No, it was a bare bones posit rooted in observation. To get into it a bit more: A) You claim racism is inherent. I'd actually say that racism is a distortion of the inherent mistrust of the other, the different by degree, but accepting your premise B) the mainstay of social order would be inherently invested in maintaining that, the status quo and C) it would necessarily follow that those who bucked that status quo wouldn't be a part of the group defending it.
Conservatives defend the status quo, the traditional value, the social norm. It follows that liberals are the moving force behind opposing and defeating racism.
How would you know? Not only haven't you engaged in debate, you won't even expose your source material when you declare/object. I've commented on the problems and reasonable inference on that point prior.
And it's not a facade. You know how you can tell? I'm ready to engage on the point and oppose you reasonably, rationally, to point out the contradiction in your thinking as I did by illustration in that bit.
I've changed a number of ideas over the years, but you'd have to engage to get at that instead of make sweeping pronouncements and assumptions. On the plus side, it's a great way for you to avoid that engagement you seem uncomfortable with...and as to the off handed shot at my faith, classy.
Now we all know what you're good at. How are you at making and defending points?
Imagine how that would look as an argument...I suppose we'll all have to.
