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The word 'racist' was coined by a communist activist in the 1920s.

Liberals call everything that doesn't conform to them as racist.

If the shoe fits, you must wear it


The word 'racist' was coined by a communist activist in the 1920s.

Liberals call everything that doesn't conform to them as racist.

If the shoe fits, you must wear it

Not according to this article: (surprise, surprise, Crucible caught in yet another lie).

Quick question for you: Will you be wearing the traditional white hood or wrapping yourself in rainbow colors to celebrate the inauguration of your President this Friday?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... I'm just opposed to Christians and Christianity getting power in America .



you're opposed to allowing 78.4% of the population to share in running this country and deciding the direction it should go?

isn't that anti-democratic?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There are only a tiny handful of left-wing extremist clowns in America who call themselves communists . But they have zero power and influent nor is there any chance of them ever getting power or getting to the point where they would be able to overthrow the US government .
There is a Communist Party of the United States, put it is a tiny and puny little organization .
And remember - liberals are not communists and communists are not liberals . I am a liberal, therefore I am not a communist, nor have I ever been one .
We liberals are opposed to tyranny , whether it is tyranny of the Soviet and Maoist kind, or tyranny of the fascist , theocratic kind .
The real threat to America is tyranny of the fascist, theocratic kind. There are zero communists in the Democratic party, but an appallingly large number of the theocratic fascist right-wing extremist kind in the GOP .
Donald Chump is not religious or a Christian, even though he claims to be one disingenuously for his own nefarious purposes, but he has been using the theocratic fascists in Washington as useful idiots . Well, Trump is religious, but only in the sense of worshipping himself a a god .
Don't get me wrong ; I'm not saying that all or even most Christians in America are this extreme . Not at all. But the lunatic fringe among American Christians has been getting far too much power in recent years .
As a liberal, I'm not anti-christian ; I'm just opposed to Christians and Christianity getting power in America .

Did you participate in any riots after hearing about the election results?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
he dint have the energy

it was all he could manage to hug a puppy and sob inconsolably

The Horn

OK Doser, what I meant is that I don't want Christians getting all or most of the power in America, the way fanatical Muslims have all the power in Iran and Saudi Arabia . I didn't say Christians can't or shouldn't be involved in running the country .
But if you can't keep your religion out of your politics, you shouldn't be a politician or try to become one .


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
OK Doser, what I meant is that I don't want Christians getting all or most of the power in America, the way fanatical Muslims have all the power in Iran and Saudi Arabia . I didn't say Christians can't or shouldn't be involved in running the country .
But if you can't keep your religion out of your politics, you shouldn't be a politician or try to become one .

That's ridiculous. Just replace "religion" with "values" if it makes you uncomfortable. Now look: "But if you can't keep your values out of your politics, you shouldn't be a politician or try to become one." See, that makes no sense, if you don't bring your values to your politics then what do you bring? There's nothing left to bring.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
OK Doser, what I meant is that I don't want Christians getting all or most of the power in America...

seeing as there's 78.4% of us, why shouldn't we have most of the power?

why, for example, shouldn't we have 78.4% of the power?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That's ridiculous. Just replace "religion" with "values" if it makes you uncomfortable. Now look: "But if you can't keep your values out of your politics, you shouldn't be a politician or try to become one." See, that makes no sense, if you don't bring your values to your politics then what do you bring? There's nothing left to bring.

but he doesn't like our Christian values
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