Robb Elementary School shooting


like marbles on glass
That's because you're reading the article the moron in your tweet linked to, while I provided a fuller picture that exposes his lie.


And in the abstract linked from that article:

We detected 2 epidemics, one beginning in 2009 among 5- to 14-year-olds, and a second in 2014 among 15- to 18-year-olds. Each of these epidemics has continued through 2017, the most recent year for which US mortality data are currently available. It is sobering to reflect that in 2017 there were 144 US police officers who died in the line of duty, 9. fewer than 1000 deaths among active duty military, 10. and 2462 school-age children killed with firearms.


like marbles on glass

How the AR-15 conquered America, as revealed by an industry insider

As the country continues to absorb the horror of the murder of 19 children in Texas, public attention has refocused on the role that AR-15-style weapons have played in such mass-shooting massacres.​
In addition to the Uvalde killer, the young man who allegedly slaughtered 10 people in Buffalo used one. So did Kyle Rittenhouse, who killed two protesters in Wisconsin, for which he got acquitted.​
But behind all these specific horrors lies an even bigger story. How did AR-15 variants come to occupy such a position of dominance in our culture — and, increasingly, in our everyday lives — in the first place?​
The rise of AR-15-style weaponry, which is a semiautomatic civilian version of a military weapon, reflects a growing zeal, at least amid a determined minority in some parts of the country, for the introduction of overtly military-style equipment into civil society.​
In that regard, Daniel Defense, the company that manufactured the weapon used in Uvalde, has really pushed the envelope. But this reflects a larger trend of “radicalization” in the industry, argues Ryan Busse, a former firearms executive.​
Busse has carved out a niche arguing from inside knowledge that none of this was an accident. He says it was the result of specific choices made by the industry, combined with cultural shifts that created fertile conditions for this transformation. . . .​
Busse: The story of Daniel Defense bursting on to the market is a case study in how the gun industry has radicalized and changed. All of the AR-15s built are pretty much the same gun. About 500 companies now build them. Twenty years ago there were one or two, and they were on the fringe of the commercial market.​
About 1999, in the Columbine shooting, the NRA set its political course: We’re in the culture war business.​
Then you have wars happening, AR-15s, patriotism, Islamophobia — all of that happening in the culture at the same time.​
The gun industry became like a badly gerrymandered congressional district. It only had incentive to go one way. Everything pulls it to the right. . . .​
Sargent: Let’s talk about the assault weapons ban of 1994, which lapsed in 2004. What fundamentally changed after the ban lapsed?
Busse: The social stigma of AR-15s was removed. Then, 13 months after, George W. Bush signed the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. It essentially says no firearms company or retailer can be sued for the unlawful actions of a consumer using the product, even if they market it irresponsibly.​
Now the Daniel Defenses of the world stand back and basically say: “We’ve got 500 competitors, so we need to be really edgy in marketing. They just passed this law where we’re not even held to account if we market in ways that seem egregious.” Then the course was set.​
Sargent: Gun manufacturers could market this stuff directly to a whole generation of people who were living in a society transformed by the Iraq and Afghan wars.
Busse: Then, as it got ever more competitive, they’d get the guns into video games. Get the guns into movies. Call the guns ever-more-offensive names. There’s an AR-15 called the “Urban Super Sniper.” How much more suggestive can you get than that?​
Sargent: What does an actual policy response commensurate with the problem look like? Are we doomed to being a heavily armed society for the foreseeable future?
Busse: Rittenhouse, Buffalo, Uvalde — these things are warnings of what’s to come. You can’t put 450 million guns in a complex society — with lots of mental illness and covid-19 shutdowns and angst and Donald Trump and insurrections — and not think you’re going to have this.​
I don’t believe there’s a way to solve the crisis. We have to start making decisions that make it marginally better instead of marginally worse.​
That kid in Uvalde — if we’d had a 21-year-old buying requirement for rifles in Texas, might the kid have gotten a rifle? He could have. But it would have been harder.​
Why don’t we have policies that make that more difficult, instead of continuing to make it easier?​

Complete interview at the link.


Well-known member
Maybe address the statement, marke:

"More children die by gunfire in a year than on-duty police officers and active military members."
So? Banning cars will lower the number of children killed in auto accidents each year also but it makes no sense to try something so stupid for idiotic reasons. Americans know there are risks in life and living. You cannot lower risks by outlawing living or by putting everyone in a bubble where there are no liberties, no freedoms, and no dangers.


Well-known member

How the AR-15 conquered America, as revealed by an industry insider

As the country continues to absorb the horror of the murder of 19 children in Texas, public attention has refocused on the role that AR-15-style weapons have played in such mass-shooting massacres.​

What modern lefties in America have failed to absorb is the fact that Stalin murdered 30 million unarmed Russians to solidify and protect his position and power. With democrats currently committing all sorts of abominable atrocities for the purpose of solidifying and protecting their illegitimate and immoral power, we dare not allow them to take away our guns also.


Well-known member
"More children die by gunfire in a year than on-duty police officers and active military members."

Thanks for summing things up.
You are welcome. Try banning drugs instead of guns. Illegal drugs are killing many more children than school shootings. Maybe talk Biden into closing the border to stop the unrestricted flow of deadly drugs into this country through Mexico.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
We detected 2 epidemics, one beginning in 2009 among 5- to 14-year-olds, and a second in 2014 among 15- to 18-year-olds. Each of these epidemics has continued through 2017, the most recent year for which US mortality data are currently available. It is sobering to reflect that in 2017 there were 144 US police officers who died in the line of duty, 9. fewer than 1000 deaths among active duty military, 10. and 2462 school-age children killed with firearms.

Sorry, I clicked the wrong link


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The AR15 is a terrific gun. The reason you need an AR15 however, is because you can't get hold of a new M16 with a grenade launcher, which is standard issue military, which is what the Second Amendment most directly means when it says that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. It means standard issue military, most directly (and at minimum).

An AR is good for most things, although if you're where bears and moose live you might consider upgrading to the AR10 instead, which fires the .30-caliber 7.62 NATO round instead of the .22-caliber 5.56 NATO that the AR15 is chambered in.

I was listening to NPR interview last week one of the men who worked on recommendations for Connecticut in the wake of the Sandy Hook school massacre. The remarkable thing was that in the almost ten years since Sandy Hook, this interviewee had slowly come to conclude there simply needs to be armed guards in all our schools. He hated to admit it but he truthfully admitted that there needs to be a "good guy with a gun" in every school.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
There were good guys with guns at Robb Elementary. And yet 19 children died.
I know. It was a bad day for police. Three things we know, they're obvious: Robb Elementary was a stressful situation; you never can tell beforehand who is going to be able to perform in a stressful situation; and because of this, we needed to have more than 20 good guys with a gun there that day, because of the previous two obvious points being obvious. Someone had to break out of their trance and get in the building, and none of the 20 good guys with a gun did so. The answer is not to have fewer good guys with a gun, it's to have more.
I'm not saying take away all the guns, but no, you don't need a grenade launcher.
Tomato tomahto. Guns are tools, like laws. You're morally obligated to use all tools morally.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I'm not saying take away all the guns, but no, you don't need a grenade launcher.

:) Anna...I'm going to try to lay some reality on you here.

A lot of ignorant people would try to make the claim that you can't own one (Grenade Launcher) now...But you can! :oops: Pretty easy to get too!

And you're right! I have NO need of one....Yanno why? :rolleyes:

Cuz it's just a flare gun....Oh sure you could get one of those goofy beehive things that lets you shoot a couple of dozen .22 LR at the same time but that's really less effective then a 12Ga with #4 Buck. Nothing really impressive there....

Until you get grenades that is....Go try to find some grenades at your local gun shop. Without the ordinance it's just a XXMM Tube-Launcher. :)

You're not going to buy them (grenades) legally (I haven't checked...There may be some license/stamp available if you have the connections/cash).

If you have the Black Market connections you probably can. :unsure: Do you think it's a problem to get the launcher if you have a source for the ordinance?

In short Anna, a random nut case with a 6th grade reading level and a Home Depot charge-card could do more damage than if you shipped him an entire crate of those grenade-launchers you are so worried about.

Anna gonna tell me what I need when she don't even know why. :cautious:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
There were good guys with guns at Robb Elementary. And yet 19 children died.

I'm not saying take away all the guns, but no, you don't need a grenade launcher.
The time may well come when the security of a free state requires me to have a grenade launcher and to know how to use it.


Well-known member
There were good guys with guns at Robb Elementary. And yet 19 children died.

I'm not saying take away all the guns, but no, you don't need a grenade launcher.
Fine. Take away grenade launchers, guns, knives, clubs, ball bats, axes, chain saws and whatever from crooks, thugs, and savage barbarian rebels against God, but leave good people alone.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Emotionalism is their only argument.
"A study comparing gun deaths in the U.S. to other high-income countries in Europe and Asia tells us that our homicide rate in teens and young adults is 49 times higher. Our firearm suicide rate is eight times higher. The U.S. has more guns than any of the countries in the comparison."



Well-known member
"A study comparing gun deaths in the U.S. to other high-income countries in Europe and Asia tells us that our homicide rate in teens and young adults is 49 times higher. Our firearm suicide rate is eight times higher. The U.S. has more guns than any of the countries in the comparison."

How do numbers of gang members, Muslims, black supremacists, radical white Hitlerites, communists, Marxists, Darwinists, racists, and other godless reprobates figure into the debate?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
"A study comparing gun deaths in the U.S. to other high-income countries in Europe and Asia tells us that our homicide rate in teens and young adults is 49 times higher.
"A study" wow. I mean, you'd almost need a high school education to do that study. Of course it's higher than the cherry picked data you specifically cherry picked for this "study".

Suicides with guns are a fact of life and is legitimately a mental health and ethical matter, not a matter of law.

Homicides. Did your study in all its overt cherry picking tell you that Blacks have an outsized contribution to the cherry picked data? Or did your study fail to mention this, and that if Blacks contributed to this data proportionally (being 13% of the population Blacks 'should' contribute 13% of the homicides) how much improved our data looks absolutely but also in comparison to the "study's" cherry picked data set?
Our firearm suicide rate is eight times higher. The U.S. has more guns than any of the countries in the comparison."
Doesn't have nearly enough, and a lot of them are the wrong kind, and it's because of gun controls that have been in place since the Democrats of 1934 enacted the NFA, which should be repealed.
"The science is clear gun control saves lives" lol. Here's where the science is clear. If you have XY DNA, then no matter how hard you play at being XX DNA, or get surgery to resemble natural XX DNA body, or take hormone drugs, you're XY DNA, even after all that; the end; frownie face. Same for XX DNA person surgically transitioning, you can't transition to XY DNA, all you can do is make an irreversible human Halloween costume of an XY DNA person.

Your XX DNA and XY DNA doesn't know what gender disphoria is.

Here's also where the science is clear. The DNA of the embryo, even at conception, is different from the mother's. (Or "pregnant person's")

So "the science" is clear. Your DNA is your DNA, and it's what makes you you. But gun control? Please!!!!

User Name

Greatest poster ever
"The science is clear gun control saves lives" lol.
Looks like you're out of step with your dearly beloved Church:

For many years, the USCCB has supported a number of reasonable measures to address the problem of gun violence. These include:
  • A total ban on assault weapons, which the USCCB supported when the ban passed in 1994 and when Congress failed to renew it in 2004.
  • Measures that control the sale and use of firearms, such as universal background checks for all gun purchases;
  • Limitations on civilian access to high-capacity weapons and ammunition magazines;
  • A federal law to criminalize gun trafficking;
  • Improved access to and increased resources for mental health care and earlier interventions;
  • Regulations and limitations on the purchasing of handguns;
  • Measures that make guns safer, such as locks that prevent children and anyone other than the owner from using the gun without permission and supervision.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Looks like you're out of step with your dearly beloved Church:

For many years, the USCCB has supported a number of reasonable measures to address the problem of gun violence. These include:
  • A total ban on assault weapons, which the USCCB supported when the ban passed in 1994 and when Congress failed to renew it in 2004.
  • Measures that control the sale and use of firearms, such as universal background checks for all gun purchases;
  • Limitations on civilian access to high-capacity weapons and ammunition magazines;
  • A federal law to criminalize gun trafficking;
  • Improved access to and increased resources for mental health care and earlier interventions;
  • Regulations and limitations on the purchasing of handguns;
  • Measures that make guns safer, such as locks that prevent children and anyone other than the owner from using the gun without permission and supervision.
Go right ahead and show me in the Catechism or Canon Law where I must fall in line with the bishops on their gun control ideology?