Ronald Reagan


New member
Be sure to post the video of that crook lying to the American people about Iran-Contra.

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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Be sure to post the video of that crook lying to the American people about Iran-Contra........
Crooks steal money for themselves, like Hillary.
Reagan never stole anything, plus it was Reagan's own people who exposed the story.

Any more stupid comments?


Be sure to post the video of that crook lying to the American people about Iran-Contra.

And let's not forget how Reagan was instrumental in passing legislation that made abortion skyrocket as Governor of California:

On June 14, 1967, Ronald Reagan signed the Therapeutic Abortion Act, after only six months as California governor. From a total of 518 legal abortions in California in 1967, the number of abortions would soar to an annual average of 100,000 in the remaining years of Reagan’s two terms — more abortions than in any U.S. state prior to the advent of Roe v. Wade. Reagan’s signing of the abortion bill was an ironic beginning for a man often seen as the modern father of the pro-life movement.

Read more at:

Wow, Reagan was a baby murderer, who would have thunk?

And let's not forget his love of the sodomites:

On the Brigg's Initiative, which would have kept homosexuals from teaching in CA public schools:

"Despite all our good work, everyone involved had taken the Proposition from 75% in favor of firing homosexual school teachers down to only 55%. We were having a helluva time gaining that last 6%. We knew we needed something big to push us over the top and we needed it soon since we were in the last weeks of the campaign.

There is no doubt in my mind that the man who put us over the top was California Governor Ronald Reagan. His opposition to Proposition 6 killed it for sure."

I could write about how Ronald Reagan was responsible for no fault divorce going mainstream as Governor of California, but then I think people get the message already.

As I wrote in Part 1 of my WHMBR! thread: Ronald Reagan without a doubt was a puppet of the perverts.


I guess I should now talk about how Ronald Reagan was largely responsible for the destruction of the family through no fault divorce:

In 1969, Governor Ronald Reagan of California made what he later admitted was one of the biggest mistakes of his political life. Seeking to eliminate the strife and deception often associated with the legal regime of fault-based divorce, Reagan signed the nation's first no-fault divorce bill. The new law eliminated the need for couples to fabricate spousal wrongdoing in pursuit of a divorce; indeed, one likely reason for Reagan's decision to sign the bill was that his first wife, Jane Wyman, had unfairly accused him of "mental cruelty" to obtain a divorce in 1948. But no-fault divorce also gutted marriage of its legal power to bind husband and wife, allowing one spouse to dissolve a marriage for any reason — or for no reason at all.

In the decade and a half that followed, virtually every state in the Union followed California's lead and enacted a no-fault divorce law of its own. This legal transformation was only one of the more visible signs of the divorce revolution then sweeping the United States: From 1960 to 1980, the divorce rate more than doubled — from 9.2 divorces per 1,000 married women to 22.6 divorces per 1,000 married women. This meant that while less than 20% of couples who married in 1950 ended up divorced, about 50% of couples who married in 1970 did. And approximately half of the children born to married parents in the 1970s saw their parents part, compared to only about 11% of those born in the 1950s.

Baby murderer, supporter of homosexuality and destruction of the family, yep, Ronald Reagan truly was a "puppet of the perverts".

The Berean

Well-known member
I liked Reagan until I found out that he allowed occultism in his own family. His wife frequently consorted with astrologists and mediums.