lets expand consciousness a bit.......
lets expand consciousness a bit.......
Hi all,
freelight had formerly written:
Reality is what actually exists, what IS. This (here/now) is reality, it is ever-present, all-pervading, all-encompassing. It includes the whole of life, existence and consciousness,....all of infinity. All That IS, and all that ever will be, actual and potential.
Now as far as what religious truth, concepts, beliefs or ideals you hold, that is 'relative' and certainly 'debatable'
Since 'God' is omnipresent, He/She is not limited to any religious definition or culture, not even by anyone's imagination! Since Deity is INFINITE. Consider what is infinite. It is impossible for the finite to hold, mold or define infinity.
Choleric responds with my following responses in order:
This is all a bunch of nonsense. God has revealed Himself and verified His Word through prophetic fulfillment and signs and wonders.
What I've written still holds,....on the ontological level of reality, ....remember...Reality includes all, is all,.....and more (all that is 'actual' and 'potential'). Our ideals, concepts, beliefs, interpretations are more or less relative assumptions conditioned by various factors, personal preferences and 'point of view',...and that's a fact. Look around.
Now the Reality that Alone is ABSOLUTE, we may call it 'God' or 'Deity', which is pure Spirit, pure Consciousness, pure Space, etc. (whether this Deity is with or without 'personality'). You're just using your own 'theological-template' and culture in which to interpret or explain 'God', - don't forget...every religious tradition and cult has their own theology, mythology and holy writings. They are all attempting to explain, describe and articulate the purpose of life and
story-telling is one of the primary means humans use to communicate such things.
You have set aside His only true Word with a smorgasbord of your own invention, with whatever you "think is right" (Prov 16:25). Sadly, you will reject God's only revelation, that of His Son, who died for you, in your place.
This is an assumption on your part, since you have no idea of the scope, grasp or extent of my own theology, but only little mini bytes perceived here and there. I suggest you look at the bigger picture of reality, if you put down your rose-coloured glasses a bit, and look outside the paramaters of your preferred and 'accustomed' beliefs.
You will for all eternity regret your blatant disregard for the Truth you claim to seek.
No regrets here, since along Life's journey we learn by trial & error, research and development, with the will to learn and propser, and until there is the ultimatum of total perfection or finality, there will ever be the evolution of creation, expansion of consciousness, learning.....carrying on into infinity. Remember I spoke of 'infinity' above,...its something to perhaps contemplate.
It is right there in front of you, waiting to be embraced. Christ is long-suffering to you, not wanting you to perish, but to repent of your false belief system and take the only eternal life being offered.
I'm well aware of the various offerings of both the ancient followers of Jesus....and modern day pop evangelical Christianity (and its various denominations), and weigh the entire tradition and esoteric teachings of the Master in the balance. If I have a false-belief system, and am not being diligent to discover a better or truer way, then that is my suffering (or limitation), but perhaps I will be the wiser as Spirit reveals the better way and I follow that path, ever progressing forward in knowledge. Is this also your attitude towards learning and growth?
Please repent of your false religion freelight. Your pride is going to take you to hell.
Until I feel the need to 'change my mind'(repent) about anything, I'll be treading along the path of life just fine thank you

- I see no 'pride' in having the resolve and integrity to
think for myself, and ever be true to life as life leads me, since the reality of existence is LIFE Itself, and this Life is living itself thru me, and as me. This is 'reality' being individually experienced. Whatever religious schools and spiritual traditions I happen to study or even practice along the journey are but coincidental and provisional.
Joh 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
A wonderful verse

- I see no problems with this verse, in fact nothing in the gospel of John could condemn me, if that's what your going for. John's gospel is the more gnostic/spiritual gospel, as it focuses more on spiritual
knowledge as a means of having(or re-cognizing, intuiting) eternal life, the divine life. Nowhere have I ever denied
the Christ or the value of the
Jesus-story, although I may approach Jesus in a more esoteric, gnostic or allegorical way, besides being open to consider the various traditions about Jesus, and other sources for his teachings outside of the NT canon. - there are other writings you know
The old saying "you cant put God in a box" still holds. You can conceptualize the Infinite in many ways, or assume different religious faith-traditions as templates to approach and relate to 'God', but that's about it,...while the Absolute Reality is simply what always IS and is what always will BE (while all else arising in consciousness is but the play of 'God')....it comes and goes, is subject to change....while only what is unchanging in its essence remains behind all changing forms. Stay with the 'essence' and follow its inner light and wisdom, and all should go well for you.