Ron Paul is pro-choice on abortion, state by state


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WizardofOz said:
Um, why is OK for Bob to do this to Ron Paul? Is it OK for Bob to imply Paul is godless, when Paul is a man of faith?

Because Bob and other Christians here are standing up for the truth as it is presented in God's Word. Ron Paul is not willing to stand up for the life of the unborn OVER the state's rights. That is a wicked position to take, and even the most ardent Ron Paul supporter knows that he does not think the federal government should have the RIGHT to STOP a state from killing children. That is a wicked and Godless worldview, and Bob is right on with it!
WizardofOz said:
Is there a "hypocrite" similey?

If there were it should be titled :wizardofoz:

Does Ron Paul "rejects the personhood of the tiniest humans"?
Does Ron Paul "rejects the inalienable, God-given right to life of the unborn."
Does Ron Paul "believes the unborn are people who have the right to life."?
Does Ron Paul "sin against God in his apathetic position of allowing the states to murder children."
Is Ron Paul "qualified to teach Sunday School"?

-Ron Paul can say whatever he wants. His Godless political positions can be exposed very easily and have been exposed. If he believed TRULY that the unborn have the right to life, then he should believe that NO level of government should be allowed to pass laws compromising on DO NOT MURDER. Instead he is perfectly willing to allow states to make their own laws EVEN if it INCLUDES murder, and Ron Paul would not LIFT A FINGER to stop the MURDERS.

"Wrong understanding of government"? Says who? Says you? Says Bob?:kookoo: Bob did indeed make intellectually dishonest statements and Stephen pointed out these falsehoods. I applaud Stephen for it. Could you now tell us "how God would like for a government to be run?"

-Read very carefully: God says "Do not murder". God NEVER at any time said it was NOW OK to murder.

-Further State's rights DO NOT trump the right to life. IF the right to life is not allowed, then NO other freedoms or liberties can be enjoyed!

Have you come up with a plan to nullify Roe v Wade? Has Bob? Has Keyes? Who's apathetic?

Nullifying Roe v Wade at this point would be like stopping one rock in a landslide. We already have far too many laws making abortion legal. But I'd like to see it happen purely to take a step in a positive direction at least.
The better way to handle things would be to pass ONE LAW for all states, provinces, territories, and stretches of land that want to call themselves a part of the United States of America: DO NOT MURDER.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
I asked this question in another thread but I'll ask it here too....

Assuming Keyes' amendment about personhood would be passed, would Roe v. Wade have any bearing? Would RvW still have to be overturned? Or would the amendment supercede it? Same with Ron Paul's bill.

Here's how it works. If Congress passes a bill that Violates the Constitution, as SCOTUS has interprted it, it is dead on arival (unconstitutional). So the only "check and balance" way to outflank SCOTUS is to change (amend) the constitution.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Because Bob and other Christians here are standing up for the truth as it is presented in God's Word. Ron Paul is not willing to stand up for the life of the unborn OVER the state's rights. That is a wicked position to take, and even the most ardent Ron Paul supporter knows that he does not think the federal government should have the RIGHT to STOP a state from killing children. That is a wicked and Godless worldview, and Bob is right on with it!

If there were it should be titled :wizardofoz:

-Ron Paul can say whatever he wants. His Godless political positions can be exposed very easily and have been exposed. If he believed TRULY that the unborn have the right to life, then he should believe that NO level of government should be allowed to pass laws compromising on DO NOT MURDER. Instead he is perfectly willing to allow states to make their own laws EVEN if it INCLUDES murder, and Ron Paul would not LIFT A FINGER to stop the MURDERS.

-Read very carefully: God says "Do not murder". God NEVER at any time said it was NOW OK to murder.

-Further State's rights DO NOT trump the right to life. IF the right to life is not allowed, then NO other freedoms or liberties can be enjoyed!

Nullifying Roe v Wade at this point would be like stopping one rock in a landslide. We already have far too many laws making abortion legal. But I'd like to see it happen purely to take a step in a positive direction at least.
The better way to handle things would be to pass ONE LAW for all states, provinces, territories, and stretches of land that want to call themselves a part of the United States of America: DO NOT MURDER.
Also Ron Paul claims to be a big fan of the Constitution, but he doesn't seem to like the 14th amendment much!


New member
Because Bob and other Christians here are standing up for the truth as it is presented in God's Word. Ron Paul is not willing to stand up for the life of the unborn OVER the state's rights.

Because it is a violation of the Constitution.

That is a wicked position to take, and even the most ardent Ron Paul supporter knows that he does not think the federal government should have the RIGHT to STOP a state from killing children. That is a wicked and Godless worldview, and Bob is right on with it! [/COLOR]

I simply prefer to have the decision to murder a child in the smaller hands of a state. We have states with trigger laws right now waiting to ban abortion, but you have chosen to ignore this.

Ron Paul can say whatever he wants. His Godless political positions can be exposed very easily and have been exposed. If he believed TRULY that the unborn have the right to life, then he should believe that NO level of government should be allowed to pass laws compromising on DO NOT MURDER.

You and Bob would support such a law. You would have homosexuals who have never harmed anyone murdered. A state that legalizes abortion is no worse that one that legalizes the death penalty for homosexuals.

-Read very carefully: God says "Do not murder". God NEVER at any time said it was NOW OK to murder.

This includes homosexuals.

-Further State's rights DO NOT trump the right to life. IF the right to life is not allowed, then NO other freedoms or liberties can be enjoyed!

Like with homosexuality?


New member
Mr. Kevin,

Why is it murder when a state kills a child, but not murder when they kill a homosexual?

Neither the child nor the homosexual have killed anyone.


New member
Tell us you opinion of the 13, 14 and 15 amendments to the Constitution.

They are Federal laws to be enforced upon a state level.

Tell me, what is your opinion of the 10th?

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
S†ephen;1644492 said:
They are Federal laws to be enforced upon a state level.

Tell me, what is your opinion of the 10th?

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
The 13th, 14, and 15th amendment are part of the Constitution! You just lost the argument!


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
They are Federal laws to be enforced upon a state level.

Tell me, what is your opinion of the 10th?

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

I simply don't get what you are thinking! The 14 amendment of the Constitution delegates, to the federal government, the power to prohibit states from making laws that don't protect the innocent.


New member
I simply don't get what you are thinking! The 14 amendment of the Constitution delegates, to the federal government, the power to prohibit states from making laws that don't protect the innocent.

No. The states have signed the Constitution binding them to honor this. The federal government has no jurisdiction to go in and force a state to conform. If a state decides to abort then the issue then becomes why they are violating what they signed to.


New member
No. The states have signed the Constitution binding them to honor this. The federal government has no jurisdiction to go in and force a state to conform. If a state decides to abort then the issue then becomes why they are violating what they signed to.

Good, I'm finally glad we are here once again: and then in your view what should happen? Should they lose "statehood"? Who would enforce it?


Well-known member
Also Ron Paul claims to be a big fan of the Constitution, but he doesn't seem to like the 14th amendment much!

14th Amendment is a dead amendment being the ratification of it was unconstitutional.

I really wish people studied real history and not this revisionist mumbo jumbo