See what gay activists did to London's Dolce and Gabbana store today


New member
No, I am not a homophobe and I think they should shut up.

I am not either, I even like men.

But Rusha talked about picket lines and not crossing them.

Can anyone seriously imagine doing a picket line and asking others not to cross it for a lame excuse like this is?

It's trumped up to give a chance to flex some gay pecs


Hall of Fame
I am not either, I even like men.

But Rusha talked about picket lines and not crossing them.

Can anyone seriously imagine doing a picket line and asking others not to cross it for a lame excuse like this is?

It's trumped up to give a chance to flex some gay pecs

I never stated I expect *you* to not cross picket lines. The only picket lines I have actually encountered were those of union workers picketing their employers.

I also do not support violence towards those who make the choice to cross.

Regardless, it makes no sense for anyone who supports freedom of speech to whine about what these gay activists are doing.


New member
I never stated I expect *you* to not cross picket lines. The only picket lines I have actually encountered were those of union workers picketing their employers.

I also do not support violence towards those who make the choice to cross.

Regardless, it makes no sense for anyone who supports freedom of speech to whine about what these gay activists are doing.

Well I respect you for honoring a picket line.
I have to hope it would be very serious indeed for employees to be forced to picket. It used to be a serious thing. People at one time could lose their jobs for picketing.

But everything seems to be losing its meaning and its weight when things are used and abused - like this. It's art now. And it's drama.

I guess mass media has played a part in creating this :idunno:

First radio, then tv, then cable and satellite, computers and now phones.

A little old lady I knew in church years ago said she wondered how could The Lord could come back in the clouds and have all see Him.
And then she looked at me and asked if I thought it would be because it was on tv. I wonder if she flipped over iphones if she got see them?


New member
No, I am not a homophobe and I think they should shut up.

Homophobia - an irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. It includes antipathy, contempt, prejudice, aversion, and hatred of homosexuals.

Yeah, you are


like marbles on glass
No, I am not a homophobe and I think they should shut up.

Just curious if you're consistent regarding peaceful demonstrations. Do you think these people should shut up too?




The Barbarian

I agree with Rusha. While I don't agree with messing with human reproduction, it's astonishingly evil to call a child of that meddling, a "synthetic child."

While they have the right to say such evil things, they certainly don't have a right to insist that decent people not call them out on it.

If there was violence to the store or personnel, that is also evil. Merely exposing them to criticism for saying it, is a healthy thing.

Having the right to say what you will, does not include the right to have no consequences.


Hall of Fame
I agree with Rusha. While I don't agree with messing with human reproduction, it's astonishingly evil to call a child of that meddling, a "synthetic child."

While they have the right to say such evil things, they certainly don't have a right to insist that decent people not call them out on it.

Yep ... that was exactly my point. The ends does not justify the means.


New member
I think everyone who has ever inserted foot in mouth knows what this is like.
He shouldn't have said that and he thought it was either cute or clever when he said it, maybe. And he prolly wished mightily after the deed was done or word was said that he could turn back time or could erase that moment or day or simply hadn't said anything at all.

BUT Elton and others didn't just say it was wrong, didn't just defend the children from a name being called at them, did they?

No, they don't want the punishment to fit the crime, in balance with all other crimes..

And that kind of thing should not be allowed. Either. Even more so.

What if you call one of us women here a *itch or whore or something,
and then we come to your house and try to close your computer internet access down?

Does that really sound reasonable?
(I mean to anyone but women)


New member
Homophobia - an irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. It includes antipathy, contempt, prejudice, aversion, and hatred of homosexuals.

Really nice sharing of the definition you are giving us.

Hope you realize we all know what homophobia is. And I was being, you know, funny. :rain:


from the linked article in the op:
Here are a few quotes from Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana’s interview published in Italy’s Panorama magazine:

- “The only family is the traditional one. No chemical offspring and rented uterus. Life has a natural flow; there are things that cannot be changed.”

- “Procreation must be an act of love.”

- Dolce: “I call children of chemistry, synthetic children. Uteri for rent, semen chosen from a catalogue.”

- Gabbana: “The family is not a fad. In it there is a supernatural sense of belonging.”


Hall of Fame
I think everyone who has ever inserted foot in mouth knows what this is like.
He shouldn't have said that and he thought it was either cute or clever when he said it, maybe. And he prolly wished mightily after the deed was done or word was said that he could turn back time or could erase that moment or day or simply hadn't said anything at all.

BUT Elton and others didn't just say it was wrong, didn't just defend the children from a name being called at them, did they?

No, they don't want the punishment to fit the crime, in balance with all other crimes..

And that kind of thing should not be allowed. Either. Even more so.

What if you call one of us women here a *itch or whore or something,
and then we come to your house and try to close your computer internet access down?

Does that really sound reasonable?
(I mean to anyone but women)

:chuckle: I consider the source. That's caveman talk ...


New member
Hall of Fame
from the linked article in the op:

I'm not sure what the big deal is. It doesn't seem they are against homosexual couples, or any homosexual, parenting. I'm assuming they would want that to happen through adoption though. I guess I can understand some offense, but it seems to be getting blown out of proportion. :idunno: