Sarah Palin endorses Trump


New member
Hall of Fame
How could a "dumb person" become mayor of a city, governor of a state, the running mate on the Republican ticket, and make millions of dollars?

How could a "dumb person" become a billionaire?

Both of these people have accomplished way more than you ever will.

How did these two "dumb people" accomplish so much?


Wow are you silly and naive.:rotfl:


They are just 100th idiots.

The other 99 in each case crashed and burned, but the 100th one becomes convinced of their greatness, from believing that only great people become rich or powerful, despite the fact that they likely rode a wave of luck and happenstance.

So, you think a "dumb person" can ride a wave of luck and happenstance, and become a billionaire?

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
One letter answer


How could a "dumb person" become mayor of a city, governor of a state, the running mate on the Republican ticket, and make millions of dollars?

How could a "dumb person" become a billionaire?

Both of these people have accomplished way more than you ever will.

How did these two "dumb people" accomplish so much?


New member
I don't know much about US politics, who are the actual sensible GOP candidates for the Whitehouse, will they be coming along later? :think:


Well-known member
I am absolutely sure that this action on her part was to give the RINO establishment a knife in the heart, in that respect, good for her, they deserve it :thumb:

I've read die-hard GOP types who say they'll stay home if Jeb isn't the one. I believe them when they say they'd prefer Clinton or Sanders to any remotely non-GOPe controlled candidate.

BTW...ever notice how foreign leftists are always so intensely invested in threads like this? Supports my suspicion of paid trolls.


New member
Now you're claiming a dumb person can get a BA from Yale, and an MBA from Harvard Business School?

Palin has a Bachelors in Communications from the University of Idaho, while Trump has a Bachelor of Science in Economics undergraduate degree from the University of Pennsylvania and didn't get on their MBA course (one bio says he hardly attended and wasn't even on the honours programme).

I don't think either went to Yale or Harvard, so I guess they can both be called dumb now.


I don't think either went to Yale or Harvard, so I guess they can both be called dumb now.

You do know the University of Pennsylvania is an Ivy League school?

Trump attended the Wharton School of Business at Penn.

Wharton is one of the finest (if not the best) business schools in the world.

"dumb people" don't get accepted to Wharton.


New member
Trump has no credibility as a conservative and no long-term history of affiliation with the Republican Party. Palin, who lacks gravitas but had a measure of credibility, is damaging what ever standing she has left as a serious power-broker.

Trump is a symptom; an object lesson being taught by voters who don’t think anything in the realm of politics matters that much anymore. A sizable and highly significant percentage of registered Republicans (a group which now includes a former VP nominee) no longer think that scrutinizing a candidate is important. Nothing is important except paying “the establishment” back for their fecklessness, failure and contempt (for conservatives and conservative ideals).

Trump support is an act of defiance. It is the rank-and-file demonstrating to the elites where the power actually lies. Defiance is sometimes healthy and necessary among adults with political bonds but, in the past, defiance was tempered by a pragmatic desire to not make things worse; to not go too far. Today, in Trumpism which has become almost a mania, there is no breaking mechanism working in the back of the minds of a certain primary voters; they don’t think it can get any worse. They don’t think they the party, the system or even the country can get worse because they doubt it can get better.

Unfortunately things can get worse; much, much worse. There is such a thing as a tipping point. There is such a thing as a point of no return. America is approaching that point if it has not reached or even surpassed it.


New member
Hall of Fame
You do know the University of Pennsylvania is an Ivy League school?

Trump attended the Wharton School of Business at Penn.

Wharton is one of the finest (if not the best) business schools in the world.

"dumb people" don't get accepted to Wharton.



New member
Hall of Fame
Yep...doesn't even matter what your grades from high school were.

And if you're a black foreigner, you can probably get free food and a free apartment in addition to your free tuition.

Now you just sound like a grouchy clueless old fart. Ease off, why don'tcha.


Now you just sound like a grouchy clueless old fart. Ease off, why don'tcha.

Last May, I spent three days in Cambridge, Mass. at Harvard's graduation ceremonies.

Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.

Also, my daughter who graduated from Penn, had a roommate who went to Wharton.


New member
Sarah Palin, just like Ann Coulter, has jumped on the Trump bandwagon in a fairly pathetic effort to invigorate her own faltering popularity. Trump is where the action, and the TV camera, is. She will be all over talk radio and on a few TV news shows for a while and she will collect a few million more e-mail addresses and gather a few million more “followers” on Twitter and Facebook. Eventually she will monetize them by selling them ghost written books.