patrick jane

When my wife goes to church with me and has her head uncovered she is reflecting my glory and giving glory to me. Because the woman is the glory of the man when she shows her glory which is her hair she brings attraction to herself, her glory which is man's glory.

This will cost us during the Messianic Kingdom. We will suffer the loss of rewards for disobedience and those in leadership will lose more for leading innocent ignore brothers astray concerning this matter.

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Your wife wants a divorce


New member
1. Head covering
2. Modest apparel
3. Silence

Yes, silence is a good one. It means no women in the choir, no singing during song service, no greeting other people.

Women should just sit in silence, preferably in their own section, right?

Yeah, that's probably what Paul meant, sure. No doubt about it.

Actually, "women" is a misquote scooped up by misogynistic men.

:sigh: Oh, well.

patrick jane

Yes, silence is a good one. It means no women in the choir, no singing during song service, no greeting other people.

Women should just sit in silence, preferably in their own section, right?

Yeah, that's probably what Paul meant, sure. No doubt about it.

Actually, "women" is a misquote scooped up by misogynistic men.

:sigh: Oh, well.
Silence woman :chuckle:


Ok here we go,

Man is made in the image of God's glory.

the glory of the man is woman.

The glory of the woman is her hair.

Do the math...


Yes, silence is a good one. It means no women in the choir, no singing during song service, no greeting other people.

Women should just sit in silence, preferably in their own section, right?

Yeah, that's probably what Paul meant, sure. No doubt about it.

Actually, "women" is a misquote scooped up by misogynistic men.

:sigh: Oh, well.

It is incontrovertibly taught that women should not have authority over men in church. They cannot preach or have a seat among pastoral council- which means they cannot speak on church constitution and by-laws either.

That is what Paul meant, and that is what the Bible teaches- men are the head of the women.
This is not something just of church, either. Paul justifies it by Eve's deception- if a house of God cannot operate how God sees fit, then it isn't really a house of God at all_


New member
It is incontrovertibly taught that women should not have authority over men in church. They cannot preach or have a seat among pastoral council- which means they cannot speak on church constitution and by-laws either.

That is what Paul meant, and that is what the Bible teaches- men are the head of the women.
This is not something just of church, either. Paul justifies it by Eve's deception- if a house of God cannot operate how God sees fit, then it isn't really a house of God at all_

None of what you said is scriptural nor is it anywhere close to what Paul taught.

However, when a person takes something out of the context in which it is stated it can mean anything or nothing.


Women can't sing? Hmmm doesn't say that.
That's just part of the failed eisegesis in failing to be obedient to God's law here.

The bible doesn't say that women are not allowed to sing. But with the hair covered.

But since you have no scriptural reason to disobey you show your human reasoning to be your final authority.

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If the glory of a woman is her hair, then why make it an attraction during the assembly?
Humility girl!

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None of what you said is scriptural nor is it anywhere close to what Paul taught.

However, when a person takes something out of the context in which it is stated it can mean anything or nothing.

Oh, yes it is. Very much so, that is why all of Christian history has mimicked just that. It is why any church worth it's salt today still practices it and why those who don't, typically end up becoming lukewarm and even heretical.
It is because they aren't doing as God commanded, so the Spirit doesn't remain in them.

Whether you choose to accept it or not, you have brought the worldly 'emancipation' of women to your holy temples. That is what is going on, not some improved edification of biblical principle.The entire Bible tells you that you are wrong, the roles of men and women are abundantly clear from Genesis to Jude :rolleyes:

God's Truth

New member
Intojoy is worried about what women wear to a church that preaches falseness.

Maybe the women should put earplugs in too.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
The husband is the God given image and glory of God.

The wife is the God given glory of the husband, but not the image and glory.

The wife's hair is the God given glory of the wife.

Back to the originals - Adam and Eve.
Eve was taken from within Adam, bone of his bone, flesh of his flesh.
The two were one flesh, a single unity that consisted of two persons.
With one of those persons being made the weaker of the two, or to put another way - " a little lower than" the other. (That should ring a bell.)
Paul reinterates that when he says that although it was the woman that was made for the man to not be alone ...... the man was also for the woman to not be alone.
They were to be a unit.

1 Corinthians 11:11-12 KJV
(11) Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.
(12) For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God.​

Likewise in:

1 Corinthians 7:4 KJV​
(4) The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.​

Ephesians 5:28-31 KJV
(28) So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
(29) For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
(30) For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
(31) For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.



Watch this ....

And he [Jesus]said unto me [Paul], My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.

Is that connected to marriage Tam?
It might be that if I love my wife somehow
No idk but I think it merely meant that I should physically protect her to the point of dying for her because she is physically weaker than me.

Spiritually she is equal.

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