Scientific proof the Turin Shroud is real:


Well-known member
The video puts forth a working hypothesis but does not provide proof that coronal discharge is the actual method. It took 24 hours at something like 100kV to produce an image. He stated that the 96-98 range over 24 hours was the only one that worked. Aside from that, the next step is to determine what caused the coronal discharge at the time of Christ. Keep in mind that you are stating that this is scientific proof. TO reach that level you MUST answer all the possible questions about the shroud using science. That means you must prove the coronal discharge happened in the time of Christ.

Now, if this is actually a point of faith for you and not scientific explanation, well, that is entirely different. Do you accept the shroud is the image of Christ based on faith or incomplete science?

Science, because if you watch this video: (please watch from the beginning)
you will see the scientific evidence found by NASA scientists in 1976 who performed a number of test on the shroud that confirm the shroud's image was created by unknown means, as there was no known man made way to make the image. That is until now, even then the marks produced by the plasma on the clothe in the experiment only confirms the image on the shroud was made by plasma.


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Science, because if you watch this video: (please watch from the beginning)
you will see the scientific evidence found by NASA scientists in 1976 who performed a number of test on the shroud that confirm the shroud's image was created by unknown means, as there was no known man made way to make the image. That is until now, even then the marks produced by the plasma on the clothe in the experiment only confirms the image on the shroud was made by plasma.

That is not a statement of science, that is a statement of faith.


New member
Your statement shows that you do not understand what was in the videos.

Your statement shows you do not understand my questions.

We know the image is not Jesus.

The blood is external to the image and is not part of the image.

Men have taken DNA from the blood.

We don't know whose blood it was.


Well-known member
Your statement shows you do not understand my questions.

We know the image is not Jesus.

The blood is external to the image and is not part of the image.

Men have taken DNA from the blood.

We don't know whose blood it was.

Because you have not watched the videos you have missed to whole point of the thread and are barking up the wrong tree little dogie.

Nothing to do with the blood.


New member
I saw it on the History Channel years ago.

Leonardo was an expert in photography and had access to cadavers and human blood.

He was also skilled in human anatomy.


Well-known member
I saw it on the History Channel years ago.

Leonardo was an expert in photography and had access to cadavers and human blood.

He was also skilled in human anatomy.

Not what the OP is about. Science has proven the image was made by a powerful burst of plasma energy: watch from 37:50 (or better still watch all of it).

Also NASA scientists used a VP8 analyser, this device determined that the image was not made by man: (please watch from the beginning) you will see the scientific evidence found by NASA scientists in 1976 who performed the experiment on the shroud that confirm the shroud's image was created by unknown means, as there was no known man made way to make the image. That is until now, even then the marks produced by the plasma on the clothe in the experiment only confirms the image on the shroud was made by plasma energy.


New member
Science has proven the image was made by a powerful burst of plasma energy: watch from 37:50 (or better still watch all of it).

Also NASA scientists used a VP8 analyser, this device determined that the image was not made by man: (please watch from the beginning) you will see the scientific evidence found by NASA scientists in 1976 who performed the experiment on the shroud that confirm the shroud's image was created by unknown means, as there was no known man made way to make the image. That is until now, even then the marks produced by the plasma on the clothe in the experiment only confirms the image on the shroud was made by plasma energy.

Plasma energy proves the image was not made by spiritual means.


Well-known member
"Just as many were astonished at you,
So His visage was marred more than any man,
And His form more than the sons of men" (Isaiah 52:14)

Compare the picture with scripture.

Again the experiments show the shroud really is Jesus' burial cloth. That is what the OP is about.


New member
Again the experiments show the shroud really is Jesus' burial cloth. That is what the OP is about.

The image on the cloth is that of a cadaver with some superficial blood marks.

We know the blood was external to the image because DNA has been extracted from the blood.

This suggests the image is of a dead man with no marks, but with blood applied to the cloth to represent flogging.

No one has proven the image is of Jesus, nor can they.

But the so-called shroud is a nice piece of fiction.


Well-known member
The image on the cloth is that of a cadaver with some superficial blood marks.

We know the blood was external to the image because DNA has been extracted from the blood.

This suggests the image is of a dead man with no marks, but with blood applied to the cloth to represent flogging.

No one has proven the image is of Jesus, nor can they.

But the so-called shroud is a nice piece of fiction.

See post #47 again:

And #53: