Ron Paul: "while Roe v. Wade is invalid, a federal law banning abortion across all 50 states would be equally invalid."
Paul's Christian supporters are in denial. First, they deny that Paul is against a federal ban on abortion, even though he attempts to codify that position in his misnamed "Sanctity of Life" bills. And once they concede his godless position of allowing the states to systematically murder the innocent, then they fall prey to Paul's invalid and contradictory states' rights rhetoric against the unborn. Paul rejects the inalienable, God-given right to life of the unborn. He rejects the personhood of the tiniest humans. He betrays his supposed commitment to the Constitution by refusing to uphold its commitment to our posterity, and its demand that no innocent person shall be deprived of life without due process. (And supposedly, Paul believes the unborn are people who have the right to life.)
Ask a mayoral or gubernatorial candidate about abortion, and they say, "that's a federal issue." Ask most Republican candidates about abortion, and they say, "that's a state issue." Both sides are punting; like cowards, punting the most critical and controversial issue that stands today before government. No other right can be exercised if the right to life is denied.
Paul sins against God in his apathetic position of allowing the states to murder children. And to the extent that Paul knows in his heart that abortion is wrong, to that extent he is also a traitor to his nation, and even its Constitution, lusting after power instead of standing for the right to life of the vulnerable. Ron Paul is not qualified to teach Sunday School, let alone lead a nation.
The inalienable right to life trumps states' rights, and no state has the right to legitimize the owning of blacks, killing of Jews, or aborting children. If you support Ron Paul, you support tolerance of the massacre of innocence, and I call on you to repent.
-Bob Enyart
That's some pretty pathetic spin, Bob. You have completely mis characterized his stance.
Ron Paul is pro-life. It's that simple. He against a centralized form of federal government (as were the founding fathers); rather, he is for state rights. States would each individually make their own law regarding abortion. How can you say he is pro-choice; when he, personally, is not. He is pro-state rights vs. pro centralized federal government - that's all your OP can honestly attack. If he were president; each state would make their own law governing their own territory. He will not allow a centralized federal government to make a law (Roe v Wade) for
all the land.
Under the current centralized federal government; we have a law from the Roe v Wade case that states
cannot overrule. No supreme court from Roe v Wade until today has overturned this law despite the many "conservative" pro-life candidates I am sure you have supported. Under Paul's system (which is the exact system formed by the founding fathers) states could decide for themselves. That does not make Ron Paul pro-choice (abortion) as an individual. Rather, the only "pro-choice" he is guilty of is that he is pro-choice regarding state rights.
Keyes or anyone else who supports the centralized form of government (status quo) would be powerless to create legislation banning all abortion for the entire country. The only system which would lead to less abortion; would be Paul's. I'm sure there are a few states in the republic which would outlaw abortion. Keyes would stick with the status quo Roe v Wade would stand. You are a hypocrite to think Keyes is any less apathetic regarding abortion than Paul.
In 1981 a Republican congressman declared: Abortion on demand is the ultimate State tyranny; the State simply declares that certain classes of human beings are not persons, and therefore not entitled to the protection of the law. The State protects the "right" of some people to kill others, just as the courts protected the "property rights" of slave masters in their slaves. Moreover, by this method the State achieves a goal common to all totalitarian regimes: it sets us against each other, so that our energies are spent in the struggle between State-created classes, rather than in freeing all individuals from the State. Unlike Nazi Germany, which forcibly sent millions to the gas chambers (as well as forcing abortion and sterilization upon many more), the new regime has enlisted the assistance of millions of people to act as its agents in carrying out a program of mass murder.
The name of the congressman? Ron Paul.
Lest you think it's just a minor issue for him, consider the obscure fact that
Paul has written not one but two books arguing for the necessity of a pro-life libertarianism: 1983's Abortion and Liberty and 1990's Challenge to Liberty: Coming to Grips with the Abortion Issue. And lest you think he has since changed his views on abortion, ponder what he's saying now. On June 4, 2003, speaking in the House of Representatives,
Paul described "the rights of unborn people” as “the greatest moral issue of our time."
Here's a few more quotes by Paul regarding abortion.
"Pro-life libertarians have a vital task to perform: to persuade the many abortion-supporting libertarians of the contradiction between abortion and individual liberty; and, to sever the mistaken connection in many minds between individual freedom and the 'right' to extinguish individual life."
On March 29, 2005: " I believe beyond a doubt that a fetus is a human life deserving of legal protection, and that the right to life is the foundation of any moral society."
Jan. 31, 2006: "The federalization of abortion law is based not on constitutional principles, but rather on a social and political construct created out of thin air by the Roe court."
he has referred to a "federal court tyranny which threatens our constitutional republic and has caused the deaths of 45 million of the unborn."
"I find it difficult not to defend a life a minute before birth just as I would defend that life a minute after birth. To me, it's recognizing the importance of life."
"Many talk about being pro-life," Paul continued. "I have taken and will continue to advocate direct action to restore protection for the unborn."
Have you ever heard of
H.R. 1094 Bob?
Here is where you take issue - his tactics on
how it is
feasible to end abortion. You seem to think someone like Keyes can do so through the status quo. Paul knows this is a dead end and has come up with a brilliant way to get the abortion debate out of federal courts.
He previously argued that this is necessary to create "a pro-life culture," because federalization "has prevented the 50 states from enacting laws that more closely reflect the views of their citizens." Accepting this, he explained, means "we lost the ability to apply local community standards to ethical issues." On Nov. 17, 2005, he introduced H.R. 4379, the We the People Act,
which would remove contested cultural issues like abortion from the jurisdiction of federal courts. On Feb. 6, 2006, the bill was referred to the Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property. The congressional session ended without any further action.
The Libertarian party's official position
is support of repealing Roe v. Wade and leaving abortion "remanded to the states." Paul's view, it happens, is pretty much the party line: It's okay to restrict abortion at the state level, just not the federal one. Respect for the rights of state government trumps the rights of women.
......for Paul, if anti-choice conservatives in South Dakota had succeeded, it would have been
considered a victory:
one step toward creating a pro-life nation, not from the top down, but one community at a time.
You can :sozo: all you want, but anyone with a brain can only :rotfl: at your Faux News style spin.
Paul is personally as pro-life as anyone on this board. He has the intelligence to know what methods work and which do not to achieve his goal. Anyone sticking with the status quo will never do anything about abortion. Keyes just is hot air and rhetoric. I understand why you like him.