Searching for Man's intrinsic value


Do people have value beyond themselves?

If so, what is it?

If not, what reasonable value should we place on others, ourselves?


We are going to do this thread a little different because most of the members here are just not up to the task. So we are going to have an auction. And since the Calvinists are the brains and this is my thread I will be the Auctioneer, (thank you very much).

Now we are going to set some ground rules.

1 the Bible is the rule book
2 the auctioneer may not bid
3 participants must obtain a bid number to bid
4 if you find yourself up for bid you may not participate in the bidding
5 when the gable falls the bidding is over
6 all sales are final

Good luck and happy bidding. 🌝


Yes Mr. Atheist. Don't be timid. Step right up and get your number. See, we have it ready for you.

Crazy 8 (For the fool hath said in his heart, 'there is no God'.)


That is right Mr. Atheist. Go ahead kick the tires. We want you to be satisfied with the product if you are the lucky winner. What is that you ask? What is it made out of?

65% Oxygen
18% Carbon
10% Hydrogen
3% Nitrogen
1.5% Calcium
1% Phosphorous
0.35% Potassium
0.25% Sulfur
0.15% Sodium
0.15% Chlorine
0.05% Magnesium
0.0004% Iron
0.00004% Iodine

What? How much is all that worth in today's money.

Oh about $4.50.


Well I see you have brought your good friend Mr. Judaism. No he can't bid Mr. Atheist. You know the rules. We will be auctioning him off shortly. There standing behind you is a very interested bidder.


...for in the image of God made he man. [Ge 9:6B]

Right. Men may not give a damn about one another but God loves his own.

"[H]idden with Christ in God. "This rich expression has a threefold meaning: 1) believers have a common spiritual life with the Father and Son (1 Cor. 6:17; 2 Pet. 1:4); 2) the world cannot understand the full import of the believer’s new life (Rom. 8:19; 1 Cor. 2:14; 1 John 3:2); and 3) believers are eternally secure, protected from all spiritual enemies, and with access to all God’s blessings (John 10:28; Rom. 8:31–39; Heb. 7:25; 1 Pet. 1:4)." MacArthur, J., Jr. (Ed.). (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed., p. 1837). Nashville, TN: Word Pub.


(We have a bunch of non-believers out there who are saying that the Church is impudent. That we can't cut the mustard. But when it comes bid time these nonbelievers, these apostates will crawl down a hole to hide.)

Now to be fair before the bidding begins in earnest we are going to give Mr. Atheist another chance to reconsider his $4.50 bid per head because I can bring in a much more godless bidder who will offer a whole lot more then the price of a dozen eggs.


New member
(We have a bunch of non-believers out there who are saying that the Church is impudent. That we can't cut the mustard. But when it comes bid time these nonbelievers, these apostates will crawl down a hole to hide.)

Now to be fair before the bidding begins in earnest we are going to give Mr. Atheist another chance to reconsider his $4.50 bid per head because I can bring in a much more godless bidder who will offer a whole lot more then the price of a dozen eggs.
I found two more bids.

One for half a shekel.

Exodus 30:15
15 The rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less than half a shekel, when they give an offering unto the Lord, to make an atonement for your souls.​

The other for thirty pieces of silver.

Matthew 26:15
15 And said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver.​



New member
Do people have value beyond themselves?

If so, what is it?

If not, what reasonable value should we place on others, ourselves?
You may think that you deserve a value beyond your base constituents but the cold reality does not have to conform to what you want or how you think it should be.
Many humans live appalling lives by western standards, who gives them any value and worth, your God? I doubt it.:think:


You may think that you deserve a value beyond your base constituents but the cold reality does not have to conform to what you want or how you think it should be.
Many humans live appalling lives by western standards, who gives them any value and worth, your God? I doubt it.:think:

You will get your chance to bid. PJ has your number already picked out, '?'. But you can't have it yet. You have to wait your turn.

Rule number 11

No cutting in line.


Well if it isn't Pope Pious and his old side kick John Wesley. The Siemese Twins! So nice to see you fella's once again. I suppose you want two numbers. Alright then. And I have a task for you.

It's seems that our good friend Mr. Judaism has gotten himself lost. I want you two to bring him here to me. Use any method. Force, enticement. Doesn't matter. Just bring him here post haste.

What's that. Where to look? Why in your bidding number of course. You two always get your kicks on

Route 66

What about Mr. Atheist? I told you before, The Calvinist hath said in his heart 'There is no Athiest'. Now get going. The bidding doesn't wait.

(Those Twins are hard workers who always show up. They are just not very smart.)


Man is a child of God. The only real gift man can give God is to do his will which collectively will eventuate in the evolution of God Supreme in time and space. In that regard God needs man as much as man needs God.