexual Orientation is not a Choice


New member
That was not, of course, a genuine story. Saying you are married and had a ceremony doesn't mean the marriage wasn't imaginary.


At this point folks are taking liberties and having some fun over this situation.
I suppose it boils down to what marriage means to each of us?
It means one man one woman united as the basic unit of normative society. When things fall apart as in widow hood or divorce other ways of being may be added to normative. Sometimes a single parent must raise the children. This may still be considered an addition to normative.
In the realm of Law any type of union may be legalized if enough citizens vote for that kind of representation.
But, religion is another realm and the Law must not intrude!
If Law over-rides religion we then have de facto Communism.
I do believe that is what is happening here.
We are in trouble.


New member
But, religion is another realm and the Law must not intrude!
If Law over-rides religion we then have de facto Communism.
I do believe that is what is happening here.
We are in trouble.

I haven't seen any provision whereby religion does get overridden. The legal changes are solely for civil weddings and civil recognition.


Being born a sinner which doesn't allow for being born gay is meaningless. It ain't fringe. It is the basic meaning of being born a sinner and you brought up the mother made me gay by doting. Doting wasn't the cause.

What is sin? If it is a sin I can be born that way.

Ok I'll take that back. Gays are born gay cause God saw ahead of time that He arranged circumstances to make sure the baby will grow up gay or least gay for now.

Sorry folks, thats how it happens. Don't blame me unless god arranged me to make you gay.

Your mother loves you too much and the extra unbalanced emotional love energy made you gay. If you want to be in true nature, you must balance your energies back into the natural frequencies that makes men bounce back to the natural heterosexual, the built-in natural desire . See, God just lead me to make you slightly less gay so you might take the passing opportunity to take my advice. Later you'll regret not taking my advice cause its passed down to you by me on purpose for a reason I don't know. You prabably know better than I do why you slightly developed a touch of guilt and being convicted. You have just been exposed to the sharp double edged word of God that slices to the core marrow of your deepest bone and soul. If it hurts then you must be bleeding out.


New member
Your mother loves you too much and the extra unbalanced emotional love energy made you gay. If you want to be in true nature, you must balance your energies back into the natural frequencies that makes men bounce back to the natural heterosexual, the built-in natural desire .

"Balance your energies back to the natural frequencies?"

Hahaha hahaha.


New member
I haven't seen any provision whereby religion does get overridden. The legal changes are solely for civil weddings and civil recognition.

Correct to a point.
There are strings attached to the civil provisions which do affect one's freedom of decision based on one's religious convictions.
It is up to the religious person to find a way to survive under these circumstances. It can be done.
Meanwhile the aberrant members of society are watching the religious members of society under a microscope and will take us apart at the slightest hint of non-compliance.
So be it.
It shall keep us on our toes!


Well-known member
Temp Banned
Right. And that's the best any government can do. The other two branches of morality are outside the jurisdiction of any government. This is where family, religion, and individuals can do what governments can't.

I don't propose anything instead. Thankfully, that's not my call to make.
Actually it is, when you go into a voting booth. If you vote, for example, for candidates who propose passing laws that promote your religious moral codes, you are encouraging theocracy. Whereas if you vote for candidates that propose passing laws that support the individual's right to make their own moral decisions, you are encouraging individual freedom through secular government. In either instance, you are free, yourself, to follow your own religious moral code. But only in the latter instance are you proposing that others have that same freedom.

Most of the Christians here on TOL want to deny their fellow citizens their right to make their own moral decisions, in favor of passing laws that enforce a Christian moral code of behavior. They are, in effect, promoting theocracy.
I don't perceive them doing wrong to others. But is that the only way to sin? By doing wrong to others?
What is and isn't a "sin" seems to reside in the eyes of those doing the judging. And in my opinion, there is not one of us equipped to be judging or condemning anyone. Not even ourselves. "Sinfulness" is far too complex and variable for us to ever assess accurately. (This is what I mean by saying that the foundation of truth and wisdom is honesty and humility.) How can I know to what degree someone else is being driven to lust or violence by a genetic physical condition that they inherited at birth? How can I know to what degree they struggled to overcome it? Of course I don't. And no one else does, either.
Who did Adam harm in Eden?

Man's original sin, according to my understanding of the story of Eden, was his assuming himself to be God's equal, and thereby assuming himself possessing the knowledge of good and evil. And because he presumed this false right and ability unto himself, he has been doomed to live his life judging all he surveys, finding it wanting (according to his own selfish desires) and toiling to 'correct' God's creation, accordingly, ever since.

And we are still committing that sin: still presuming that we possess the knowledge of good and evil, and can therefor stand in judgment of all we survey, including ourselves and each other. When in truth, only God possess that ability, and that right.


This sounds like it might require crystals.

They are natural records of energies and frequencies, growth. In other words you cut an old tree down and learn from the rings of growth. The experts can see climate changes at once while you just see, just a tree. Crystals stored the history of its own long life including fantastic mathematical surprises . It runs your radios so you can hear God sending a big meteorite striaght down over your head while your mocking something useful. Fundies know nothing


Well-known member
Temp Banned
Meanwhile the aberrant members of society are watching the religious members of society under a microscope and will take us apart at the slightest hint of non-compliance.
So be it.
It shall keep us on our toes!
Well, when one is in the business of selling righteousness to others, one had better be righteous while their doing it.


Well-known member
They are natural records of energies and frequencies, growth. In other words you cut an old tree down and learn from the rings of growth. The experts can see climate changes at once while you just see, just a tree. Crystals stored the history of its own long life including fantastic mathematical surprises . It runs your radios so you can hear God sending a big meteorite striaght down over your head while your mocking something useful. Fundies know nothing

Who's a fundy?


New member
It runs your radios
...Fundies know nothing

You listen on a crystal set?!

Hasn't your local hardware store discovered transistor radios or software-defined-radio receivers yet?

Sounds like when someone arrives in your town they don't turn back their clock, they have to turn back their calendar!


You listen on a crystal set?!

Hasn't your local hardware store discovered transistor radios or software-defined-radio receivers yet?

Sounds like when someone arrives in your town they don't turn back their clock, they have to turn back their calendar!

Your broken comments didn't work. You ought to get a refund on it from the RCC


Well-known member
Temp Banned
If Law over-rides religion we then have de facto Communism.
You mean totalitarianism, not communism. The ideal religious community, according the the Bible, is a commune. While what has been called "communism" by Russia and China and various other fascist states around true world was not really communism at all, it was fascist totalitarianism masquerading as communism.

Also, when religion overrides the law, we also get fascist totalitarianism, and even a cursory glance at history bears this out.
I do believe that is what is happening here.
We are in trouble.
Actually all that's happened so far, is that religion has been pushed out of lawmaking, to some degree. Which is a good thing. You just refuse to see that religion has always been overstepping it's rightful bounds in this country.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I am not asking you for the difference between homosexual behaviors and heterosexual behaviors.

I'll rephrase my question. Is there a difference between the following two mental states?
1. John feels sexual desire toward many different women.​
2. John feels lust toward many different women.​
In my opinion, yes. The difference is subtle, but real. A sexual desire is low key, along the lines of, "I find that woman attractive." My eyes my linger a bit longer than usual as I find her desirable. But that is all. If I feel lust then my thoughts focus on that person and I will start looking for ways to satisfy that lust with that person.