"Romanism" is Normative not Pejorative, Except to the Overly Sensitive

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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The term Romanist is not normally used as a pejorative, despite the claims of the Roman Catholic.

He's called me a Romanist.
Is that any worse than calling someone a dimwit? Maybe it is.

It may have been intended as an insult.
But I can't find it in myself to feel insulted by it.
Indeed, you should not.

Romanist is but a normative term for Roman Catholics, just as Calvinist is a loose synonym for the Reformed that espouse a particular view of the doctrines of grace, among many other things particular to the Reformed, yet not held by all Calvinists.

Best to keep the following in mind:

All Reformed are Calvinists. (As in Baptists adhering to the LBCF)
Not all Calvinists are Reformed. (
As in adherents to the Westminster Standards, Helvetic, Belgic, or Heidelberg Confessions).

The doctrines of grace claimed by the Calvinist were elucidated by not a few of the ECF a thousand plus years earlier than Luther or Calvin, and were formally codified fifty-four years after the death of Calvin at the Synod of Dordt. The acrostic, TULIP, a memory aid for the doctrines of grace, was actually first used by a nineteenth century pastor to help others remember the five doctrines. Unfortunately, the historically uninformed just erroneously assume Calvin "invented" Calvinism. Rather, Calvin just was one of the first to formally systematize these doctrines and much more using the full counsel of Scripture.

That some will take Romanism to be pejorative is just being overly sensitive.


A Calvinist with the same over sensitivity as the Roman Catholic about the term "Romanism" would whine each time a Lutheran raised the label, since it was from their tradition that the word "Calvinist" first emerged over their issues with the Lord's Supper. Wisely, we do not start lighting the torches against our Lutheran brethren when the term is used.

That said, "dimwit" is but the desperate attempt of the choleric. ;)
