
Ok here we go,

Man is made in the image of God's glory.

the glory of the man is woman.

The glory of the woman is her hair.

Do the math

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Man is to have his head uncovered during the church services because as God's vessels they are to function with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. If they cover their heads they are shaming what God has instructed them to do. Because God created man in His image therefore having the head uncovered represents the position men are to assume in the meetings of the church, leadership.

The glory of the man should not be made visible because God is to be glorified in our worship. Because the glory of the wife is her hair she humbles her God given glory with the cloth covering her head so as not to let man's glory be visible during the worship service.

The application of the hair is for married women and not all women. Because only wives are to be in subjection to their husbands and single women are not in subjection to a husband.

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New member
1. Head covering
2. Modest apparel
3. Silence

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((( YES / YES / YES )))!!!!!!!

That Is Not the Women J-u-s-t "SITTING IN" The Church; ( "I-F" A Woman Is A Member of a Church ), SHE IS IN "H-E-R" CHURCH!!!! But there is No Women Members of THE TRUE Lord's CHURCH, But Just The Phony Churches / Groups!!

Women are to REMAIN Silent in The True ""LORD'S CHURCH""!!
The Church IS NOT The Carnal HOUSE But the Family of Christians, That House!!!
That's What G-O-D -- C-H-R-I-S-T Says!!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060516

God's Truth

New member
Man is to have his head uncovered during the church services because as God's vessels they are to function with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. If they cover their heads they are shaming what God has instructed them to do. Because God created man in His image therefore having the head uncovered represents the position men are to assume in the meetings of the church, leadership.

The glory of the man should not be made visible because God is to be glorified in our worship. Because the glory of the wife is her hair she humbles her God given glory with the cloth covering her head so as not to let man's glory be visible during the worship service.

The application of the hair is for married women and not all women. Because only wives are to be in subjection to their husbands and single women are not in subjection to a husband.

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Sounds like you are very confused.


Pastors claim that the head covering was a "cultural thing" yet Paul gives theological reasons for it and not cultural ones.

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When my wife goes to church with me and has her head uncovered she is reflecting my glory and giving glory to me. Because the woman is the glory of the man when she shows her glory which is her hair she brings attraction to herself, her glory which is man's glory.

This will cost us during the Messianic Kingdom. We will suffer the loss of rewards for disobedience and those in leadership will lose more for leading innocent ignore brothers astray concerning this matter.

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As it happens, if a person is in a church where the women are not dressed modestly or are preaching, it is not a good church. It's just one of those indicators that scream out- when churches fail at such instruction, everything else flops with it.

God does not sanctify a house where His commands are not met, it's just that simple, and that is why those churches fail.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
head covering
public prayer
public prophesying
teaching Apollos the way more accurately
having church in our homes like chloe and Syntecha
Be a fellow worker of the apostles in the gospel like Phebe
making up for the weaknesses of the brethren