Seven Capital Sins?


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Hall of Fame
Read up on some of this before responding.
Seven of these evil thoughts were first listed formally by Pope Gregory the Great and later were enumerated by Thomas Aquinas in the Summa Theologica: vainglory (pride), avarice (greed), gluttony, lust, sloth, envy, anger (I-II:84:4). Since that time, theologians have retained the list. sins, capital vices

Avarice avaritia should bi used as it is closer to the Greek, comes from the Latin, and it follows, to greater degree, compared to greed.

There are two main categories of sins, moving towards and moving away. Greed, Lust, Covet, are moving toward. The other sins move away, Avarice is not appetite, it is satiation, as with Gluttony. Sloth is to withdraw into oneself.

Start with greed. Greed is desire, to lust, to have more for oneself, and from greed there is the desire for satiation, gluttony, and the desire to own more, avarice. Avarice is the culmination of greed, to desire beyond appetite, to posses. To covet is the reactive, passive greed, being without what is desired.

As greed may lead to avarice; greed my be to covet, or it may lead to the passive stance, to desire satiation, gluttony, to be complacent, to retreat, become lazy. Sloth is move away from desire, to retreat within.

Pride, as before the fall, is the result of greed. Avarice, Pride, Greed, Gluttony. Pride not fulfilled leads to coveting and wrath. Wrath becomes the outward expression of pride, the will to self, unfulfilled.

We too often think of these sins as part of Catholic doctrine, as if the wording out of these, makes it Catholic, yet sin is sin, and these are all the wellsprings of sin.

Take any crime and it is tied to one or more of these as motive. My moral transgression is tied to these. They are not the thoughts of Catholics anymore than what is Biblical cannon is strictly Catholic.

Take from this and add or own thoughts, I will make comments when I am able.


New member
''Blessed is the man unto whom Yah Veh imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile''.

Paul repeats this in Romans.

False Prophet

New member
15 Outside the city are the evil people, those who do evil magic, who sin sexually, who murder, who worship idols, and who love lies and tell lies.
Rev 22

patrick jane

Read up on some of this before responding.
Seven of these evil thoughts were first listed formally by Pope Gregory the Great and later were enumerated by Thomas Aquinas in the Summa Theologica: vainglory (pride), avarice (greed), gluttony, lust, sloth, envy, anger (I-II:84:4). Since that time, theologians have retained the list. sins, capital vices

Avarice avaritia should bi used as it is closer to the Greek, comes from the Latin, and it follows, to greater degree, compared to greed.

There are two main categories of sins, moving towards and moving away. Greed, Lust, Covet, are moving toward. The other sins move away, Avarice is not appetite, it is satiation, as with Gluttony. Sloth is to withdraw into oneself.

Start with greed. Greed is desire, to lust, to have more for oneself, and from greed there is the desire for satiation, gluttony, and the desire to own more, avarice. Avarice is the culmination of greed, to desire beyond appetite, to posses. To covet is the reactive, passive greed, being without what is desired.

As greed may lead to avarice; greed my be to covet, or it may lead to the passive stance, to desire satiation, gluttony, to be complacent, to retreat, become lazy. Sloth is move away from desire, to retreat within.

Pride, as before the fall, is the result of greed. Avarice, Pride, Greed, Gluttony. Pride not fulfilled leads to coveting and wrath. Wrath becomes the outward expression of pride, the will to self, unfulfilled.

We too often think of these sins as part of Catholic doctrine, as if the wording out of these, makes it Catholic, yet sin is sin, and these are all the wellsprings of sin.

Take any crime and it is tied to one or more of these as motive. My moral transgression is tied to these. They are not the thoughts of Catholics anymore than what is Biblical cannon is strictly Catholic.

Take from this and add or own thoughts, I will make comments when I am able.

As I explored in my thread SELF - all of the seven deadly sins go back to self and selfishness, one way or another. In fact, I say that all sin, every sin and crime have a root in selfishness.
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
As I explored in me thread SELF - all of the seven deadly sins go back to self and selfishness, one way or another. In fact, I say that all sin, every sin and crime have a root in selfishness.

This is the only relevant response so far!

Yes, 'love your neighbour as you love yourself'. Jesus said to follow this, one would follow the Commandment, other than to love God above all else.

Do you see how these sins interrelate. To take is to quench appetite, stealing satisfies greed, to covet another person's mate is lust, adultery. Lust to satisfy vanity and pride.

Then there is passive coveting, resentment, hate, jealousy.

The taker violates his neighbour, lust, greed, and those who refuse to help one's neighbour, avarice, pride, and those who resent one's neighbour, envy, pride, and those who are indifferent to one's neighbour, sloth, gluttony, and those who hate one's neighbour,wrath.

It always come back to what Jesus said about caring for other people.

patrick jane

This is the only relevant response so far!

Yes, 'love your neighbour as you love yourself'. Jesus said to follow this, one would follow the Commandment, other than to love God above all else.

Do you see how these sins interrelate. To take is to quench appetite, stealing satisfies greed, to covet another person's mate is lust, adultery. Lust to satisfy vanity and pride.

Then there is passive coveting, resentment, hate, jealousy.

The taker violates his neighbour, lust, greed, and those who refuse to help one's neighbour, avarice, pride, and those who resent one's neighbour, envy, pride, and those who are indifferent to one's neighbour, sloth, gluttony, and those who hate one's neighbour,wrath.

It always come back to what Jesus said about caring for other people.

Exactly, great OP btw, in reality I see that many folks can love their neighbor as themselves but only if the situation or circumstance is right, unfortunately leading to holding back the love when it should be freely given. I do it myself.


Well-known member
Read up on some of this before responding.
Seven of these evil thoughts were first listed formally by Pope Gregory the Great and later were enumerated by Thomas Aquinas in the Summa Theologica: vainglory (pride), avarice (greed), gluttony, lust, sloth, envy, anger (I-II:84:4). Since that time, theologians have retained the list.

Take from this and add or own thoughts, I will make comments when I am able.
I would place gluttony and lust under one heading, and call it 'hedonism'. I would eliminate 'sloth' because I think the whole work ethic thing was invented by the medieval overlords to keep their serfs working. I would probably drop envy because that, too, was the overlords trying to protect themselves. But I would keep anger. Although I would label it vengeance, since some kinds of anger are justified, while vengeful anger is not.

So my list of 'Four Primal Sins' would be: hubris, greed, hedonism, and vengeance.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Exactly, great OP btw, in reality I see that many folks can love their neighbor as themselves but only if the situation or circumstance is right, unfortunately leading to holding back the love when it should be freely given. I do it myself.

Surly love does not flourish in convenient times. Look into 'withholding love' and let me know what you find?


So good to see the Roman Catholics taking credit for something they read once in the Bible. A book they say holds no more authority then the passing whim of any Pope. Good job pointing that out in this highly thought provoking thread. I am on my knees in astonishment.

False Prophet

New member
5 You can be sure of this: No one will have a place in the kingdom of Christ and of God who sins sexually, or does evil things, or is greedy. Anyone who is greedy is serving a false god.

6 Do not let anyone fool you by telling you things that are not true, because these things will bring God’s anger on those who do not obey him. Eph 5 :confused:


Well-known member
Read up on some of this before responding.
Seven of these evil thoughts were first listed formally by Pope Gregory the Great and later were enumerated by Thomas Aquinas in the Summa Theologica: vainglory (pride), avarice (greed), gluttony, lust, sloth, envy, anger (I-II:84:4). Since that time, theologians have retained the list. sins, capital vices

Avarice avaritia should bi used as it is closer to the Greek, comes from the Latin, and it follows, to greater degree, compared to greed.

There are two main categories of sins, moving towards and moving away. Greed, Lust, Covet, are moving toward. The other sins move away, Avarice is not appetite, it is satiation, as with Gluttony. Sloth is to withdraw into oneself.

Start with greed. Greed is desire, to lust, to have more for oneself, and from greed there is the desire for satiation, gluttony, and the desire to own more, avarice. Avarice is the culmination of greed, to desire beyond appetite, to posses. To covet is the reactive, passive greed, being without what is desired.

As greed may lead to avarice; greed my be to covet, or it may lead to the passive stance, to desire satiation, gluttony, to be complacent, to retreat, become lazy. Sloth is move away from desire, to retreat within.

Pride, as before the fall, is the result of greed. Avarice, Pride, Greed, Gluttony. Pride not fulfilled leads to coveting and wrath. Wrath becomes the outward expression of pride, the will to self, unfulfilled.

We too often think of these sins as part of Catholic doctrine, as if the wording out of these, makes it Catholic, yet sin is sin, and these are all the wellsprings of sin.

Take any crime and it is tied to one or more of these as motive. My moral transgression is tied to these. They are not the thoughts of Catholics anymore than what is Biblical cannon is strictly Catholic.

Take from this and add or own thoughts, I will make comments when I am able.

My immediate thought was of the following passage. The translation really does not matter but I post the RSV simply because I believe the "false witness who breathes out lies", (re: Rev 13:15a) is the best reading for that particular portion of this passage:

Proverbs 6:16-19 RSV (Revised Standard)
16. There are six things which the Lord hates, seven which are an abomination to him:
17. haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18. a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil,
19. a false witness who breathes out lies, and a man who sows discord among brothers.

Notice the lying tongue doubles back again becoming a false witness breathing out lies, (two horns like a lamb and speaks like a dragon). Abomination of Desolation takes place in the heart according to the Master, (Luke 16:15).