We put them in jail because their actions pose a threat to the rest of us, not because they deliberately chose to act antisocially. I agree.The whole nurture vs nature debate will go on long after this, but you are waaaaay overstated on the nature portion.
I'd debate both of the above, who debate each other, because both have the individuals in question as passive rather than active in decision making: one acts that way because they were 'trained' and the other because it is in their genes.
Both are high-brow impractical because *we still put people in jail for their own actions regardless of either nature or nurture (*it isn't just me that believes we are accountable whether nature and/or nurture is blamed).
But this doesn't really have anything to do with this discussion. My point is that many of our "choices" are not being made consciously or deliberately. In fact, I wouldn't consider many of them choices at all, because they are determinations we are making unconsciously, and automatically. In any given day we determine the course of our action many, many times. And we are rarely ever consciously aware of ourselves doing so. Upon what basis, then, are these many determinations being made? Are we "reasoning" them subconsciously? Perhaps. But I believe we are for more often acting out of habit, and intuition, and instinct, (all relative to our genetic and social nature) than we are of reason.